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Last active December 18, 2015 20:29
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% Do not change/edit any of the items below till the \author comment
% \usepackage{multicol}
% \usepackage{multirow}
% \usepackage{natbib}
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\newenvironment{proof}{\noindent{\bf Proof.}}{\hfill$\blacksquare$}
\author{\"{O}nder \c{C}a\u{g}lar}
\authoruppercase{\"{O}NDER \c{C}A\u{G}LAR}
% \graduateschool is the name of the graduate school
\graduateschool{Informatics Institute}
% \shortdegree should be M.S., M.A. or Ph.D.
% \director is the director of the graduate school
\director{Prof. Dr. Nazife Baykal}
% \headofdept is the head of department of the thesis author
\headofdept{Prof. Dr. Yasemin Yard{\i}mc{\i} \c{C}etin}
% Thesis Information
% \degree should be Master of Science, Master of Arts or Philosophy of Doctorate
\degree{Master of Science}
% \department is the department of the thesis author, ex. Aerospace Engineering.
\department{Information Systems}
% \date is the date of thesis submission, ex. February 2008
\date{JANUARY 2013}
% \supervisor is the supervisor of the thesis author
\supervisor{Assoc. Prof. Dr. Altan Ko\c{c}yi\u{g}it}
% \departmentofsupervisor is the department of supervisor, ex. Aerospace Engineering
\departmentofsupervisor{Department of Information Systems}
% \cosupervisor{Dr. Xxxxx Yyyyy}
% \departmentofcosupervisor{CompanyXYZ}
% \keywords are the keyword that will appear on your thesis abstract page.
% number of keywords cannot exceed 5.
\keywords{Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing, Context Aware Reminder Systems/Applications, Publish - Subscribe Model.}
% \turkishdegree should be Yuksek Lisans or Doktora
\turkishdegree{Y\"uksek Lisans}
% \turkishdepartment is the department of thesis author in Turkish, ex. Bilisim Sistemleri
\turkishdepartment{Bili\c{s}im Sistemleri B\"ol\"um\"u}
% \date is the date of thesis submission, ex. February 2008
\turkishdate{Ocak 2013}
% \turkishsupervisor is the same as \supervisor
\turkishsupervisor{Dr. Altan Ko\c{c}yi\u{g}it}
% \anahtarklm are the keywords that will appear on your thesis öz page.
% number of anahtarklm cannot exceed 5 and they should be Turkish.
\anahtarklm{S\"{u}rekli/Yayg{\i}n Hesaplama, Ba\u{g}lam Bilin\c{c}li Hat{\i}rlatma Sistemleri/Uygulamalar{\i}, Yay{\i}nla - Abone Ol Modeli.}
% Examining Committee Member Information
% 1st Committee Member must be the Head of Examining Committee.
% 2nd Committee Member must be the supervisor.
% The rest of the Committee Members must be in alphabetical surname order.
\committeememberi{Assoc. Prof. Dr. Altan Ko\c{c}yi\u{g}it}
\committeememberii{Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pekin Erhan Eren}
\committeememberiii{Assoc. Prof. Dr. Alptekin Temizel}
\committeememberiv{Assoc. Prof. Dr. Banu G\"{u}nel}
\committeememberv{Dr. Nail \c{C}adall{\i}}
\affiliationi{METU, II}
\affiliationii{METU, II}
\affiliationiii{METU, II}
\affiliationiv{METU, II}
\affiliationv{KAREL A.\c{S}.}
% Abstract
% Write abstract of the thesis here.
The usage of computing technologies to build smart and interactive human-centric systems that support our daily life activities is gaining popularity day by day. Pervasive computing seems to be a new computing revolution era in the near future. In this sense, context-aware reminder systems stand out as interesting and stimulating research topic. Such systems are used to remind important events and activities properly at the right time and at the right place. In this context, the system detects the user's environment and makes the recall in the most appropriate way. Reminding the message in the most appropriate way without disturbing the user provides user satisfaction naturally. Therefore, the context-aware reminder systems are useful and functional. The major purpose of this study is to develop a context aware reminder system to improve the quality of life for students in any university campus. The system developed in this study is based on publish-subscribe model. In this model, reminder notifiers are called as publisher and reminder receivers are called as subscriber. In this study, a prototype has been developed to demonstrate the applicability of context-aware reminder system. This prototype system consists of server-side application which is used to create and send a reminder message and an android application which is used to retrieve and display the reminder message.
% Oz
% Buraya tezin ozu yazilacak.
G\"{u}nl\"{u}k ya\c{s}am aktivitelerimize destek olan ak{\i}ll{\i} ve etkile\c{s}imli insan merkezli sistemlerin in\c{s}a edilmesinde yayg{\i}n hesaplama teknolojilerinin kullan{\i}m{\i} g\"{u}n ge\c{c}tik\c{c}e pop\"{u}lerlik kazanmaktad{\i}r. Yak{\i}n gelecekte yayg{\i}n hesaplama, hesaplama devrimi i\c{c}in yeni bir hesaplama \c{c}a\u{g}{\i} olacak gibi g\"{o}r\"{u}n\"{u}yor. Bu anlamda, ba\u{g}lam fark{\i}ndal{\i}kl{\i} hat{\i}rlatma sistemleri de ilgi ve dikkat \c{c}ekici ara\c{s}t{\i}rma konusu olarak g\"{o}ze \c{c}arp{\i}yor. Bu tarz sistemler, \"{o}nemli olay ve aktivitelerin do\u{g}ru zaman, do\u{g}ru yer ve do\u{g}ru \c{s}ekilde kullan{\i}c{\i}ya hat{\i}rlat{\i}lmas{\i} amac{\i}yla kullan{\i}l{\i}rlar. Bu ba\u{g}lamda sistem kullan{\i}c{\i}n{\i}n i\c{c}inde bulundu\u{g}u ortam{\i} alg{\i}layarak hat{\i}rlatman{\i}n en uygun bi\c{c}imde yap{\i}lmas{\i}na olanak sa\u{g}lar. Hat{\i}rlatmalar{\i}n kullan{\i}c{\i}y{\i} rahats{\i}z etmeden en uygun \c{s}ekilde yap{\i}lmas{\i} do\u{g}al olarak kullan{\i}c{\i} memnuniyeti sa\u{g}lar. Bu nedenle, ba\u{g}lam fark{\i}ndal{\i}kl{\i} hat{\i}rlatma sistemleri yararl{\i} ve i\c{s}levseldir. Bu \c{c}al{\i}\c{s}man{\i}n ba\c{s}l{\i}ca amac{\i}, bir \"{u}niversite kamp\"{u}s\"{u}nde \"{o}\u{g}rencilerin ya\c{s}am{\i}n{\i} kolayla\c{s}t{\i}racak ba\u{g}lam fark{\i}ndal{\i}kl{\i} bir hat{\i}rlatma sistemi geli\c{s}tirmektir. Geli\c{s}tirilen sistem yay{\i}nla-abone ol modeli \"{u}zerine kuruludur. Hat{\i}rlat{\i}c{\i} bildirenler yay{\i}nc{\i}, hat{\i}rlat{\i}c{\i} al{\i}c{\i}lar ise abone olarak adland{\i}r{\i}lmaktad{\i}r. Bu \c{c}al{\i}\c{s}mada, bir prototip ba\u{g}lam fark{\i}ndal{\i}kl{\i} hat{\i}rlatma sistemi uygulanabilirli\u{g}i g\"{o}stermek i\c{c}in geli\c{s}tirilmi\c{s}tir. Bu prototip sistem, hat{\i}rlat{\i}c{\i} mesaj{\i} olu\c{s}turmak ve g\"{o}ndermek i\c{c}in kullan{\i}lan sunucu taraf{\i} uygulamalar{\i}ndan ve hat{\i}rlat{\i}c{\i} mesajlar{\i}n{\i} almak ve g\"{o}r\"{u}nt\"{u}lemek i\c{c}in kullan{\i}lan bir android uygulamas{\i}ndan olu\c{s}maktad{\i}r.
% Dedication
\dedication{\textit{This thesis is dedicated to my mother and my father.}}
% Acknowledgment
% Write acknowledgments here...
% Table of Contents (do not try to edit )
/* this is a stupid example */
$username = $_POST["username"];
$passwort = $_POST["passwort"];
$pass = md5($passwort);
// another comment
if($username=="Andavos" and
echo "Herzlich Willkommen";
echo "Login Fehlgeschlagen";
% It is easier if you put each chapter and related files of that chapter in a
% separate directory.
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