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Created June 14, 2017 13:51
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Useless free start collision on SHA-3-256
import binascii
def ROL64(a, n):
return ((a >> (64-(n%64))) + (a << (n%64))) % (1 << 64)
def KeccakF1600onLanes(lanes):
R = 1
for round in range(24):
# θ
C = [lanes[x][0] ^ lanes[x][1] ^ lanes[x][2] ^ lanes[x][3] ^ lanes[x][4] for x in range(5)]
D = [C[(x+4)%5] ^ ROL64(C[(x+1)%5], 1) for x in range(5)]
lanes = [[lanes[x][y]^D[x] for y in range(5)] for x in range(5)]
# ρ and π
(x, y) = (1, 0)
current = lanes[x][y]
for t in range(24):
(x, y) = (y, (2*x+3*y)%5)
(current, lanes[x][y]) = (lanes[x][y], ROL64(current, (t+1)*(t+2)//2))
# χ
for y in range(5):
T = [lanes[x][y] for x in range(5)]
for x in range(5):
lanes[x][y] = T[x] ^((~T[(x+1)%5]) & T[(x+2)%5])
# ι
for j in range(7):
R = ((R << 1) ^ ((R >> 7)*0x71)) % 256
if (R & 2):
lanes[0][0] = lanes[0][0] ^ (1 << ((1<<j)-1))
return lanes
def load64(b):
return sum((b[i] << (8*i)) for i in range(8))
def store64(a):
return list((a >> (8*i)) % 256 for i in range(8))
def KeccakF1600(state):
lanes = [[load64(state[8*(x+5*y):8*(x+5*y)+8]) for y in range(5)] for x in range(5)]
lanes = KeccakF1600onLanes(lanes)
state = bytearray(200)
for x in range(5):
for y in range(5):
state[8*(x+5*y):8*(x+5*y)+8] = store64(lanes[x][y])
return state;
def convert_anoying_bit_to_byte_array(ret, bits):
for x in range(5):
for y in range(5):
val = 0;
for z in range(8):
val += int(bits[(x+5*y)][z*8:(z+1)*8],2) << (8*(7-z))
ret[8*(x+5*y):8*(x+5*y)+8] = store64(val)
return ret;
def xor_states(xored, st1, st2):
for x in range(200):
xored[x] = st1[x] ^ st2[x]
return xored
def Keccak(state, rate, capacity, inputBytes, delimitedSuffix, outputByteLen):
outputBytes = bytearray()
# state = bytearray([0 for i in range(200)])
rateInBytes = rate//8
blockSize = 0
if (((rate + capacity) != 1600) or ((rate % 8) != 0)):
inputOffset = 0
# === Absorb all the input blocks ===
while(inputOffset < len(inputBytes)):
print("Before absorption :")
blockSize = min(len(inputBytes)-inputOffset, rateInBytes)
for i in range(blockSize):
state[i] = state[i] ^ inputBytes[i+inputOffset]
print("After absorption :")
inputOffset = inputOffset + blockSize
if (blockSize == rateInBytes):
state = KeccakF1600(state)
blockSize = 0
# === Do the padding and switch to the squeezing phase ===
state[blockSize] = state[blockSize] ^ delimitedSuffix
if (((delimitedSuffix & 0x80) != 0) and (blockSize == (rateInBytes-1))):
state = KeccakF1600(state)
state[rateInBytes-1] = state[rateInBytes-1] ^ 0x80
state = KeccakF1600(state)
# === Squeeze out all the output blocks ===
while(outputByteLen > 0):
blockSize = min(outputByteLen, rateInBytes)
outputBytes = outputBytes + state[0:blockSize]
outputByteLen = outputByteLen - blockSize
if (outputByteLen > 0):
state = KeccakF1600(state)
return outputBytes
def gen_next_absorb(toxor,toxor2):
ret = bytearray([0 for i in range(136)])
for x in range(136):
ret[x] = toxor[x] ^ toxor2[x]
return ret
def cut_absorb(toxor):
ret = bytearray([0 for i in range(136)])
for x in range(136):
ret[x] = toxor[x]
return ret
def cut_capacity(toxor):
ret = bytearray([0 for i in range(64)])
for x in range(136,200):
ret[x-136] = toxor[x]
return ret
converted_initial_vector_0 = bytearray([0 for i in range(200)])
converted_next_block_0 = bytearray([0 for i in range(200)])
# print("vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv")
# print(bytes.decode(binascii.hexlify(cut_absorb(converted_initial_vector_0))));
# print("ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc")
# print(bytes.decode(binascii.hexlify(cut_capacity(converted_initial_vector_0))));
# print("sssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss")
t0 = KeccakF1600(converted_initial_vector_0)
t0_n = KeccakF1600(converted_next_block_0)
input1 = bytearray([0 for i in range(136)]) + bytearray([0 for i in range(136)])
input2 = cut_absorb(converted_next_block_0) + gen_next_absorb(t0_n,t0)
print("input 1:")
clean = bytearray([0 for i in range(200)])
output = Keccak(converted_initial_vector_0,1088,512, input1, 0x06, 256//8)
print("resulting hash :")
print("input 2:")
output = Keccak(clean,1088,512, input2, 0x06, 256//8)
print("resulting hash :")
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