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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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AngularJS "partition" or "split" filter for ng-repeat directive

ng-repeat filter that splits data into multiple sorted columns

It breaks or splits an array of elements into multidimensional array where data is sorted either horizontally (by row) or vertically (by column).

partitionFilter(array, columns, vsort), where
array   - input array
columns - number of columns or partition size
vsort   - boolean value for vertical sort (default "true"), 
          if set to false then data sorted horizontally


arr = ["Austria","Belgium","Croatia","Denmark","Ecuador","Finland","Germany"]

partitionFilter(arr, 3) ->        [ ["Austria", "Denmark", "Finland" ],
partitionFilter(arr, 3, true) ->    ["Belgium", "Ecuador", "Germany" ],
                                    ["Croatia"                       ] ]
partitionFilter(arr, 3, false) -> [ ["Austria", "Belgium", "Croatia" ],
                                    ["Denmark", "Ecuador", "Finland" ],
                                    ["Germany"                       ] ]

Big shout-out to the answer by m59 on the Stackoverflow

<!-- Break an array of countries into 3-column matrix and sort elements vertically (default option) -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row-fluid" ng-repeat="countryRow in region.countries | partition: 3">
<div class="span4" ng-repeat="country in countryRow">
<!-- Break an array of countries into 3-column matrix and sort elements horizontally -->
<div class="container">
<div class="row-fluid" ng-repeat="countryRow in region.countries | partition: 3: false">
<div class="span4" ng-repeat="country in countryRow">
"use strict"
describe "filter", ->
beforeEach module("app.filters")
describe "partition", ->
it "should partition array and sort elements vertically",
inject((partitionFilter) ->
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3"], 2))
.toEqual [["a1","a3"],["a2"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4"], 3))
.toEqual [["a1","a3","a4"],["a2"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4","a5"], 3))
.toEqual [["a1","a3","a5"],["a2","a4"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4","a5","a6","a7"], 3))
.toEqual [["a1","a4","a6"],["a2","a5","a7"],["a3"]]
it "should partition array and sort elements horizontally",
inject((partitionFilter) ->
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3"], 2, false))
.toEqual [["a1","a2"],["a3"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4"], 3, false))
.toEqual [["a1","a2","a3"],["a4"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4","a5"], 3, false))
.toEqual [["a1","a2","a3"],["a4","a5"]]
expect(partitionFilter(["a1","a2","a3","a4","a5","a6","a7"], 3, false))
.toEqual [["a1","a2","a3"],["a4","a5","a6"],["a7"]]
"use strict"
angular.module("app.filters", [])
.filter "partition", ->
_evenRows = (arr, cols) ->
rowsArr = _.clone(arr)
rows = Math.ceil rowsArr.length/cols
emptySlots = cols - (arr.length % cols)
if (emptySlots % cols) != 0
for slot in [1..emptySlots]
rowsArr.splice(((cols - emptySlots + slot) * rows) - 1, 0, null)
_toHorizontalOrderMatrix = (arr, cols) ->
rowsArr = []
arr = _evenRows(arr, cols)
rows = Math.ceil arr.length/cols
for row in [1..rows]
rowArr = []
for el, i in arr
if ((i+1) % rows) == row
rowArr.push el
else if (((i+1) % rows) == 0) && (row == rows)
rowArr.push el
rowsArr.push _.compact(rowArr)
_toVerticalOrderMatrix = (arr, cols) ->
rowsArr = []
i = 0
while i < arr.length
rowsArr.push arr.slice(i, i + cols)
i += cols
cache = {}
_filter = (arr, size, hOrder) ->
return unless arr
horizontalOrder = true
if typeof (hOrder) isnt "undefined"
horizontalOrder = hOrder
rowsArr = []
if horizontalOrder
rowsArr = _toHorizontalOrderMatrix arr, size
rowsArr = _toVerticalOrderMatrix arr, size
arrString = JSON.stringify(arr)
fromCache = cache[arrString + size]
return fromCache if JSON.stringify(fromCache) is JSON.stringify(rowsArr)
cache[arrString + size] = rowsArr
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