There is collection of scripts which used to create short video of lightnings cut from the full footages.
These scripts are not complete. I store them here as a hints for the future.
@echo off
set "ORIG_FILE=20210628_135244.mp4"
call :extract-to 1 00:00:04 00:00:06.100
call :extract-to 2 00:01:12 00:01:13.400
goto :EOF
ffmpeg -i "%ORIG_FILE%" -ss "%~2" -to "%~3" -vcodec copy -an -y z-video-1.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-1.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=1.1*PTS" -y z-video-2.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-2.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=1.2*PTS" -y z-video-3.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-3.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=1.3*PTS" -y z-video-4.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-4.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=1.4*PTS" -y z-video-5.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-5.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=1.5*PTS" -y z-video-6.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-6.mp4 -filter:v "setpts=2.0*PTS" -y z-video-7.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-1.mp4 -filter:v "scale=640x360" -y final-%~1-1.mp4
ffmpeg -i z-video-7.mp4 -filter:v "scale=640x360" -y final-%~1-7.mp4
ffmpeg -i final-%~1-1.mp4 -filter:v fps=25/1 z-image-%%03d.bmp
ffmpeg -r 3/1 -i z-image-%%03d.bmp -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" -y final-%~1-8.mp4
del z-video-*.mp4 z-image-*.bmp
goto :EOF
@echo off
set "ORIG_FILE=20210804_142413.mp4"
:ffmpeg -i "%ORIG_FILE%" -filter:v fps=25/1 z-image-%%03d.bmp
:ffmpeg -i "%ORIG_FILE%" -ss "00:00:50" -to "00:00:52" -filter:v fps=25/1 z-image-%%03d.bmp
ffmpeg -r 5/1 -i z-image-%%04d.bmp -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" -s 640x360 -y "final-%ORIG_FILE%"
@echo off
set "ORIG_FILE=VID_20220710_181014.mp4"
set "IMAG_TYPE=bmp"
for %%a in (
) do if "%%~a" == "%~1" (
call :%%~a-all
goto :EOF
echo:Bad command "%~1"
goto :EOF
call :extract 1 00:01:44 00:01:47
call :extract 2 00:03:09 00:03:14
call :extract 3 00:06:41 00:06:47
goto :EOF
call :convert 1 025 035
call :convert 2 090 099
call :convert 3 110 126
goto :EOF
dir /b final-?.mp4 | bb sed "s/^/file /" | ffmpeg.exe -protocol_whitelist file,pipe -f concat -i - -c:v copy -y final-123.mp4
goto :EOF
del z-image-%~1-*.%IMAG_TYPE%
ffmpeg -i "%ORIG_FILE%" -ss "%~2" -to "%~3" -filter:v fps=25/1 z-image-%~1-%%03d.%IMAG_TYPE%
goto :EOF
ffmpeg -r 5/1 -start_number %~2 -i z-image-%~1-%%03d.%IMAG_TYPE% -c:v libx264 -vf "fps=25,format=yuv420p" -s 640x360 -y final-%~1.mp4
goto :EOF