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Last active February 16, 2024 08:22
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  • Save ikouchiha47/5d1153f6d05cd9ef87005cc1e9ff1824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ikouchiha47/5d1153f6d05cd9ef87005cc1e9ff1824 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
" A (not so) minimal vimrc.
" You want Vim, not vi. When Vim finds a vimrc, 'nocompatible' is set anyway.
" We set it explicitely to make our position clear!
set nocompatible
filetype plugin indent on " Load plugins according to detected filetype.
syntax on " Enable syntax highlighting.
set autoindent " Indent according to previous line.
set expandtab " Use spaces instead of tabs.
set softtabstop =4 " Tab key indents by 4 spaces.
set shiftwidth =4 " >> indents by 4 spaces.
set shiftround " >> indents to next multiple of 'shiftwidth'.
set backspace =indent,eol,start " Make backspace work as you would expect.
set hidden " Switch between buffers without having to save first.
set laststatus =2 " Always show statusline.
set display =lastline " Show as much as possible of the last line.
set showmode " Show current mode in command-line.
set showcmd " Show already typed keys when more are expected.
set incsearch " Highlight while searching with / or ?.
set hlsearch " Keep matches highlighted.
set ttyfast " Faster redrawing.
set lazyredraw " Only redraw when necessary.
set splitbelow " Open new windows below the current window.
set splitright " Open new windows right of the current window.
set cursorline " Find the current line quickly.
set wrapscan " Searches wrap around end-of-file.
set report =0 " Always report changed lines.
set synmaxcol =200 " Only highlight the first 200 columns.
set list " Show non-printable characters.
if has('multi_byte') && &encoding ==# 'utf-8'
let &listchars = 'tab:▸ ,extends:❯,precedes:❮,nbsp:±'
let &listchars = 'tab:> ,extends:>,precedes:<,nbsp:.'
" The fish shell is not very compatible to other shells and unexpectedly
" breaks things that use 'shell'.
if &shell =~# 'fish$'
set shell=/bin/bash
if !isdirectory("$HOME/.vim/files/undo/")
call mkdir("$HOME/.vim/files/undo/", "p")
if !isdirectory("$HOME/.vim/files/info/")
call mkdir("$HOME/.vim/files/info", "p")
set updatecount =100
set undofile
set undodir =$HOME/.vim/files/undo/
set viminfo ='100,n$HOME/.vim/files/info/viminfo
let g:NetrwIsOpen=0
function! ToggleNetrw()
if g:NetrwIsOpen
let i = bufnr("$")
while (i >= 1)
if (getbufvar(i, "&filetype") == "netrw")
silent exe "bwipeout " . i
let i-=1
let g:NetrwIsOpen=0
let g:NetrwIsOpen=1
silent Lexplore
noremap <silent> <Leader>nt :call ToggleNetrw()<CR>
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