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Last active December 14, 2023 10:04
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Red Hat Openshift Must Gather for Specific Products
###Data Collection for Red Hat Threescale
$ oc adm must-gather
###Data Collection Audit logs
$ oc adm must-gather -- /usr/bin/gather_audit_logs
#It's also possible to generate the default must-gather including the audit logs:
$ oc adm must-gather -- '/usr/bin/gather && /usr/bin/gather_audit_logs'
#Also see
###Data Collection for Openshift Container Native Virtualization (CNV)
$ oc adm must-gather --image-stream=openshift/must-gather[cluster_version]
#The [cluster_version] tag should be in format v4.y.z
###Data Collection for Red Hat OpenShift Logging
$ oc adm must-gather --image=$(oc -n openshift-logging get deployment.apps/cluster-logging-operator -o jsonpath='{.spec.template.spec.containers[?( == "cluster-logging-operator")].image}')
###Data Collection for OpenShift Networking (OpenShiftSDN and OVN Kubernetes)
#For all versions of Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform except for 4.12 and 4.13
$ oc adm must-gather -- /usr/bin/gather_network_logs
###Data collection for Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh.
$ oc adm must-gather --image-stream=openshift/must-gather[servicemesh_version]
###Data Collection for Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes
$ oc adm must-gather[ACM_version]
###Data collection for Local Storage Operator.
$ oc adm must-gather[Version]
###Data Collection for Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation(ODF)
#For ODF-4.9 through ODF-4.12
$ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=<directory-name>
#For ODF-4.13 and above (Change to RHEL9)
$ oc adm must-gather --dest-dir=<directory-name>
###Data Collection for OpenShift APIs for Data Protection.
oc adm must-gather[version]
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