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Created December 18, 2012 06:23
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  • Save illnino/4325558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save illnino/4325558 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. 1. 'this' in javascript, when to use that to store a reference of the object 2. 'call' 3. 'apply', the same as 'call'. except last param needs to be an array
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var myObject = {};
var myFunction = function(param1, param2) {
//setviacall()'this'points to my Object when function is invoked = param1; = param2;
console.log(this); //logs Object{foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'}
};, 'foo', 'bar'); // invoke function, set this value to myObject
console.log(myObject) // logs Object {foo = 'foo', bar = 'bar'}
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var Person = function(name) { = name || 'johndoe'; // this will refer to the instanc ecreated
var cody = new Person('Cody Lindley'); // create an instance, based on Person constructor
console.log(; // logs 'Cody Lindley'
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var Person = function(name) {||'johndoe';
var cody = Person('Cody Lindley'); // notice we did not use 'new'
console.log(; // undefined, the value is actually set at
console.log(; // logs 'Cody Lindley'
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var Person = function(x){
if(x){this.fullName = x};
Person.prototype.whatIsMyFullName = function() {
return this.fullName; // 'this' refers to the instance created from Person()
var cody = new Person('cody lindley');
var lisa = new Person('lisa lindley');
// call the inherited whatIsMyFullName method, which uses this to refer to the instance
console.log(cody.whatIsMyFullName(), lisa.whatIsMyFullName());
/* The prototype chain is still in effect, so if the instance does not have a
fullName property, it will look for it in the prototype chain.
Below, we add a fullName property to both the Person prototype and the Object
prototype. See notes. */
Object.prototype.fullName = 'John Doe';
var john = new Person(); // no argument is passed so fullName is not added to instance
console.log(john.whatIsMyFullName()); // logs 'John Doe'
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><body><script>
var myObject = {
myMethod:function() {
var that=this; //store a reference to this (i.e.myObject) in myMethod scope varhelperFunctionfunction(){//childfunction
var helperFunction function() { //childfunction
//logs 'I can see the light' via scope chain because that=this
console.log(that.myProperty); //logs 'I can see the light'
console.log(this); // logs window object, if we don't use "that"
myObject.myMethod(); // invoke myMethod
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