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Copy fields from a transaction record to a payment in NetSuite. Built by
Author: <>
Description: Copies department, class, and location from the order (SalesOrder, Invoice)
to the transaction (customer deposit, customer refund, and customer payment).
This can be customized to copy custom
2. User Event
3. Name: Copy Order Fields to Transaction
4. ID: _suitesync_copy_invoice_fields
5. After Submit: afterSubmit
6. Deployments: CustomerDeposit on Create, or CustomerPayment on Create
// Utils
function log(msg) {
nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', msg);
function error(msg) {
nlapiLogExecution('ERROR', msg);
function isEmpty(obj) {
return obj === undefined || obj === null || obj === "";
function afterSubmit() {
var recordType = nlapiGetRecordType();
var recordId = nlapiGetRecordId();
var locationsEnabled = nlapiGetContext().getFeature('LOCATIONS');
var classesEnabled = nlapiGetContext().getFeature('CLASSES');
var departmentsEnabled = nlapiGetContext().getFeature('DEPARTMENTS');
var currentDepartment = null;
var currentClass = null;
var currentLocation = null;
if(departmentsEnabled) {
currentDepartment = nlapiGetFieldValue('department');
if(classesEnabled) {
currentClass = nlapiGetFieldValue('class');
if(locationsEnabled) {
currentLocation = nlapiGetFieldValue('location');
if(!isEmpty(currentDepartment) && !isEmpty(currentLocation) && !isEmpty(currentClass)) {
log("department and location are already set, skipping");
var applyingTransactionId = null;
var applyingTransactionType = null;
if(recordType == 'customerdeposit') {
var salesOrderId = nlapiGetFieldValue('salesorder');
if(isEmpty(salesOrderId)) {
log("customer deposit is not linked with sales order");
applyingTransactionId = salesOrderId;
applyingTransactionType = 'salesorder'
} else {
if(nlapiGetLineItemCount('apply') > 1) {
log("contains more than one applying transaction, skipping");
applyingTransactionId = nlapiGetLineItemValue('apply', 'doc', 1);
applyingTransactionType = nlapiGetLineItemValue('apply', 'type', 1);
if(departmentsEnabled && isEmpty(currentDepartment)) {
var departmentId = nlapiLookupField(applyingTransactionType, applyingTransactionId, 'department', false);
if(!isEmpty(departmentId)) {
nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, 'department', departmentId);
if(classesEnabled && isEmpty(currentClass)) {
var classId = nlapiLookupField(applyingTransactionType, applyingTransactionId, 'class', false);
if(!isEmpty(classId)) {
nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, 'class', classId);
if(locationsEnabled && isEmpty(currentLocation)) {
var locationId = nlapiLookupField(applyingTransactionType, applyingTransactionId, 'location', false);
if(!isEmpty(locationId)) {
nlapiSubmitField(recordType, recordId, 'location', departmentId);
// NOTE here you can copy custom information from the invoice to the CustomerPayment
if(nlapiGetContext().getExecutionContext() == 'debugger') {
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