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Forked from ItzMeDwii/stats.js
Last active June 8, 2018 03:08
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const Discord = require("discord.js")
const moment = require('moment');
const _fs = require("fs");
const packages = JSON.parse(_fs.readFileSync('./package.json', 'utf-8'));
const os = require('os');
let cpu = os.cpus(); = (client, message, args, tools) => {
const duration = moment.duration(client.uptime).format(" D [days], H [hrs], m [mins], s [secs]");
const servers = client.guilds.size
const client_channel = client.guilds.reduce((a, b) => a + b.channels.size, 0).toLocaleString()
const owner =
const idowner = packages.idauthor
const cpu = process.cpuUsage().system / 1024 / 1024;
const users = client.guilds.reduce((a, b) => a + b.memberCount, 0).toLocaleString()
const nodever = process.version
const memory_on_bot = (process.memoryUsage().rss / 1024 / 1024).toFixed(2)
const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed({
title: "Mori Summer Stats",
url: "",
// warnanya ini, ente cari dalam bentuk hexa dulu
// terus ente convert jadi desimal
color: 15554891,
footer: {
icon_url: "",
text: "Powered by SeriousMunn"
author: {
name: "Mori Summer | A Discord Bot",
icon_url: "",
url: ""
fields: [
{ name: "Bot Uptime", value: `• ${duration}`, inline: true },
{ name: "Memory Usage", value: `• ${memory_on_bot} MB`, inline: true },
{ name: "Advanced Stats", value: `• ${servers} Servers \n• ${users} Users \n• ${client_channel} Channels`, inline: true },
{ name: "Bot Informations", value: `\n• Node.js: ${packages.engines.node} \n• Bot Developer: ${owner} \n• Bot Version: ${packages.version}`, inline: true },
{ name: "CPU Usage", value: `• ${Math.round(cpu * 100) / 100}%`, inline: true }
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