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Last active April 12, 2024 16:56
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Cromwell configuration for Slurm + Singularity
# Configure Cromwell to submit jobs to Slurm, including support for Singularity
# Author:
# - Michael Franklin <>
# History:
# - 2020-07-23 - Initial + minor fixes to generalise the script
# - 2024-04-11 - Use bash instead of sh (based on @oneillkza suggestion)
# Quickstart:
# - Replace <location> with a location for a singularity cache. I'd recommend following this GitHub thread for some information about this:
# - [Optional] Add a queue after `String? queue` to be `String? queue = "yourqueue"
# About
# - Transform some job information and path to get a reasonable slurm job name including shard + cpu/mem (easier to track)
# - We submit a 'wrap' job (currently it's only implemented for submit-docker) to catch times where SLURM kills the job
# - The regular 'submit' just submits the variables as required
# - For "submit-docker", we use a cache location to pull images to.
# - 'duration' is in seconds, and can be passed from your WDL runtime (it's not currently a recognised K-V)
# - [OpenWDL #315](
# - Cromwell doesn't (/ didn't) support ToolTimeRequirement for CWL
akka: {
"actor.default-dispatcher.fork-join-executor": {
"parallelism-max": 3
system: {
"job-shell": "/bin/bash"
backend: {
"default": "slurm-singularity",
"providers": {
"slurm-singularity": {
"actor-factory": "cromwell.backend.impl.sfs.config.ConfigBackendLifecycleActorFactory",
"config": {
"filesystems": {
"local": {
"localization": [
"enabled": true,
"caching": {
"duplication-strategy": [
"hashing-strategy": "fingerprint"
"runtime-attributes": """
Int duration = 86400
Int? cpu = 1
Int memory_mb = 3500
String? docker
String? queue
String cacheLocation = "<location>"
"submit": """
jobname='${sub(sub(cwd, ".*call-", ""), "/", "-")}-cpu-${cpu}-mem-${memory_mb}'
sbatch \
-J $jobname \
-D ${cwd} \
-o ${out} \
-e ${err} \
-t 0:${duration} \
${"-p " + queue} \
${"-n " + cpu} \
--mem=${memory_mb} \
--wrap "/usr/bin/env ${job_shell} ${script}"
"submit-docker": """
docker_subbed=$(sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9._-]/_/g' <<< ${docker})
if [ ! -f "$image" ]; then
singularity pull $image docker://${docker}
# Submit the script to SLURM
jobname=${sub(sub(cwd, ".*call-", ""), "/", "-")}-cpu-${cpu}-mem-${memory_mb}
JOBID=$(sbatch \
--parsable \
-J $jobname \
--mem=${memory_mb} \
--cpus-per-task ${select_first([cpu, 1])} \
${"-p " + queue} \
-D ${cwd} \
-o ${cwd}/execution/stdout \
-e ${cwd}/execution/stderr \
-t '0:${duration}' \
--wrap "singularity exec --bind ${cwd}:${docker_cwd} $image ${job_shell} ${docker_script}") \
&& NTOKDEP=$(sbatch --parsable --kill-on-invalid-dep=yes --dependency=afternotokay:$JOBID --wrap '[ ! -f rc ] && (echo 1 >> ${cwd}/execution/rc) && (echo "A slurm error occurred" >> ${cwd}/execution/stderr)') \
&& echo Submitted batch job $JOBID""",
"kill": "scancel ${job_id}",
"check-alive": "scontrol show job ${job_id}",
"job-id-regex": "Submitted batch job (\\d+).*"
call-caching: {
"enabled": true
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So I ran into an interesting problem with line 30, where I was running a workflow that ran the following (BASH-dependent) command in its scripts:

set -euo pipefail

But this is basically telling the system to use sh instead of bash:

system: {
  "job-shell": "/bin/sh"

On many systems /bin/sh is just a symlink to /bin/bash, but not Ubuntu, which is what most containers are based on. So this workflow tried to run, within an Ubuntu-based container, and threw the error:

set: Illegal option -o pipefail

Which is to say, it's much safer to instead set:

system: {
  "job-shell": "/bin/bash"

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Thanks @oneillkza, good shout - I've changed this in the config above :)

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