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arr =['a','b','c','d','e','f']
middle = len(arr) // 2
pointerR = len(arr) -1
for pointerL in range(0,middle):
arr[pointerL], arr[pointerR] = arr[pointerR], arr[pointerL]
pointerR -= 1
ilealm /
Last active May 5, 2020 01:50
More Python exercises

7.1. Lists: Even indices

Statement Given a list of numbers, find and print all its elements with even indices (i.e. A[0], A[2], A[4], ...).

Example input 5 6 7 8 9

Example output 5 7 9

ilealm /
Last active May 2, 2020 19:29
More exercises with Python basics

4.2. For: Series - 2

Statement Given two integers A and B. Print all numbers from A to B inclusively, in increasing order, if A < B, or in decreasing order, if A ≥ B.

Example input 8 5

Example output

1.3. Input/print: Hello, Harry!

Statement Write a program that greets the user by printing the word "Hello", a comma, the name of the user and an exclamation mark after it. See the examples below.

Warning. Your program's output should strictly match the desired one, character by character. There shouldn't be any space between the name and the exclamation mark. You can use + operator to concatenate two strings. See the lesson for details.

Example input Harry

ilealm /
Last active September 26, 2020 03:53
Iris Leal Resume

Iris Leal Maldonado

Software Engineer

Greater Seattle Area
Linkedin Iris Leal
gitHub Iris Leal

I'm a bilingual Software Engineer with seven years of experience in software development, participating in all the lifecycle for full-stack projects. I have an in-depth focus and passion for Project Management, always working in synergy with stakeholders to implement better practices to complete tasks according to vision, plan, and budget, to achieve the best possible product to the user.