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Last active May 22, 2022 21:42
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Example of Seq2Seq with Attention using all the latest APIs
import logging
import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import layers
def seq2seq(mode, features, labels, params):
vocab_size = params['vocab_size']
embed_dim = params['embed_dim']
num_units = params['num_units']
input_max_length = params['input_max_length']
output_max_length = params['output_max_length']
inp = features['input']
output = features['output']
batch_size = tf.shape(inp)[0]
start_tokens = tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.int64)
train_output = tf.concat([tf.expand_dims(start_tokens, 1), output], 1)
input_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.not_equal(inp, 1)), 1)
output_lengths = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_int32(tf.not_equal(train_output, 1)), 1)
input_embed = layers.embed_sequence(
inp, vocab_size=vocab_size, embed_dim=embed_dim, scope='embed')
output_embed = layers.embed_sequence(
train_output, vocab_size=vocab_size, embed_dim=embed_dim, scope='embed', reuse=True)
with tf.variable_scope('embed', reuse=True):
embeddings = tf.get_variable('embeddings')
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(num_units=num_units)
encoder_outputs, encoder_final_state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(cell, input_embed, dtype=tf.float32)
train_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.TrainingHelper(output_embed, output_lengths)
# train_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.ScheduledEmbeddingTrainingHelper(
# output_embed, output_lengths, embeddings, 0.3
# )
pred_helper = tf.contrib.seq2seq.GreedyEmbeddingHelper(
embeddings, start_tokens=tf.to_int32(start_tokens), end_token=1)
def decode(helper, scope, reuse=None):
with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse):
attention_mechanism = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention(
num_units=num_units, memory=encoder_outputs,
cell = tf.contrib.rnn.GRUCell(num_units=num_units)
attn_cell = tf.contrib.seq2seq.AttentionWrapper(
cell, attention_mechanism, attention_layer_size=num_units / 2)
out_cell = tf.contrib.rnn.OutputProjectionWrapper(
attn_cell, vocab_size, reuse=reuse
decoder = tf.contrib.seq2seq.BasicDecoder(
cell=out_cell, helper=helper,
dtype=tf.float32, batch_size=batch_size))
outputs = tf.contrib.seq2seq.dynamic_decode(
decoder=decoder, output_time_major=False,
impute_finished=True, maximum_iterations=output_max_length
return outputs[0]
train_outputs = decode(train_helper, 'decode')
pred_outputs = decode(pred_helper, 'decode', reuse=True)
tf.identity(train_outputs.sample_id[0], name='train_pred')
weights = tf.to_float(tf.not_equal(train_output[:, :-1], 1))
loss = tf.contrib.seq2seq.sequence_loss(
train_outputs.rnn_output, output, weights=weights)
train_op = layers.optimize_loss(
loss, tf.train.get_global_step(),
optimizer=params.get('optimizer', 'Adam'),
learning_rate=params.get('learning_rate', 0.001),
summaries=['loss', 'learning_rate'])
tf.identity(pred_outputs.sample_id[0], name='predictions')
return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
def tokenize_and_map(line, vocab):
return [vocab.get(token, UNK_TOKEN) for token in line.split(' ')]
def make_input_fn(
batch_size, input_filename, output_filename, vocab,
input_max_length, output_max_length,
input_process=tokenize_and_map, output_process=tokenize_and_map):
def input_fn():
inp = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, None], name='input')
output = tf.placeholder(tf.int64, shape=[None, None], name='output')
tf.identity(inp[0], 'input_0')
tf.identity(output[0], 'output_0')
return {
'input': inp,
'output': output,
}, None
def sampler():
while True:
with open(input_filename) as finput:
with open(output_filename) as foutput:
for in_line in finput:
out_line = foutput.readline()
yield {
'input': input_process(in_line, vocab)[:input_max_length - 1] + [END_TOKEN],
'output': output_process(out_line, vocab)[:output_max_length - 1] + [END_TOKEN]
sample_me = sampler()
def feed_fn():
inputs, outputs = [], []
input_length, output_length = 0, 0
for i in range(batch_size):
rec =
input_length = max(input_length, len(inputs[-1]))
output_length = max(output_length, len(outputs[-1]))
# Pad me right with </S> token.
for i in range(batch_size):
inputs[i] += [END_TOKEN] * (input_length - len(inputs[i]))
outputs[i] += [END_TOKEN] * (output_length - len(outputs[i]))
return {
'input:0': inputs,
'output:0': outputs
return input_fn, feed_fn
def load_vocab(filename):
vocab = {}
with open(filename) as f:
for idx, line in enumerate(f):
vocab[line.strip()] = idx
return vocab
def get_rev_vocab(vocab):
return {idx: key for key, idx in vocab.iteritems()}
def get_formatter(keys, vocab):
rev_vocab = get_rev_vocab(vocab)
def to_str(sequence):
tokens = [
rev_vocab.get(x, "<UNK>") for x in sequence]
return ' '.join(tokens)
def format(values):
res = []
for key in keys:
res.append("%s = %s" % (key, to_str(values[key])))
return '\n'.join(res)
return format
def train_seq2seq(
input_filename, output_filename, vocab_filename,
vocab = load_vocab(vocab_filename)
params = {
'vocab_size': len(vocab),
'batch_size': 32,
'input_max_length': 30,
'output_max_length': 30,
'embed_dim': 100,
'num_units': 256
est = tf.estimator.Estimator(
model_dir=model_dir, params=params)
input_fn, feed_fn = make_input_fn(
vocab, params['input_max_length'], params['output_max_length'])
# Make hooks to print examples of inputs/predictions.
print_inputs = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(
['input_0', 'output_0'], every_n_iter=100,
formatter=get_formatter(['input_0', 'output_0'], vocab))
print_predictions = tf.train.LoggingTensorHook(
['predictions', 'train_pred'], every_n_iter=100,
formatter=get_formatter(['predictions', 'train_pred'], vocab))
hooks=[tf.train.FeedFnHook(feed_fn), print_inputs, print_predictions],
def main():
train_seq2seq('input', 'output', 'vocab', 'model/seq2seq')
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zz-jacob commented Sep 2, 2017

As you use BahdanauAttention in your code, why didn't set output_attention (AttentionWrapper) to False?

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Following this example, wouldn't the first END_TOKEN target symbol be given zero weight?

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czhang99 commented Jan 22, 2018

@robmsylvester I think this is correct, as it does not matter to the model whether feeding the END_TOKEN to the decoder gives the correct next word or not.

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I want to load a pre-trained embeddings. Should i change the layers.embed_sequence to tf.nn.embedding_lookup?

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Can someone tell me what is attention_layer_size and why is it num_units/2?

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Can anyone guide me about how to use BahdanauAttention. when i use it like "tf.contrib.seq2seq.BahdanauAttention" or "seq2seq.BahdanauAttention" in either case i get an error"AttributeError: module 'tensorflow.contrib.seq2seq' has no attribute 'BahdanauAttention'. I'm using tensorflow 1.0.1. I'm new to deep learning. Any suggestion regarding will be appreciated.
Thank you.

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