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Python script to edit the X8DTL-iF Registry to control fan speed.
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import sys
import argparse
from smbus import SMBus
from contextlib import contextmanager
# All register ceom from
CHIP_ID = 0x79
W83795_REG_BANKSEL = 0x00
# Fan Control Mode Selection Registers (FCMS)
W83795_REG_FCMS1 = 0x201
W83795_REG_FCMS2 = 0x208
W83795_REG_TFMR = lambda index: 0x202 + index
W83795_REG_TSS = lambda index: 0x209 + index
W83795_REG_SFIV_TEMP = lambda index: range(0x280 + index * 0x10, 0x280 + index * 0x10 + 7)
W83795_REG_SFIV_DCPWM = lambda index: range(0x288 + index * 0x10, 0x288 + index * 0x10 + 7)
W83795_REG_CTFS = lambda index: 0x268 + index
#Fan Output PWM Frequency Prescalar (FOPFP)
W83795_REG_FOPFP = lambda index: 0x218 + index
#Fan Output Nonstop Value (FONV)
W83795_REG_FONV = lambda index: 0x228 + index
#Hystersis of Temperature (HT)
W83795_REG_HT = lambda index: 0x270 + index
#Target Temperature of Temperature Inputs
W83795_TTTI = lambda index: 0x260 + index
#Read temperature
W83795_REG_VRLSB = 0x3C
W83795_REG_TEMP_READ = [0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x1f, 0x20]
FANS = range(0,8)
TEMPS = range(0,6)
def bank(bus, value):
prev_value = w83795_set_bank(bus, value)
w83795_set_bank(bus, prev_value)
def w83795_set_bank(bus, bank):
assert bank in [0,1,2,3]
# Read current bank value
cur_bank = bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, W83795_REG_BANKSEL)
# If the bank is already set, nothing to do
if cur_bank == bank:
return cur_bank
# Change the bank
bus.write_byte_data(ADDRESS, W83795_REG_BANKSEL, bank)
# Return previous bank value
return cur_bank
def w83795_write(bus, reg, value):
Write into the given registry.
with bank(bus, reg >> 8):
return bus.write_byte_data(ADDRESS, reg & 0xff, value & 0xff)
def w83795_read(bus, reg):
Read the given registry.
if hasattr(reg, '__iter__'):
with bank(bus, reg[0] >> 8):
return map(lambda r: bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, r & 0xff), reg)
with bank(bus, reg >> 8):
return bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, reg & 0xff)
def to_degree(val, low=0, hi=127):
"""Convert hex value to degree."""
return val
def to_perc(value):
"""Convert hex value to percentage."""
return value * 100 / 255
def from_degree(value):
"""Convert degree to hex"""
value = max(min(int(value) + 1,127),0)
return value
def from_perc(value):
"""Convert perc to hex"""
value = max(min(int(value) + 1,100),0)
return (value * 255 / 100) & 0xff
def main():
# Read arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Change SuperMicro X8 Fan Control.')
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', type=str, choices=['smart', 'cruise'], help='Set the fan mode: smart or cruise. smart: to use Smart Fan mode. cruise: to use Thermal Cruise mode.')
parser.add_argument('-p', '--pwm', type=str, help='Set Fan Duty (in percentage).')
parser.add_argument('-t', '--temp', type=str, help='Set Temperature (in Celsius) associated to pwm.')
parser.add_argument('-H', '--hystersis', type=int, help='Set Hystersis value in degree (0-15)')
args = parser.parse_args()
# Open SMBus
bus = SMBus(0)
print("Failed to open i2c bus (/dev/i2d-0). Make sure i2c-dev module is loaded.")
#Check if we have the right device.
vendor = w83795_read(bus, 0xfd)
chipid = w83795_read(bus, 0xfe)
#debug("vendor %s, chipid %s" % (vendor, chipid))
if vendor != NUVOTON_VENDOR_ID or chipid != CHIP_ID:
print("unexpected vendor %s, chipid %s" % (vendor, chipid))
# Check if Smarts Fan Control is enabled
if args.mode == 'smart':
# Check arguments
if not args.pwm or not args.temp:
print('pwm and temp are required')
pwm = args.pwm.split(',')
temp = args.temp.split(',')
if len(pwm) != len(temp):
print("pwm and temp must have the same number of values")
# Change Smart Fan Control value
for i in range(0,7):
p = pwm[i] if i < len(pwm) else pwm[-1]
tt = temp[i] if i < len(temp) else temp[-1]
print("Set Smart Fan Control %s%% - %sC" % (p, tt))
for t in TEMPS:
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_DCPWM(t)[i], from_perc(p))
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_TEMP(t)[i], from_degree(tt))
# Change Minimum PWM
for f in FANS:
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FONV(f), from_perc(pwm[0]))
# Change critical Temp
for t in TEMPS:
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_CTFS(t), from_degree(temp[-1]))
# Set Smart Fan Control Mode T6FC - T1FC
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS1, 0x0)
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS2, 0x3f)
elif args.mode == 'cruise':
# Check arguments
if not args.temp:
print('temp is required')
temp = int(args.temp)
print("Set Thermal Cruise %sC" % (temp,))
for t in TEMPS:
w83795_write(bus, W83795_TTTI(t), from_degree(temp))
# Change critical Temp
for t in TEMPS:
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_CTFS(t), from_degree(80))
# Set Thermal Cruise Mode.
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS1, 0x0)
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS2, 0x0)
# Set hystersis
if args.hystersis:
ht = max(min(args.hystersis,15),0)
print("Set hystersis %sC" % ht)
# Change Smart Fan Control value
for t in range(0,6):
w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_HT(t), ht)
if args.mode or args.pwm or args.temp or args.hystersis:
# Check if Smarts Fan Control is enabled
fcms1 = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS1)
fcms2 = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_FCMS2) & 0xff
# Default to show all data.
for t in TEMPS:
print("Temp%s to Fan mapping Relationships (T%sFMR)" % (t+1, t+1))
tfmr = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_TFMR(t))
fans= [i+1 for i in FANS if tfmr & (0x1<<i)]
print(' '.join(['Fan%s' % i for i in fans]))
print("Smart Fan Control Table (SFIV)")
temp = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_TEMP(t))
print(''.join([("%sC" % to_degree(v)).rjust(6) for v in temp]))
dcpwm = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_DCPWM(t))
print(''.join([("%s%%" % to_perc(v)).rjust(6) for v in dcpwm]))
ttti = w83795_read(bus, W83795_TTTI(t))
print("Thermal Cruise (TTTI): %sC" % (ttti,))
ctfs = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_CTFS(t))
print("Critical Temperature (T%sCTFS): %sC" % (t, to_degree(ctfs)))
ht = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_HT(t)) & 0b1111
print("Hysteresis (HT%s): %sC" % (t, ht))
tmp = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_TEMP_READ[t])
print("Current Temperature (TEMP%s): %sC" % (t, to_degree(tmp),))
for f in FANS:
fonv = w83795_read(bus, W83795_REG_FONV(f))
print("Fan%s Output Nonstop Value (F%sONV): %s%%" % (f+1, f+1, to_perc(fonv)))
#for f in range(0,6):
# w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_FONV(f), 50)
#w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_DCPWM(0)[0], 50)
#w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_TEMP(0)[0], 85)
#w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_TEMP(1)[0], 85)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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x8fan commented May 5, 2021

Re: @BadCo-NZ -- The system BIOS would take over every boot
Yes, I realize that. It's useless for us since we boot different systems with different kernels and the script is clearly very picky on what it works on.
The whole thing is weird -- if this problem is present in all Supermicro X8 IPMI motherboards, I don't see how they were able to market these products without endless customer complaints. Other Supermicro motherboards we have dealt with (X7, X10, X11) do not have these problems. If it wasn't for the existence of this script, my assumption would be that we are dealing with a bad board and should simply replace it or just junk the system (which is what we will probably do).

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BadCo-NZ commented May 5, 2021

You boot different OS's on the one system? It really sounds like you should be using proxmox anyway 😁

These x8 boards are very old and designed for servers with fans on full all the time. Even the IPMI is a novelty with how little functionality you actually gain haha.

x9 and x10 are a significant improvement.

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jeee commented Jun 1, 2021

Set Smart Fan Control 25% - 42C
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/smx8fancontrol", line 252, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/bin/smx8fancontrol", line 163, in main
    w83795_write(bus, W83795_REG_SFIV_DCPWM(t)[i], from_perc(p))
  File "/usr/local/bin/smx8fancontrol", line 118, in from_perc
    return (value * 255 / 100) & 0xff
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for &: 'float' and 'int'```

fixed by:
```def from_degree(value):
  """Convert degree to hex"""
  value = max(min(int(value) + 1,127),0)
  return int(value * 255 / 127) & 0xff

def from_perc(value):
  """Convert perc to hex"""
  value = max(min(int(value) + 1,100),0)
  return int(value * 255 / 100) & 0xff

Since I had to comment out (#) w83795 from /etc/modules is there any way to display the fan speeds?

thanks a lot for sharing this script!

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randomlyalex commented Jul 16, 2021

I was having a look at this myself today in an effort to have a little better fan control. I've got an X8DTH motherboard for reference which may or may not be a contributing factor of below.

I have this working on a x8DTE-F and x8DTI-F with Proxmox as Host. A few key things to ensure:

  1. Verify you have the w83795 chip, you can do this by installing lm-sensors and running sensors-detect
  2. Install i2c-tools
  3. Install python-smbus
  4. Install python3-smbus
  5. Install libi2c-dev
  6. Comment out (#) w83795 from /etc/modules and reboot (thanks @bennet-esyoil)

I'm running unraid, which itself is based on slackware 14.2.

  1. Run sensor-detect, and verified.

  2. I've installed i2c-tools.

3-5) I don't find precompiled packages, so maybe i'll have to look into compiling, but I can't be the first to do this on slackware i'd have thought.

  1. Probably a slackware thing again, but I don't have an /etc/modules

If i run:
# python

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 515, in <module>
  File "", line 281, in main
    vendor = w83795_read(bus, 0xfd)
  File "", line 197, in w83795_read
    with bank(bus, reg >> 8):
  File "/usr/lib64/python2.7/", line 17, in __enter__
  File "", line 129, in bank
    prev_value = w83795_set_bank(bus, value)
  File "", line 145, in w83795_set_bank
    cur_bank = bus.read_byte_data(ADDRESS, W83795_REG_BANKSEL)
IOError: [Errno 16] Device or resource busy

I tried installing smbus and smbus2 with pip, but then i think i need to figure out a virtual env to wrap it all together, and my knowledge starts to get more shaky than it already is.

I'm going to have a look at getting packages installed first then look at virtual envs as a last resort.

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ikus060 commented Jul 16, 2021 via email

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Successfully ran this script on Proxmox 7 and a X8DTE-F, thank you @ikus060 and @jeee for the TypeError fix

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