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Last active August 4, 2021 05:06
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You must be able to run ss or lsof as root to gather the node-s PID in their ouput, as I HIGHLY DO NOT RECOMMEND running a node and this script as root.

The easiest way is just add simmilar entries as the following into the /etc/sudoers or create a file under /etc/sudoers.d/

The /etc/sudoers example, but pls ensure that the path to those files are correct:

User_Alias SPO=spo,ahtn,shmn
SPO       ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/systemctl *, \
                (root) NOPASSWD: /bin/ss *, \
                (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/lsof *



[ "$(which jq ss curl | wc -l)" != 3 ] && {
    echo "jq, ss and curl must be installed before proceed..." >&2 
    exit 127


mkdir -p "$SCRIPT_DIR" && pushd "$SCRIPT_DIR"

    curl -s -o $LV_URL
    curl -s -o env $ENV_URL

    sed -i -e 's@^CNODE_PORT=.*@CNODE_PORT=${CNODE_PORT:=6000}\nshopt -s expand_aliases\n\nalias ss="sudo $(which ss)"\nalias lsof="sudo $(which lsof)"\n@' env

    chmod +x env


# Last tested Wed Aug  4 05:38:55 CEST 2021

#  Set the required env variables
export CNODE_PORT=8900 # Not required, it's just an eye-candy for displaying it in the UI.
export CONFIG=/opt/cardano/ahtn/conf/config.json # Path to config.json file

# Run...
cd ~ && . scripts/env # It must come back without error
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