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Created August 28, 2013 01:07
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Racer bug?
app = require('derby').createApp(module)
.use(require 'derby-ui-boot')
.use(require '../../ui/')
# Derby routes are rendered on the client and the server
app.get '/', (page) ->
page.render 'home'
app.enter '/list', (model) ->
model.on 'change', '_page.item_id', (id) ->
console.log 'change '+id
item_query = 'items.' + id
model.subscribe item_query, (err) ->
if !err
item_query.ref '_page.item'
console.log err
app.get '/list', (page, model, params, next) ->
# This value is set on the server in the `createUserId` middleware
userId = model.get '_session.userId'
# Create a scoped model, which sets the base path for all model methods
user = 'users.' + userId
# Create a mongo query that gets the current user's items
itemsQuery = model.query 'items', {userId}
# Get the inital data and subscribe to any updates
model.subscribe user, itemsQuery, (err) ->
return next err if err
# Create references that can be used in templates or controller methods
model.ref '_page.user', user
itemsQuery.ref '_page.items'
user.increment 'visits'
page.render 'list'
app.fn 'list.add', (e, el) ->
newItem = @model.del '_page.newItem'
return unless newItem
newItem.userId = @model.get '_session.userId'
@model.add 'items', newItem
app.fn 'list.remove', (e) ->
id = e.get ''
@model.del 'items.' + id
<div class="row">
<form class="span3" x-bind="submit: list.add">
<h3>Add item</h3>
<input type="text" value={}>
<button type="submit" class="btn">Add</button>
<div class="well visits">
<b>Fun fact:</b> You've visited the list {_page.user.visits} times.
<div class="span8 offset1">
<table class="table">
{#each _page.items as :item}
<td><button class="btn" x-bind="click: list.remove">Remove</button></td>
<option value="" selected="{equal(_page.item_id, '')}">select item</option>
{#each _page.items as :item}
<option value="{}" selected="{equal(_page.item_id,}">{{}}</option>
<h3>selected item</h3>
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ile commented Aug 28, 2013

line 12 ->

line 46 ->

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