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Created November 1, 2016 16:54
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Time-driven colorful trails
<canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
var canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
var cw = canvas.width = window.innerWidth,
cx = cw / 2;
var ch = canvas.height = window.innerHeight,
cy = ch / 2;
var rad = Math.PI / 180;
ctx.strokeStyle = "#fff";
var frames = 0;
var requestId = null;
var particles = [];
var maxLength = 80;//trail length
var colors = ["213,117,240", "126,201,231", "143,214,166", "255,224,102", "255,105,102"]; // stars colors
function Particle() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
this.r = 5;
this.history = [];
this.draw = function(func) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.history.length; i++) {
var o = this.history[i];
o.x += o.d.x;
o.y += o.d.y;
o.alp -= 1.01 / maxLength;
o.r += .3;
func(o);// stars or hearts or dots
this.update = function(t) {
// t = time
this.x = cx + Math.cos(t / 43 + Math.cos(t / 47 + frames * rad)) * (cx - 10 * this.r);
this.y = cy + Math.sin(t / 31 + Math.cos(t / 37 + frames * rad)) * (cy - 10 * this.r);
var moment = {
x: this.x,
y: this.y,
r: this.r,
a: Math.random() * 360,
alp: 1,
rgb: colors[~~(Math.random() * (colors.length))],
d: {
x: randomIntFromInterval(-1, 1),
y: randomIntFromInterval(-1, 1)
if (this.history.length > maxLength) {
this.history.splice(0, 1);
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {// 1 star, 1 heart, 1 dot
var p = new Particle();
function Draw() {
requestId = window.requestAnimationFrame(Draw);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cw, ch);
t = new Date().getTime() / 127;
particles[1].update(t + 375);
particles[2].update(t + 743);
var Init = function() {
if (requestId) {
requestId = null;
cw = canvas.width = window.innerWidth,
cx = cw / 2;
ch = canvas.height = window.innerHeight,
cy = ch / 2;
window.setTimeout(function() {
window.addEventListener('resize', Init, false);
}, 15);
function stars(o) {
ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(" + o.rgb + ", " + o.alp + ")";
var step = 2;
var L = 5;
var angle = (2 * Math.PI) / (L / step);
for (var i = 0; i < L; i++) {
var x = o.x + o.r * Math.cos(angle * i);
var y = o.y + o.r * Math.sin(angle * i);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
function hearts(o) {
var x = o.x,
y = o.y,
r = o.r,
a = o.a || -90,
l = o.l;
//ctx.fillStyle = "hsla(0,90%,50%,"+o.alp+")";
ctx.fillStyle = oGrd(o, 0, 70, 50, 30)
var x1 = x + r * Math.cos(a * rad);
var y1 = y + r * Math.sin(a * rad);
var cx1 = x + r * Math.cos((a + 22.5) * rad);
var cy1 = y + r * Math.sin((a + 22.5) * rad);
var cx2 = x + r * Math.cos((a - 22.5) * rad);
var cy2 = y + r * Math.sin((a - 22.5) * rad);
var chord = 2 * r * Math.sin(22.5 * rad / 2);
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.arc(cx1, cy1, chord, (270 + a) * rad, (270 + a + 225) * rad);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
ctx.moveTo(x1, y1);
ctx.arc(cx2, cy2, chord, (90 + a) * rad, (90 + a + 135) * rad, true);
ctx.lineTo(x, y);
function blueDots(o) {
ctx.fillStyle = oGrd(o, 180, 60, 40, 30)
ctx.arc(o.x, o.y, o.r, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
function oGrd(o, h, n1, n2, n3) {
grd = ctx.createRadialGradient(o.x - .2 * o.r, o.y - .6 * o.r, 0, o.x - .2 * o.r, o.y - .6 * o.r, o.r);
grd.addColorStop(0, 'hsla(' + h + ',100%,' + n1 + '%,' + o.alp + ')');
grd.addColorStop(0.4, 'hsla(' + h + ',100%,' + n2 + '%,' + o.alp + ')');
grd.addColorStop(1, 'hsla(' + h + ',100%,' + n3 + '%,' + o.alp + ')');
return grd;
function randomIntFromInterval(mn, mx) {
return (Math.random() * (mx - mn + 1) + mn);
<script src=""></script>
body {
background-image: radial-gradient(farthest-side ellipse at right bottom , #114255, black);
overflow: hidden;
canvas {
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