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Last active February 11, 2017 22:02
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  • Save ile/07075cf2c9195003cc7aca1398e9a0d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ile/07075cf2c9195003cc7aca1398e9a0d5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
@import './const'
position relative
float left
overflow hidden
float none
color rgb(255,255,255)
position absolute
top 50%
left 50%
margin-top -15px
margin-left -15px
width 30px
height 30px
line-height 30px
font-size 36px
cursor pointer
color rgba(255,255,255,0.9)
transition 0.3s color
background-color #000
text-align center
border-radius 100%
opacity 0.7
color rgb(29, 161, 242)
margin-left 0
font-size 1em
padding-left 0
margin-bottom 10px
font-size 24px
border-radius 3px
max-width 100%
max-height 450px
margin-bottom 10px
.card.card-audio audio
width 100%
padding 15px
> a
border none
font-family 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial
font-size 1em
line-height 1.3
transition 0.3s border, background
border-radius 3px
display table-cell
padding-left 10px
word-break break-word
word-wrap break-word
hyphens auto
min-width 200px
color #333
text-decoration none
transition 0.3s background
> a:first-child
padding 15px
> a
border-radius 3px
border-spacing 10px 0
display block
> a:hover
background #f6f7f8
border none
width 100%
width 12px
height 12px
margin-right 5px
vertical-align top
margin 0.3em 0
margin-top 8px
text-transform uppercase
font-size 0.6em
line-height 14px
letter-spacing 0.3px
margin -1px 0 4px 0
font-size 1em
max-width 100%
position absolute
width 300px
height 300px
overflow auto
box-shadow 0 0 25px #aaa
border-radius 3px
background #fff
padding 9px
animation 0.3s appear
font-size 88%
z-index 9
width: 7px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 6px rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
background-color: darkgrey;
outline: 1px solid slategrey;
max-width 250px
max-height 125px
border-radius 3px
float left
max-width 250px
min-width 100px
max-height 125px
/* height 125px
object-fit contain */
max-width 100%
max-height max-photos-height
.card::after, .card a::after
content ""
display block
clear both
position fixed
top 0
left 0
right 0
bottom 0
background rgba(255,255,255,0.95)
z-index 10000
display flex
justify-content center
align-items center
video, iframe
max-width 90%
max-width 90vw
max-height 90%
max-height 90vh
width 90%
width 90vw
height 90%
color #222
border-color #222
position absolute
top 5px
right 5px
width 32px
height 32px
color #999
font-size 27px
font-style normal
text-align center
cursor pointer
transition color 0.3s, border-color 0.3s
left 10px
right 10px
color #aaa
position absolute
top 50%
font-size 72px
color #ddd
cursor pointer
transition 0.3s color
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