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Last active July 27, 2017 03:19
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Clojureでリッチなテキストを書く ref:
(load-file "path/to/file.clj")
(:import [java.awt BorderLayout Color Dimension FlowLayout GraphicsEnvironment]
[javax.swing DefaultComboBoxModel JComboBox JFrame JMenu JMenuBar JMenuItem JScrollPane JTextPane JToggleButton JToolBar]
[javax.swing.text BadLocationException DefaultStyledDocument SimpleAttributeSet StyleConstants StyleContext]
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(definterface IStateHolder
(getStateMap [])
(swapStateMap [update-fn]))
;; anctionPerformed handlers
(defmulti handle-action (fn [_ cmd] (.getActionCommand cmd)))
(defn set-attribute-set [document text-pane attr]
(let [start (.getSelectionStart text-pane)
end (.getSelectionEnd text-pane)]
(.setCharacterAttributes document start (- end start) attr false)))
(defmethod handle-action "combo-fonts"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [combo-fonts text-pane document] :as state}
(.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
font-name (-> combo-fonts .getSelectedItem .toString)]
(StyleConstants/setFontFamily attr font-name)
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defmethod handle-action "combo-sizes"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [combo-sizes text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
font-size (-> combo-sizes .getSelectedItem Integer/parseInt)]
(StyleConstants/setFontSize attr font-size)
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(def colors ["000000" "0000FF" "00FF00" "00FFFF" "FF0000" "FF00FF" "FFFF00" "FFFFFF"])
(defmethod handle-action "combo-color"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [combo-color text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)
color (get colors (.getSelectedIndex combo-color))
b (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 4 6) 16)
g (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 2 4) 16)
r (Integer/parseInt (.substring color 0 2) 16)]
(StyleConstants/setForeground attr (Color. r g b))
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defmethod handle-action "toggle-bold"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [toggle-bold text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
(StyleConstants/setBold attr (.isSelected toggle-bold))
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defmethod handle-action "toggle-italics"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [toggle-italics text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
(StyleConstants/setItalic attr (.isSelected toggle-italics))
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defmethod handle-action "toggle-underline"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [toggle-underline text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
(StyleConstants/setUnderline attr (.isSelected toggle-underline))
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defmethod handle-action "toggle-strike"
[this e]
(let [{:keys [toggle-strike text-pane document]} (.getStateMap this)
attr (SimpleAttributeSet.)]
(StyleConstants/setStrikeThrough attr (.isSelected toggle-strike))
(set-attribute-set document text-pane attr)
(.requestFocusInWindow text-pane)))
(defn init-document [doc sc]
(let [sb (str "Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n"
"Merry Christmas, world!\n")]
(try (.insertString doc 0 sb (.getStyle sc StyleContext/DEFAULT_STYLE))
(catch BadLocationException ble
(prn "初期文書の読み込みに失敗しました。")))))
(defn init-toolbar [jframe tool-bar]
(let [ge (GraphicsEnvironment/getLocalGraphicsEnvironment)
family-name (.getAvailableFontFamilyNames ge)
combo-fonts (JComboBox. family-name)
combo-sizes (JComboBox. (into-array ["8" "9" "10" "11" "12" "14" "16" "18" "20" "22"
"24" "26" "28" "36" "48" "60" "72" "84" "96"]))
toggle-bold (JToggleButton. "<html><b>B</b></html>")
toggle-italics (JToggleButton. "<html><i>I</i></html>")
toggle-underline (JToggleButton. "<html><u>U</u></html>")
toggle-strike (JToggleButton. "<html><s>S</s></html>")
color-model (DefaultComboBoxModel.)
combo-color (JComboBox. color-model)]
(doto combo-fonts
(.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-fonts))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "combo-fonts"))
(doto combo-sizes
(.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-sizes))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "combo-sizes"))
(doto toggle-bold
(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "toggle-bold"))
(doto toggle-italics
(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "toggle-italics"))
(doto toggle-underline
(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "toggle-underline"))
(doto toggle-strike
(.setPreferredSize (Dimension. 26 26))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "toggle-strike"))
(doseq [color colors
:let [html (str "<html><font color=\"#" color "\">■</font></html>")]]
(.addElement color-model html))
(doto combo-color
(.setMaximumSize (.getPreferredSize combo-color))
(.addActionListener jframe)
(.setActionCommand "combo-color"))
(doto tool-bar
(.setLayout (FlowLayout. FlowLayout/LEFT))
(.add combo-fonts)
(.add combo-sizes)
(.add toggle-bold)
(.add toggle-italics)
(.add toggle-underline)
(.add toggle-strike)
(.add combo-color))
{:combo-fonts combo-fonts
:combo-sizes combo-sizes
:combo-color combo-color
:toggle-bold toggle-bold
:toggle-italics toggle-italics
:toggle-strike toggle-strike
:toggle-underline toggle-underline}))
(defn create-jframe-proxy []
(let [is-caret-update-atom (atom false)
state (atom {})]
(proxy [JFrame ActionListener IStateHolder] []
(actionPerformed [e]
(when-not @is-caret-update-atom
(handle-action this e)))
(getStateMap [] @state)
(swapStateMap [update-fn]
(swap! state update-fn)))))
(defn constructor []
(let [jframe (doto (create-jframe-proxy)
(.setTitle "TextPaneTest test")
(.setBounds 10 10 500 300))
text-pane (JTextPane.)
scroll-pane (JScrollPane. text-pane
sc (StyleContext.)
doc (DefaultStyledDocument. )
tool-bar (JToolBar.)
tool-bar-components (init-toolbar jframe tool-bar)]
(-> jframe
(.add scroll-pane BorderLayout/CENTER))
(doto text-pane
(.setDocument doc))
(init-document doc sc)
(-> jframe
(.add tool-bar BorderLayout/NORTH))
(.swapStateMap jframe #(merge % {:text-pane text-pane
:scroll-pane scroll-pane
:style-context sc
:document doc
:tool-bar tool-bar}
;;; Start the editor
(doto (constructor)
(.setVisible true)
(.setSize 800 400))
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