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Last active September 25, 2015 18:54
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This gist produces a heatmap of probability densities for every roll of a game of snakes and ladders. The densities are calculated using Markov Chains and the heatmaps are pieced together into a .gif file using the animation module from matplotlib.
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import animation, rcParams
import copy
rcParams.update({'figure.autolayout': True})
def initialize_matrix(M, n):
This function takes in an empty matrix and returns an (n+1)x(n+1) matrix that is 1/6 along the diagonals, 6 wide
incrementing by 1 index, for every row
At the end, to gather up the remaining probabilities, it adds them cumulatively, i.e. in square 98, you can reach square
99 or 100 with more than 1/6 probability because you can overshoot it
for i in range(n):
M[i, (i+1):(i+7)] = float(1)/6
M[:, 100] = np.cumsum(M[:, 100])
M = M[:, :101]
return M
def create_matrix(obstacles, M):
Depending on if the obstacle is a snake or ladder, this will apply the correct logic by zeroing out the square after the ladder or snake (since
according to the rules, we won't land on them in this turn) and instead populating the squares that we end up in
for i in range(len(obstacles['enter'])):
new_squares = copy.copy(M[:, obstacles['enter'][i]])
ind = np.where(new_squares > 0)
M[ind, obstacles['enter'][i]] = 0
M[ind, obstacles['exit'][i]] = M[ind, obstacles['exit'][i]] + new_squares[ind]
return M
def multiplyTransitionMatrix(M, h):
Multiplies the transition matrix by itself h times
M_h = M
if h > 1:
for k in range(1, h):
M_h =, M)
return M_h
def pmf(initial, x, M):
""" Returns the probability mass function at each roll """
return, multiplyTransitionMatrix(M, x))
def animate(x):
Create a new heatmap for every x, which is the number of frames I want to glued together for the gif
test = prob[x, 1:].reshape(10, 10)
plt.title("Snakes and Ladders Board\nSnakes and Ladders")
if __name__ == '__main__':
n = 100
M = np.zeros(101*107).reshape(101, 107)
M = initialize_matrix(M, n)
snakes = {
"enter": np.array([98,95,93,87,62,64,56,49,48,16]),
"exit": np.array([78,75,73,24,19,60,53,11,26,6])
ladders = {
"enter": np.array([1,4,9,21,28,36,51,71,80]),
"exit": np.array([38,14,31,42,84,44,67,91,99])
initial = np.append(1, np.repeat(0, n))
M = create_matrix(ladders, M)
M = create_matrix(snakes, M)
prob = np.zeros(100*101).reshape(100, 101)
for i in range(100):
prob[i,:] = pmf(initial, i, M)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(5, 4))
anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=35, interval=5, blit=False)'heatmap_both.gif', writer='imagemagick', fps=8)
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