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Created July 30, 2020 13:50
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const puppeteer = require( 'puppeteer' );
const argv = require( 'minimist' )( process.argv.slice(2) );
var utils = require( './includes/utils.js' );
const url = argv.url || '';
// const format = argv.format === 'jpeg' ? 'jpeg' : 'png';
const viewportWidth = argv.viewportWidth || 1440;
const viewportHeight = argv.viewportHeight || 900;
const delay = argv.delay || 0;
const nameSuffix = argv.nameSuffix || '';
const screenshotPath = argv.screenshotPath || './';
( async () => {
var screenshotName = '';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.setViewport( { 'width': viewportWidth, 'height': viewportHeight } );
await page.goto( url, { 'waitUntil' : 'networkidle0' } );
await page.evaluate( () => {
var styleSelector = document.getElementById( 'style-selector' ),
testimonials = document.getElementsByClassName( 'fusion-testimonials' );
// Hide SS.
if ( null !== styleSelector ) { = 'none';
// Hide Testimonials.
if ( 'undefined' !== typeof testimonials ) {
for ( var i = 0; i < testimonials.length; i++ ) {
testimonials[ i ].style.visibility = 'hidden';
// Show hidden elements.
document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0].classList.add( 'dont-animate' );
// Scroll to bottom of the page.
return Promise.resolve( window.scrollTo( 0, document.body.scrollHeight ) );
} );
// remove protocol
screenshotName = utils.urlToName( url );
page.on( 'console', msg => {
for ( let i = 0; i < msg.args().length; ++i )
console.log( `${i}: ${msg.args()[i]}` );
// page.evaluate(() => console.log('hello', 5, {foo: 'bar'}));
await page.waitFor( delay );
await page.screenshot( { path: screenshotPath + '/' + screenshotName + nameSuffix + '.png', fullPage: true } );
await browser.close();
} ) ();
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