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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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Google I/O 2014

#Authentication and third party APIs

Was cancelled. Instead Go language Q&A

Learning curve is very fast, allegedly one of the easiest languages to learn.

#Continuous Integration with Release Pipelines

Google Apps Developer Console

Pipeline takes care of Jenkins. You don't have to know about Jenkins if you don't want to.

Eg Dev > QA > Prod

Engineers mess with QA. Every night things get sent to QA and run for you.

Unit tests are run automatically.


Java sample web app

Outputs the word of the day

###test success

  • make a change in the file and in the unit test
  • commit, push origin master
  • build, test, deploy done or you can configure your own workflow
  • can send to prod as wanted
  • Google gives you a Jenkins VM, they do upgrades, security patches etc for you
  • can use different language in the test etc
  • multiple devs can contribute, builds are done in order they come in, other are blocked while that one is running
  • will launch v1 soon after i/o
  • in v1 each dev probably won't have their own environment, there will only be one central but in future version that would be added

###test failure

  • log


  • push button deploy?
    • yes, possible. there are two ways
    • a) in the script define the push the deploy button
    • b) have just one 'stage' which is prod, and if all tests pass including integration tests then deploy to that one which is production. Then later on can add more stages.
  • just maven? no. maven and cradle as well


Polymer and web components

  • can be used in prototyping, design as well as development
  • from 80 lines of JS to 1 line of HTML
  • don't be left behind
  • TODO Absolute must-do
  1. layout
  2. material
  3. transitions
  4. themes


Django meetup

Lighning talks

Python packages you should love and use

  • bycrypt
  • rq
  • djangorestframework
  • django-sslify
  • django-debug-toolbar
  • django compressor
  • gunicorn
  • newrelic
  • heroku
  • stormpath

Gargoyles on Gutters

Passionate about feature-switching

  • gargoyle
  • gutter
  • similar but not the same
  • feature switches
  • how to use both?
  • srsly, how? ;)
  • memcache, ok but still slow
  • zookeper is the secret sauce + awesome signals

Experimenting with Python 2 and 3 and virtualenvwrapper

  • Python 3.4 asyncio compatible with 3.3 - node.js will be out in a year ?!
  • python points to Python 2, python3 will point to Python 3 (PEP-0394)
  • pip install virtualnvwrapper ...
  • smoke test
  • Zen of Python says "explicit is better than implicit! so use py2- and py3- prefixes
  • set up different virtualenv for each, activate each and don't worry any more. The key is they reside in different virtual ENVIRONMENTS that need to be activated!
  • first issue PEP-0328
  • second issue Tasty Pie isn't compatible with Django 1.7

6 Years with django at Prezi

@szilveszter Szilveszter Farkas employee #2

Past/Present/Future One of the most trafficked python application ~44 million monthy active users, 1.5 million new users each month


  • Build for scale from the start
    • Aha moment: we used to have hardware. when we switched to Amazon s3 everything became easy
  • CI
    • automation, automated tests
    • Jenkins ~ 750 jobs
    • at peak times it will launch 400+ instances an hour
    • avoid Django's test client - slows down your tests. unit tests are disguised as integration tests
    • avoid ORM/db access
    • acceptance/integration/behavioral test
    • Twist framework was introduced, QA team got dissolved, everyone has to write their own tests. Twist was too slow
    • Moving to Cucumber
  • CD
    • continuous deployment/automated deployment
    • feature flags
    • gargoyle/gutter
    • monitoring, dashboards
    • Nagios/StatsD/Logster -> Graphite -> Dashboard (HTML5)
    • Alerting, if something reaches a certain threshold
    • PagerDuty
    • all developers are responsible for their own code, no dedicated ops team


  • PRIO1, critical path (cp): if xyz happens to at least 3 users
    • critical path until 2 weeks ago
    • took 2 years to add login page to the cp
    • landing page
    • dynapps: project container for 3 apps
  • SOA
    • and microservices
    • communication protocol btw services: Thrift (Python and Java)
    • backend services move towards Scala
    • django-thriftify*: generates Thrift interface definition based on Django models, provides CRUD interface (not identical to ORM, but similar: not as cheap as a direct DB call. It's a remote call, actually), fallback to ORM
    • generated client libraries Java & Python
    • client libraries actually used by clients
  • Conway's law (1968)
    • organize teams based on SOA
    • small teams with few engineers, each are responsible for a few services
    • loosely coupled, not too many dependencies
    • their team building philosophy
    • e.g. storage team, backend-api, online marketing, website team
  • Tooling is very important
    • wrote a lot of tools
    • Snakebasket: thin layer on top of pip recursively install dependencies from req files
    • Simply*: manage local development environment
    • Please*: run all the services locally using HAProxy
    • Igor* infastructure for microservices bootstrap AWS config, Chef, Jenkins
    • Sergei*
  • Deprecate APIs
    • lots of old APIs in the monolith
    • lots of clients out there using them
    • currently no policy in place for these (!)
    • if you have a startup, make sure you have a policy how to deprecate your APIs
    • solution: proxy APIs to bridge the old and new
  • code review
    • cathc bugs early
    • distribute knowledge
    • "quality through social accountability"


  • e.g. Signup component
    • break it out of monolith
    • architecture diagram here
  • local vs staging/prod env
    • vagrant and docker
  • future of Django/Python
    • functional and reactive programming
    • moving towards Scala
    • Netflix OSS stack, Akka
    • Save django/python?
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