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Created January 16, 2010 18:38
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Save iloveitaly/278943 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Kohana 2 feed class with better namespace support
class Feed2 extends feed {
* Creates a feed from the given parameters.
* @param array feed information
* @param array items to add to the feed
* @param string define which format to use
* @param string define which encoding to use
* @return string
public static function create($info, $items, $format = 'rss2', $encoding = 'UTF-8')
$info += array('title' => 'Generated Feed', 'link' => '', 'generator' => 'KohanaPHP');
// handle namespaces
$namespaceString = '';
if(isset($info['namespaces'])) {
foreach($info['namespaces'] as $prefix => $ns) {
// can't add namespaces using the api bc it adds in xmlns:xmlns="..." which is explicitly declared as invalid xml:
// $feed->addAttribute('xmlns:'.$prefix, $ns, '');
$namespaceString .= " xmlns:".$prefix.'="'.$ns.'"';
$namespaces = $info['namespaces'];
// this is so it is not included in the rest of the $info generation
$feed = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="'.$encoding.'"?><rss version="2.0"'.$namespaceString.'><channel></channel></rss>';
$feed = simplexml_load_string($feed);
foreach ($info as $name => $value)
if (($name === 'pubDate' OR $name === 'lastBuildDate') AND (is_int($value) OR ctype_digit($value)))
// Convert timestamps to RFC 822 formatted dates
$value = date(DATE_RFC822, $value);
elseif (($name === 'link' OR $name === 'docs') AND strpos($value, '://') === FALSE)
// Convert URIs to URLs
$value = url::site($value, 'http');
// Add the info to the channel
$feed->channel->addChild($name, $value);
foreach ($items as $item)
// Add the item to the channel
$row = $feed->channel->addChild('item');
foreach ($item as $name => $value)
if(!is_array($value)) {
if ($name === 'pubDate' AND (is_int($value) OR ctype_digit($value))) {
// Convert timestamps to RFC 822 formatted dates
$value = date(DATE_RFC822, $value);
} elseif (($name === 'link' OR $name === 'guid') AND strpos($value, '://') === FALSE) {
// Convert URIs to URLs
$value = url::site($value, 'http');
if(strstr($name, ":") !== FALSE) {
list($namespace, $tagName) = explode(":", $name);
$row->addChild($name, $value, $namespace);
} else {
$row->addChild($name, $value);
} else {
$child = $row->addChild($name);
// If the value is an array we are specifying attributes
foreach($value as $attribute => $attributeValue) {
if(strchr($attribute, ':') !== FALSE) {
list($ns, $attribute2) = explode(':', $attribute);
} else {
$ns = "";
//!empty($ns) ? $namespaces[$ns] : NULL
$child->addAttribute($attribute, $attributeValue, !empty($ns) ? $namespaces[$ns] : NULL);
return $feed->asXML();
// snippet from a larger piece of code for generating a sparkle feed
foreach($updatesList as $clientUpdate) {
$clientUpdatePath = join_paths(DOCROOT, '/install/', $clientUpdate->file);
if(!file_exists($clientUpdatePath)) continue;
$feedItems[] = array(
'title' => 'App v'.$clientUpdate->version,
'pubDate' => $clientUpdate->date,
'sparkle:minimumSystemVersion' => $clientUpdate->version > 572 ? '10.7.0' : '10.6.0',
'enclosure' => array(
'url' => url::base(TRUE).'install/'.$clientUpdate->file,
'type' => 'application/octet-stream',
'length' => filesize($clientUpdatePath),
'sparkle:dsaSignature' => $clientUpdate->signature,
'sparkle:version' => $clientUpdate->version,
'sparkle:shortVersionString' => '1.0',
$feedData = feed2::create(
'title' => 'App Update Feed',
'author' => 'Michael Bianco',
'pubDate' => date('r'),
'link' => '',
'language' => 'en',
'namespaces' => array(
'sparkle' => '',
'dc' => ''
echo $feedData;
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