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radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 6.25% 12.5%, #726d98, rgba(114, 109, 152, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 18.75% 12.5%, #56669f, rgba(86, 102, 159, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 31.25% 12.5%, #1a396b, rgba(26, 57, 107, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 43.75% 12.5%, #234467, rgba(35, 68, 103, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 56.25% 12.5%, #22354e, rgba(34, 53, 78, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 68.75% 12.5%, #19273f, rgba(25, 39, 63, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 81.25% 12.5%, #142137, rgba(20, 33, 55, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 93.75% 12.5%, #222b40, rgba(34, 43, 64, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 6.25% 37.5%, #1d2b45, rgba(29, 43, 69, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 18.75% 37.5%, #584d67, rgba(88, 77, 103, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 31.25% 37.5%, #56465b, rgba(86, 70, 91, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 43.75% 37.5%, #142d4b, rgba(20, 45, 75, 0)),radial-gradient(ellipse 25% 50% at 56.25% 37.5%, #212b44, rgba(33, 43,
# Your init script
# Atom will evaluate this file each time a new window is opened. It is run
# after packages are loaded/activated and after the previous editor state
# has been restored.
# An example hack to log to the console when each text editor is saved.
# atom.workspace.observeTextEditors (editor) ->
# editor.onDidSave ->

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am ilikescience on github.
  • I am mhstrom ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 29F9 B1DE 460C 1D4A B9E3 E0E1 8779 03AA 95D1 7531

To claim this, I am signing this object:

"exclude": [
"sort-order": [