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Last active September 16, 2023 01:47
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Bunyan log size limiting stream
import bunyan from "bunyan";
import fs from "fs";
import { LogStream, trimStringToJsonLength } from "LogStream";
describe("LogStream", () => {
const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream("/dev/null");
const logger = bunyan.createLogger({
name: "test",
stream: new LogStream({ stream: outputStream, maxLength: 1000 }),
let spiedWrite: jest.SpiedFunction<typeof outputStream.write>;
beforeEach(() => {
spiedWrite = jest
.spyOn(outputStream, "write")
.mockImplementation((_buffer, encodingOrCb, cb) => {
(cb ?? (encodingOrCb as unknown as Function))?.();
return true;
afterEach(() => {
function getStdoutText() {
return spiedWrite.mock.calls
.map(([buf]) =>
buf instanceof Buffer || buf instanceof Uint8Array
? buf.toString("utf8")
: buf,
it("should truncate very long messages", () => {"a".repeat(1_000));
const text = getStdoutText();
expect(text.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1000); // varies based on date, PID etc.
const json: { msg: string } = JSON.parse(text);
it("should truncate very long field with newlines", () => {
{ reasonableField: "hello", largeField: "hello\n".repeat(1_000) },
"reasonable message",
const text = getStdoutText();
expect(text.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1000); // varies based on date, PID etc.
const json: { msg: string; reasonableField: string; largeField: string } =
expect(json.msg).toEqual("reasonable message");
expect(json.largeField).toMatch(/^hello\nhello\n.+ <truncated>$/m);
it("should truncate very large structured log", () => {
const largeArray = new Array(1024 * 1024).fill("a");{ a: "hello", b: largeArray, c: "world" }, "test");
const text = getStdoutText();
expect(text.length).toBeLessThanOrEqual(1000); // varies based on date, PID etc.
name: "test",
hostname: expect.any(String),
pid: expect.any(Number),
level: 30,
a: "hello",
b: "<too large>",
c: "world",
msg: "test",
time: expect.any(String),
v: 0,
describe("trimStringToJsonLength", () => {
it("should trim string to length", () => {
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello", 0)).toEqual("");
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello", 1)).toEqual("");
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello", 2)).toEqual("");
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello", 3)).toEqual("h"); // JSON.parse('"h"').length === 3
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello\nworld\n", 6)).toEqual("hell"); // JSON.parse('"hel"').length === 5
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello\nworld\n", 7)).toEqual("hello");
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello\nworld\n", 8)).toEqual("hello"); // same since we can't fit the newline in 1 extra byte
expect(trimStringToJsonLength("hello\nworld\n", 9)).toEqual("hello\n");
import os from "os";
import stream from "stream";
export const bunyanCoreFields = new Set([
const truncatedStringSuffix = " <truncated>";
* A stream that avoids emitting log records that are too large to be practical,
* and may cause syslog to split the message into multiple records.
* The solution is to redact large fields until the message fits.
* @example
* const logger = bunyan.createLogger({
* name: "test",
* stream: new LogStream({ stream: process.stdout, maxLength: 5000 }),
* });
export class LogStream extends stream.Writable {
readonly stream: stream.Writable;
readonly maxLength: number;
constructor(args: { stream: stream.Writable; maxLength: number }) {
decodeStrings: false,
}); =;
this.maxLength = args.maxLength;
chunk: string,
_encoding: BufferEncoding,
cb: (error?: Error | null) => void,
): boolean {
if (chunk.length > this.maxLength) {
const data: { msg?: string; [k: string]: any } = JSON.parse(chunk);
// Try to truncate the largest fields first.
const fieldsLargestToSmallest = Object.entries(data)
.filter(([key]) => !bunyanCoreFields.has(key))
.map(([key, value]) => [JSON.stringify(value).length, key, value]);
fieldsLargestToSmallest.sort(([l1], [l2]) => l2 - l1); // descending
for (const [flen, fkey, fval] of fieldsLargestToSmallest) {
switch (typeof fval) {
case "string":
const otherFieldsLength = chunk.length - flen;
const available =
this.maxLength - otherFieldsLength - truncatedStringSuffix.length;
data[fkey] =
trimStringToJsonLength(fval, available) + truncatedStringSuffix;
case "object":
data[fkey] = "<too large>";
continue; // no use triming numbers, booleans
chunk = JSON.stringify(data) + os.EOL;
if (chunk.length <= this.maxLength) break; // if it helped, stop.
return, cb);
* Trims a string so that its length *represented in JSON* is at most `l`.
export function trimStringToJsonLength(s: string, l: number): string {
const escaped = JSON.stringify(s).slice(1, -1);
let trimmed = escaped.slice(0, Math.max(l - 2, 0));
if (trimmed.endsWith("\\")) trimmed = trimmed.slice(0, -1);
return JSON.parse(`"${trimmed}"`);
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