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Created November 6, 2023 04:10
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Mindustry Scripts
#By Ilobmirt - 2023NOV05
#Manage associates to get Items into storage unit. This is to make units remotely without conveyors
# [-1|disabled] [0|copper] [1|lead] [2|metaglass] [3|graphite] [4|sand] [5|coal]
# [6|titanium] [7|thorium] [8|scrap] [9|silicon] [10|plastinium] [11|phase-fabric]
# [12|surge-alloy] [13|spore-pod] [14|blast-compound] [15|pyratite] [16|beryllium] [17|fissile-matter]
# [18|dormant-cyst] [19|tungsten] [20|carbide] [21|oxide]
set glob_imp1_id 9
set glob_imp2_id 3
set glob_imp3_id 6
set glob_imp4_id 2
set glob_imp5_id -1
set glob_imp_needed -1
set glob_exp_needed -1
set glob_imp1_curr -1
set glob_imp1_pct 0
set glob_imp2_curr -1
set glob_imp2_pct 0
set glob_imp3_curr -1
set glob_imp3_pct 0
set glob_imp4_curr -1
set glob_imp4_pct 0
set glob_imp5_curr -1
set glob_imp5_pct 0
# Workload
set glob_workload_calc -1
set glob_workload_max -1
set glob_workload_pct -1
set glob_partner_id -1
set glob_associates_needed -1
set glob_associates_checkin 0
set glob_associates_missing 0
set glob_associates_collaborating -1
set glob_associates_max 8
set glob_best_unit_type 22
set glob_worst_unit_type 20
# Message Block
set glob_type_message 137
set glob_index_message -1
set glob_link_message -1
set glob_is_debug 0
# Storage Block
# [94 | Container] [93| Vault]
set glob_type_storage 94
set glob_index_storage -1
set glob_link_storage -1
#Function handling
set glob_in_var1 -1
set glob_in_var2 -1
set glob_in_var3 -1
set glob_in_var4 -1
set glob_ret_addr -1
set glob_ret_val -1
set glob_ret_val2 -1
set glob_ret_val3 -1
set glob_ret_val4 -1
#Let's just jump over all the functions and get to the meat and potatoes of our program
jump init always
set gnl_curr_index glob_in_var1
set gnl_match_type glob_in_var2
set glob_ret_val -1
op add gnl_curr_index gnl_curr_index 1
jump end_get_next_link greaterThanEq gnl_curr_index @links
getlink gnl_curr_link gnl_curr_index
sensor gnl_curr_type gnl_curr_link @type
sensor gnl_curr_id gnl_curr_type @id
jump gnl_loop1 notEqual gnl_curr_id gnl_match_type
set glob_ret_val gnl_curr_index
set @counter glob_ret_addr
# How many associates are actually needed for this workload?
op mul glob_associates_needed glob_workload_pct glob_associates_max
op div glob_associates_needed glob_associates_needed 100
op ceil glob_associates_needed glob_associates_needed
set @counter glob_ret_addr
print "\n PARTNER ID: "
print glob_partner_id
jump hmi_yes_import notEqual glob_imp1_id -1
jump hmi_yes_import notEqual glob_imp2_id -1
jump hmi_yes_import notEqual glob_imp3_id -1
jump hmi_yes_import notEqual glob_imp4_id -1
jump hmi_yes_import notEqual glob_imp5_id -1
jump hmi_no_import always
print "\n\n IMPORT MATERIALS: "
jump hmi_no_imp1 equal glob_imp1_id -1
lookup item hmi_mat glob_imp1_id
print "\n "
print hmi_mat
print " ["
print glob_imp1_pct
print "%]"
jump hmi_no_imp2 equal glob_imp2_id -1
lookup item hmi_mat glob_imp2_id
print "\n "
print hmi_mat
print " ["
print glob_imp2_pct
print "%]"
jump hmi_no_imp3 equal glob_imp3_id -1
lookup item hmi_mat glob_imp3_id
print "\n "
print hmi_mat
print " ["
print glob_imp3_pct
print "%]"
jump hmi_no_imp4 equal glob_imp4_id -1
lookup item hmi_mat glob_imp4_id
print "\n "
print hmi_mat
print " ["
print glob_imp4_pct
print "%]"
jump hmi_no_imp5 equal glob_imp5_id -1
lookup item hmi_mat glob_imp5_id
print "\n "
print hmi_mat
print " ["
print glob_imp5_pct
print "%]"
print "\n"
print "\n # ASSOCIATES: "
print glob_associates_collaborating
print "\n WORKLOAD: "
print glob_workload_pct
print "%"
printflush glob_link_message
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Partners are a random 12-bit id (1-4095)
op rand glob_partner_id 4095
op idiv glob_partner_id glob_partner_id 1
jump gpi_loop1 equal glob_partner_id 0
set @counter glob_ret_addr
# Generate a flag that would be set on the associate
# Partner id [12 bits] , Associate id [4 bits] , Step id [8 bits] , and Param id [8 bits]
op shl glob_ret_val glob_in_var1 4
op sub glob_in_var2 glob_in_var2 1
op or glob_ret_val glob_ret_val glob_in_var2
op shl glob_ret_val glob_ret_val 8
op or glob_ret_val glob_ret_val glob_in_var3
op shl glob_ret_val glob_ret_val 8
op or glob_ret_val glob_ret_val glob_in_var4
set @counter glob_ret_addr
# Parse information about a unit from the flag given
op and glob_ret_val4 glob_in_var1 255
op shr glob_in_var1 glob_in_var1 8
op and glob_ret_val3 glob_in_var1 255
op shr glob_in_var1 glob_in_var1 8
op and glob_ret_val2 glob_in_var1 15
op add glob_ret_val2 glob_ret_val2 1
op shr glob_ret_val glob_in_var1 4
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Sets the step of the current @unit
op not sst_mask 65280
op shl sst_step glob_in_var1 8
sensor sst_flag @unit @flag
op and sst_flag sst_flag sst_mask
op or sst_flag sst_flag sst_step
ucontrol flag sst_flag
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Set the param of current unit
op not sp_mask 255
set sp_param glob_in_var1
sensor sp_flag @unit @flag
op and sp_flag sp_flag sp_mask
op or sp_flag sp_flag sp_param
ucontrol flag sp_flag
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Get the status of the material in the container
set glob_ret_val 0
set glob_ret_val2 0
jump end_stat_material lessThan glob_in_var1 0
sensor sm_divisor glob_link_storage @itemCapacity
op idiv sm_divisor sm_divisor 100
lookup item sm_mat glob_in_var1
sensor glob_ret_val glob_link_storage sm_mat
op idiv glob_ret_val2 glob_ret_val sm_divisor
set @counter glob_ret_addr
set sie_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set glob_workload_max 0
set glob_workload_calc 0
set sie_imp_least 999
set sie_exp_most 0
sensor sie_capacity glob_link_storage @itemCapacity
jump sie_no_imp1 lessThan glob_imp1_id 0
set glob_in_var1 glob_imp1_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_material always
set glob_imp1_curr glob_ret_val
set glob_imp1_pct glob_ret_val2
op add glob_workload_max glob_workload_max sie_capacity
op add glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc sie_capacity
op sub glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc glob_imp1_curr
jump sie_no_needed_imp1 greaterThan glob_imp1_curr sie_imp_least
set sie_imp_least glob_imp1_curr
set glob_imp_needed glob_imp1_id
jump sie_no_imp2 lessThan glob_imp2_id 0
set glob_in_var1 glob_imp2_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_material always
set glob_imp2_curr glob_ret_val
set glob_imp2_pct glob_ret_val2
op add glob_workload_max glob_workload_max sie_capacity
op add glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc sie_capacity
op sub glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc glob_imp2_curr
jump sie_no_needed_imp2 greaterThan glob_imp2_curr sie_imp_least
set sie_imp_least glob_imp2_curr
set glob_imp_needed glob_imp2_id
jump sie_no_imp3 lessThan glob_imp3_id 0
set glob_in_var1 glob_imp3_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_material always
set glob_imp3_curr glob_ret_val
set glob_imp3_pct glob_ret_val2
op add glob_workload_max glob_workload_max sie_capacity
op add glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc sie_capacity
op sub glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc glob_imp3_curr
jump sie_no_needed_imp3 greaterThan glob_imp3_curr sie_imp_least
set sie_imp_least glob_imp3_curr
set glob_imp_needed glob_imp3_id
jump sie_no_imp4 lessThan glob_imp4_id 0
set glob_in_var1 glob_imp4_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_material always
set glob_imp4_curr glob_ret_val
set glob_imp4_pct glob_ret_val2
op add glob_workload_max glob_workload_max sie_capacity
op add glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc sie_capacity
op sub glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc glob_imp4_curr
jump sie_no_needed_imp4 greaterThan glob_imp4_curr sie_imp_least
set sie_imp_least glob_imp4_curr
set glob_imp_needed glob_imp4_id
jump sie_no_imp5 lessThan glob_imp5_id 0
set glob_in_var1 glob_imp5_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_material always
set glob_imp5_curr glob_ret_val
set glob_imp5_pct glob_ret_val2
op add glob_workload_max glob_workload_max sie_capacity
op add glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc sie_capacity
op sub glob_workload_calc glob_workload_calc glob_imp5_curr
jump sie_no_needed_imp5 greaterThan glob_imp5_curr sie_imp_least
set sie_imp_least glob_imp5_curr
set glob_imp_needed glob_imp5_id
op div glob_workload_pct glob_workload_calc glob_workload_max
op mul glob_workload_pct glob_workload_pct 100
op idiv glob_workload_pct glob_workload_pct 1
set glob_ret_addr sie_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Manages all the associates that could be possible in the game, calls a more refined unit type loop
set am_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set am_loop_index glob_best_unit_type
#Reset our associate check in - They check in every cycle
set glob_associates_checkin 0
#If we dont need anyone, why bother with the loop?
jump end_associate_loop equal glob_associates_collaborating 0
jump end_associate_loop lessThan am_loop_index glob_worst_unit_type
set glob_in_var1 am_loop_index
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump function_unit_loop always
op sub am_loop_index am_loop_index 1
jump am_loop1 always
set glob_ret_addr am_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#calculate the missing associate mask from number being employed vs who checked in
op pow cm_mask 2 glob_associates_collaborating
op sub cm_mask cm_mask 1
op not cm_missing glob_associates_checkin
op and glob_associates_missing cm_missing cm_mask
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Get biggest base 10 decimal from missing bitmask
set tm_index glob_associates_max
set glob_ret_val 0
jump end_top_missing lessThan tm_index 1
op sub tm_mask tm_index 1
op pow tm_mask 2 tm_mask
op and tm_mask tm_mask glob_associates_missing
jump tm_sucess notEqual tm_mask 0
op sub tm_index tm_index 1
jump tm_loop1 always
set glob_ret_val tm_index
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Check an associate in by id - Turn on the respective bit based on associate number
op sub ci_num glob_in_var1 1
op pow ci_num 2 ci_num
op or glob_associates_checkin glob_associates_checkin ci_num
# When we check in, we are no longer considered missing
op not ci_num ci_num
op and glob_associates_missing glob_associates_missing ci_num
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#Manages all units of a certain type, checks in and does step cycles
set ul_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
lookup unit ul_type glob_in_var1
set ul_first_unit -1
set ul_is_start_loop 0
set ul_flag 0
set ul_partner_id 0
set ul_associate_id 0
set ul_step_num 0
set ul_param_num 0
set ul_loop_counter 0
ubind ul_type
jump end_unit_loop equal @unit null
jump ul_first_defined notEqual ul_first_unit -1
set ul_first_unit @unit
set ul_is_start_loop 1
#Parse flag on device if any
sensor ul_flag @unit @flag
#We only manage our own
set glob_in_var1 ul_flag
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_parse_flag always
set ul_partner_id glob_ret_val
set ul_associate_id glob_ret_val2
set ul_step_num glob_ret_val3
set ul_param_num glob_ret_val4
#handle if related to us or not
jump ul_our_associate equal ul_partner_id glob_partner_id
jump ul_not_associated lessThanEq ul_partner_id 0
jump ul_end_loop1 always
#Checkin time
set glob_in_var1 ul_associate_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_checkin always
#Let's do a step with this unit
set glob_in_var1 ul_associate_id
set glob_in_var2 ul_step_num
set glob_in_var3 ul_param_num
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step_engine always
jump ul_end_loop1 always
#If we missed, or lost an associate, or even just waited for one to be added...
jump ul_end_loop1 equal glob_associates_missing 0
#What's the ID of the associate to add?
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_top_missing always
#Add the associate to our system
set glob_in_var1 glob_ret_val
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_add_associate always
op add ul_loop_counter ul_loop_counter 1
jump ul_loop1 notEqual @unit ul_first_unit
jump ul_loop1 equal ul_loop_counter 1
set glob_ret_addr ul_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
# This is the step engine, it handles the current @unit and makes it do a thing based on what
# Is going on with the unit
set se_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set se_unit_id glob_in_var1
set se_unit_step glob_in_var2
set se_unit_param glob_in_var3
jump se_no_debug equal glob_is_debug 0
print " Associate "
print se_unit_id
print ": step "
print se_unit_step
print " param "
print se_unit_param
print "\n"
#STEP 0 - WHAT DO? New associates start here
jump se_no_step0 notEqual se_unit_step 0
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step0 always
jump end_step_engine always
#STEP 1 - Move to HQ
jump se_no_step1 notEqual se_unit_step 1
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step1 always
jump end_step_engine always
#STEP 2 - Move to the linked Container
jump se_no_step2 notEqual se_unit_step 2
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step2 always
jump end_step_engine always
#STEP 3 - Pick up Item
jump se_no_step3 notEqual se_unit_step 3
set glob_in_var1 se_unit_param
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step3 always
jump end_step_engine always
#STEP 4 - Drop off Item
jump se_no_step4 notEqual se_unit_step 4
set glob_in_var1 se_unit_id
set glob_in_var2 se_unit_param
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_step4 always
jump end_step_engine always
set glob_ret_addr se_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
# ---> STEP 1 - Has item, but not wanted item / Has no item
# ---> STEP 2 - Has item that we want
set s0_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
#Get Item Type from unit, if holding anything
sensor s0_held_type @unit @firstItem
lookup item s0_imp_needed_type glob_imp_needed
jump s0_to_s2 equal s0_held_type s0_imp_needed_type
set glob_in_var1 1
jump s0_proceed always
set glob_in_var1 2
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
set glob_ret_addr s0_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#STEP 1 - Move to HQ
# ---> STEP 3 (Param 1) - If holding no items
# ---> STEP 4 (Param 1) - If holding items
set s1_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
#What's the range of this unit?
#sensor s1_range @unit @range
set s1_range 5
#Get the location of HQ
ulocate building core false 0 s1_target_x s1_target_y s1_found s1_building
#Move to Building
ucontrol approach s1_target_x s1_target_y s1_range
#We wont proceed till we're in range
ucontrol within s1_target_x s1_target_y s1_range s1_in_range 0
jump end_step1 equal s1_in_range 0
#Got anything?
set s1_held_amount 0
sensor s1_held_type @unit @firstItem
sensor s1_held_amount @unit s1_held_type
jump s1_to_s4 notEqual s1_held_amount 0
set glob_in_var1 3
jump s1_proceed always
set glob_in_var1 4
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
set glob_in_var1 1
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_param always
set glob_ret_addr s1_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#STEP 2 - Move to linked Container
# ---> STEP 3 (Param 2) - If holding no items
# ---> STEP 4 (Param 2) - If holding items
set s2_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
#What's the range of this unit?
#sensor s2_range @unit @range
set s2_range 5
#Get the location of container
sensor s2_target_x glob_link_storage @x
sensor s2_target_y glob_link_storage @y
#Move to Building
ucontrol approach s2_target_x s2_target_y s2_range
#We wont proceed till we're in range
ucontrol within s2_target_x s2_target_y s2_range s2_in_range 0
jump end_step2 equal s2_in_range 0
#Got anything?
set s2_held_amount 0
sensor s2_held_type @unit @firstItem
sensor s2_held_amount @unit s2_held_type
jump s2_to_s4 notEqual s2_held_amount 0
set glob_in_var1 3
jump s2_proceed always
set glob_in_var1 4
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
set glob_in_var1 2
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_param always
set glob_ret_addr s2_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#STEP 3 - Pick up item from location to unit (1 = Hq, 2 = Container)
# ---> STEP 1 - We were at place 2 (Container), and now need to move to place 1 (Hq)
# ---> STEP 2 - We were at place 1 (Hq), and now need to move to place 2 (Container)
set s3_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set s3_unit_param glob_in_var1
jump s3_at_container equal s3_unit_param 2
jump s3_at_hq equal s3_unit_param 1
jump end_step3 always
ulocate building core false 0 s3_target_x s3_target_y s3_found s3_building
lookup item s3_pickup_type glob_imp_needed
set glob_in_var1 2
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
jump s3_end_at_place always
set s3_building glob_link_storage
lookup item s3_pickup_type glob_exp_needed
set glob_in_var1 1
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
jump s3_no_pickup equal s3_pickup_type null
sensor s3_held s3_building s3_pickup_type
jump s3_no_pickup equal s3_held 0
sensor s3_load_max @unit @itemCapacity
op min s3_pick_amt s3_held s3_load_max
ucontrol itemTake s3_building s3_pickup_type s3_pick_amt
set glob_in_var1 0
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_param always
set glob_ret_addr s3_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#STEP 4 - Drop off item from unit to location (1 = Hq, 2 = Container)
# ---> LET GO - Needed Associates < Associate ID
# ---> STEP 3 - (Place 1- Needs Import, Place 2 - Needs Export)
set s4_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set s4_unit_id glob_in_var1
set s4_unit_param glob_in_var2
jump s4_at_container equal s4_unit_param 2
jump s4_at_hq equal s4_unit_param 1
jump end_step4 always
ulocate building core false 0 s4_target_x s4_target_y s4_found s4_building
jump s4_end_at_place always
set s4_building glob_link_storage
#Got anything?
set s4_held_amount 0
sensor s4_held_type @unit @firstItem
sensor s4_held_amount @unit s4_held_type
jump s4_is_empty equal s4_held_amount 0
#How about the building?
sensor s4_building_amt s4_building s4_held_type
sensor s4_building_max s4_building @itemCapacity
#So how much can we give?
op sub s4_can_give s4_building_max s4_building_amt
op min s4_can_give s4_can_give s4_held_amount
jump s4_plz_empty equal s4_can_give 0
#Give the item to building
ucontrol itemDrop s4_building s4_can_give
#If not empty, destroy the rest
sensor s4_held_amount @unit s4_held_type
jump s4_is_empty equal s4_held_amount 0
ucontrol itemDrop @air s4_held_amount
#We definitely need to be empty to proceed
sensor s4_held_amount @unit s4_held_type
jump end_step4 greaterThan s4_held_amount 0
#We either tell the associate to get some rest, or we ask them to keep working
jump s4_continue_working lessThanEq s4_unit_id glob_associates_needed
set glob_in_var1 s4_unit_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_rem_associate always
jump end_step4 always
set glob_in_var1 3
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_set_step always
set glob_ret_addr s4_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
set aa_caller_addr glob_ret_addr
set aa_associate_id glob_in_var1
set aa_associate_flag -1
#Set flag for associate
set glob_in_var1 glob_partner_id
set glob_in_var2 aa_associate_id
set glob_in_var3 0
set glob_in_var4 0
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_gen_flag always
set aa_associate_flag glob_ret_val
ucontrol flag glob_ret_val
#Check in with the partner
set glob_in_var1 aa_associate_id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_checkin always
set glob_ret_addr aa_caller_addr
set @counter glob_ret_addr
set ra_associate_id glob_in_var1
#Remove association flag
ucontrol flag 0
#Take a chill pill, you did good, take a break
ucontrol idle
#Release to the wilds
ucontrol unbind
#And thus, let's show that we have one less associate collaborating
op sub glob_associates_collaborating glob_associates_collaborating 1
set @counter glob_ret_addr
sensor um_conf_id factory1 @config
sensor um_conf_id um_conf_id @id
jump um_dagger equal um_conf_id 0
jump um_nova equal um_conf_id 5
jump um_crawler equal um_conf_id 10
jump um_mono equal um_conf_id 20
jump um_no_idea always
set glob_imp5_id 1
jump end_unit_mats always
set glob_imp5_id 5
jump end_unit_mats always
set glob_imp5_id 1
jump end_unit_mats
set glob_imp5_id 1
jump end_unit_mats always
set glob_imp5_id -1
set @counter glob_ret_addr
#The initialization of the software happens here
#We need a partner id
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_generate_partner_id always
#Lets get our linked objects
set glob_in_var1 -1
set glob_in_var2 glob_type_message
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_get_next_link always
jump init_no_hmi equal glob_ret_val -1
set glob_index_message glob_ret_val
getlink glob_link_message glob_index_message
set glob_in_var1 -1
set glob_in_var2 glob_type_storage
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_get_next_link always
#We definitely need a container to link to
jump init_links equal glob_ret_val -1
set glob_index_storage glob_ret_val
getlink glob_link_storage glob_index_storage
#The eternal main loop <3
#Get our materials
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_stat_import_export always
#Collaborate with associates
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_associate_management always
#How many associates do we need?
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_workload always
# Increase associates if we need to
jump main_no_increase_associates greaterThanEq glob_associates_collaborating glob_associates_needed
set glob_associates_collaborating glob_associates_needed
# Who's missing?
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_calc_missing always
#Configure our mats based on 1st tier unit config
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_unit_mats always
# If we have an hmi, output state to it
jump main_loop equal glob_index_message -1
op add glob_ret_addr @counter 1
jump func_hmi always
jump main_loop always
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