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Last active November 9, 2017 08:55
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gulp sass to json
const path = require('path');
const through = require('through2');
const sassExtract = require('sass-extract');
const _ = require('lodash');
* Parse a sass file, discover all Sass vars, write to json
* See for inspiration
* @param fileName
* @param opt
* @returns {*}
module.exports = function SassToJson(fileName, opt) {
if (!fileName) {
throw new Error('sass-to-json: missing file options');
// Options from caller
const options = opt || {};
// Pull off a search array like ['$c-', '$ff--', etc ]
const search =, 'lineStartsWith');
// Check last file modified
let latestFile;
let latestMod;
// Holds the massive data object
const sassVars = { baseScssVars: {} };
// return a `through2` stream for `pipe()` compatibility at the node level
function bufferContents(vinylFile, encoding, callback) {
// ignore empty files
if (vinylFile.isNull()) {
// Set latest file if not already set,
// or if the current file was modified more recently.
if (!latestMod || (vinylFile.stat && vinylFile.stat.mtime > latestMod)) {
latestFile = vinylFile;
latestMod = vinylFile.stat && vinylFile.stat.mtime;
// 1. clone new vinyl file for manipulation
// (See for vinyl attributes and functions)
// const transformedFile = vinylFile.clone();
// const rawScss = transformedFile.contents.toString('utf8');
file: vinylFile.path,
.then((rendered) => {
// console.log(rendered.vars);
// looks like:
// {
// 'fs--m': {
// type: 'SassNumber',
// value: 16,
// unit: 'px',
// source: ['/path/to/file.scss'],
// declarations: [Object]
// }
// }
const pickVars = _(
// Pick only vars that pass the inner test
.pickBy((scssToJsonObject, scssToJsonKey) =>
// Search through ['$c-', '$ff--', etc ], see if our key contains search terms
_.some(search, searchItem => scssToJsonKey.startsWith(searchItem)))
// We are constantly merging the new values into the old values
sassVars.baseScssVars = _.assign(sassVars.baseScssVars, pickVars);
// 2. set new contents
// * contents can only be a Buffer, Stream, or null
// * This allows us to modify the vinyl file in memory and prevents the
// * need to write back to the file system.
// transformedFile.contents = new Buffer(JSON.stringify({hello: test}));
function endStream(callback) {
if (!latestFile) {
// A dumb file holder
const outputFile = latestFile.clone({ contents: false });
outputFile.path = path.join(latestFile.base, fileName);
// Include our final json output
outputFile.contents = Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(sassVars));
// This apparently make the file available to write
return through.obj(bufferContents, endStream);
const sass2json = require('./tools/tasks/gulp-sass2json');
gulp.task('compile:scss-to-json', () => gulp
.pipe(sass2json('baseScssVars.json', {
sassVars: [
{ lineStartsWith: '$c-' },
{ lineStartsWith: '$fs--' },
{ lineStartsWith: '$ff--' },
{ lineStartsWith: '$bp--' },
{ lineStartsWith: '$spacing--' },
gulp.task('webpack:watch:scss-to-json', (cb) => {'./source/_patterns/00-base/**/*.scss', gulp.series('compile:scss-to-json'));
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