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Created December 22, 2011 03:48
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Still working on Dungeon Crawler redirection
# trying to set a method so I can use @input in other methods
class Input
def initialize(input)
@input = params[:input]
# collecting the input with a form here
get '/input' do
@input = params[:input]
# this is just when a user loads the page. Probably a better way to call the
# initial index view, but this is what we're working with so far.
get '/' do
@start_room = start_room
erb :start_room
# case @input
# when "go north"
# redirect "/dais_room"
# end
# the routing method that generates rooms based on the room method. Really cuts
# down on how many get /'foo' routes I had to build!
get '/:room' do |room_name|
@current_room = room_name
#@description = method(:dais_room).call
#method(:dais_room).call == dais_room
@description = method(room_name.to_sym).call
erb :room
case @input
when "go north"
redirect "/dais_room"
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jqr commented Dec 22, 2011

Line 3 is setting an instance variable, that is only available to instances of the class Input. Which it looks like you never make ( There are a couple of issues with this, primarily: if this worked, @input would not be accessible anywhere outside of the instance of Input, so line 10 would not work. Additionally, params[:input] is not going to work in that class because params in an instance method defined on whatever class Sinatra requests become, meaning it's only available in Sinatra's get/post/put/delete like methods.

That said, the concept here is good. I think you want to case params[:input] on lines 19 and 34. See for a working example.

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