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Created August 7, 2020 00:45
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Toy RSA Cryptosystem
* The goal of this gist is to demonstrate how the RSA cryptosystem works
* with a toy implementation.
// must have both primes to efficiently compute the private key.
function computePrivateKey(p1, p2, pub) {
// Use Euler's theorem to calculate phi(p1p2) => phi(p1) * phi(p2).
* This is the trapdoor, as multiplying the two prime results is easier
* than factoring from the semiprime.
const key = (p1 - 1n) * (p2 - 1n);
// check if coprime, to ensure unique decryption
if (euclideanAlgorithm(key, pub) !== 1n) {
throw 'invalid public key: not coprime to phi(n), gcd';
// brute force search for private key for which pub * priv === 1 mod key
let priv = BigInt(0);
while ((priv * pub) % key !== 1n) {
return priv;
/* anyone with the semiprime can encrypt the message, without having both primes
* currently this implementation doesn't use a padding scheme, meaning that it is very
* vulnerable to attacks
function encryptMessage(message, pub, semiprime) {
// get charcodes for the string
let messageBytes = getBytes(message);
// encrypt message by taking the public key's power for each byte
// then reduce bytes into space-separated hexadecimal numbers
return exponentiateOverN(messageBytes, pub, semiprime)
.map((v, i) => v.toString(16))
.join(' ');
// exponentiate using the private key, resulting in
function decryptMessage(message, priv, semiprime) {
const bytes = message
.map((v) => parseInt(v, 16));
return String.fromCharCode(...exponentiateOverN(bytes, priv, semiprime));
function exponentiateOverN(bytes, factor, n) {
return bytes
.map((v) => Number(BigInt(v) ** factor % n));
// create byte array
function getBytes(str) {
let bytes = new Array(str.length);
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
bytes[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return bytes
// quick implementation of Euclidean algorithm to determine GCD
function euclideanAlgorithm(n1, n2) {
while (n2 !== 0n) {
let t = n1 % n2;
n1 = n2;
n2 = t;
return n1;
if (require.main === module) {
// demonstration
const p1 = 263n;
const p2 = 271n;
const semiprime = p1 * p2;
const pub = 577n;
const message = 'hello!';
console.log(`computing private key from primes ${p1} and ${p2}`);
console.log(`semiprime is ${semiprime}`);
const priv = computePrivateKey(p1, p2, pub);
console.log(`private key computed: ${priv}`);
console.log(`encrypting '${message}'`);
const encrypted = encryptMessage(message, pub, semiprime);
console.log(`encrypted message: '${encrypted}'`);
console.log(`decrypting using private key (${priv}) and semiprime (${semiprime})`);
const decrypted = decryptMessage(encrypted, priv, semiprime);
console.log(`decrypted message: '${decrypted}'`);
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