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Last active June 15, 2021 18:35
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main rego
package main
import input as tfplan
# Restrict all resources to one project
required_project = "myproject"
# Ban ports
banned_ports = ["80", "22"]
# check if array contains element
array_contains(arr, elem) {
# iterate over arr, assert it contains elem
arr[_] = elem
# Deny if project does not match
deny[msg] {
resource := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
project_id := resource.change.after.project
not project_id == required_project
msg := sprintf("%q: Project %q is not allowed. Must be %q", [resource.address, project_id, required_project])
# Block protocols that aren't TCP
deny[msg] {
resource := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
allow := resource.change.after.allow[_]
not allow.protocol == "tcp"
msg := sprintf("%q: Protocol %q is not allowed. Must be tcp", [resource.address, allow.protocol])
# Block banned ports
deny[msg] {
resource := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
allow := resource.change.after.allow[_]
port := allow.ports[_]
array_contains(banned_ports, port)
msg := sprintf("%q: Port %q is not allowed.", [resource.address, port])
# Require targeting a service account
deny[msg] {
resource := tfplan.resource_changes[_]
accounts := resource.change.after.target_service_accounts
accounts == null
msg := sprintf("%q: A service account must be used as a target.", [resource.address])
# block provisioners
deny[msg] {
config := tfplan.configuration[_]
# root_module := config.root_module[_]
resources := config.resources[_]
provisioners := resources.provisioners[_]
# Check if provisioners is true
msg := sprintf("%s: Provisioners are not allowed - Provisioner: %q", [resources.address, provisioners.type])
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