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Last active April 13, 2022 15:57
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OCP 4 Ingress Certificate Expired after 2 Years of Deployment
# After 2 years deployment, suddenly Authentication and Console Operator is degraded, and after we check the operator status, it shows that
# the certificate is expired. To solve this, just delete the secret, and Operator will create new certificate. Assume we still use
# Openshift default certificate
### Delete Ingress CA Secret
oc project openshift-ingress-operator
oc get secret router-ca -oyaml > router-ca.yaml
oc delete secret router-ca
oc delete pod --all
oc get secret router-ca
### Delete Router Cert Secret
oc project openshift-ingress
oc get secret router-certs-default -o yaml > router-certs-default.yaml
oc delete secret router-certs-default
oc delete pod --all
oc get secret router-certs-default
$ oc get po
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