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Created August 26, 2015 16:32
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require! {
\twitter : Twitter
class TwitterProxy
(keys, targetScreenName) ->
@account = new Twitter keys
@rules = []
(stream) <~ \user, _
stream.on \data, (data) ~>
if data.text and data.user.screen_name is targetScreenName
text = @rules.reduce ((p, c) -> c(p)), data.text \statuses/update, status: text, ->
module.exports = TwitterProxy
require! {
\twitter : Twitter
\./twitter-proxy : TwitterProxy
consumer_key : \iamuniverse
consumer_secret : \mypenisisverystrong
access_token_key : \sexsexsex
access_token_secret: \aaaaaaaa
tp = new TwitterProxy(IKR7GYAZO_KEYS, \lk_uta);
tp.rules.push (text) -> text.replace '痴漢', '$chikan$'
tp.rules.push (text) -> text.replace '置換', '痴漢'
tp.rules.push (text) -> text.replace '$chikan$', '置換'
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