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Tài Lê iletai

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current_branch=$(git branch --show-current)
stash_name="$(date +%Y-%b-%d/%H-%M-%S)/$current_branch_name"
git fetch origin $current_branch
cd "$1"
if [ -f "Podfile.lock" ]; then
iletai /
Created August 29, 2023 17:05 — forked from bonnopc/
Enable Multiple SSH Keys for MacOS/ Ubuntu/ Debian etc.

Enable Multiple SSH Keys for UNIX Based OS

Follow these steps below to enable multiple SSH keys on your device with UNIX Based OS (MacOS/ Ubuntu/ Debian etc.). Suppose, you have two different users/ accounts, one is personalAccount and another is companyAccount. And you have already a default key configured with personalAccount. (If you haven't set up your default ssh-key yet, please follow this article before going ahead with these steps described below.)

1. Generate another ssh-key

Generate a new ssh-key for your companyAccount.

cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.IO;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections;
using System;
public class WarningDisable : AssetPostprocessor
iletai / SingletonUnity.cs
Created March 28, 2021 06:42
public class Singleton<T> where T : new()
private static T singleton = new T();
public static T instance
return singleton;
public static Color ToColor(this string color)
if (color.StartsWith("#", StringComparison.InvariantCulture))
color = color.Substring(1); // strip #
if (color.Length == 6)
color += "FF"; // add alpha if missing
iletai / Colors.cs
Last active December 12, 2020 11:09
About colors
iletai / oop.h
Created November 5, 2018 16:33
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class LearnOOP
void DoSomeThing();
iletai / ChuKy.html
Created September 17, 2018 04:30
<html><head></head><body><div class="WordSection1"><o:p></o:p>
<p class="MsoNormal"><br>
<table class="MsoNormalTable" style="width:326.25pt" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="0" border="0">
<td style="width:111.0pt;padding:0cm 0cm 0cm 0cm" width="435">
<table class="MsoNormalTable" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="435" height="133" border="0">
#include "pch.h"
#include "WCPManaged.h"
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Core;
using namespace Windows::ApplicationModel::Activation;
using namespace Windows::UI::Core;
using namespace Windows::System;
using namespace Windows::Foundation;
using namespace Windows::Graphics::Display;
iletai / CursorCXC++.xaml.cpp
Created August 9, 2018 01:01
Window::Current->CoreWindow->PointerCursor = ref new Windows::UI::Core::CoreCursor(Windows::UI::Core::CoreCursorType::Custom, IDC_CURSOR1);