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Created August 23, 2019 15:01
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AVR Round Robbin Scheduler
AVR Round Robbin Scheduler
Hardware: ATMega8 running at 8MHz
#define MAX_TASKS (10)
// task states
#define RUNNABLE (0x00)
#define RUNNING (0x01)
#define STOPPED (0x02)
#define ERROR (0x03)
// a task "type"
// pointer to a void function with no arguments
typedef void (*task_t)(void);
// basic task control block (TCB)
typedef struct __tcb_t
uint8_t id; // task ID
task_t task; // pointer to the task
// delay before execution
uint16_t delay, period;
uint8_t status; // status of task
} tcb_t;
// scheduler functions
void initScheduler(void);
void addTask(uint8_t, task_t, uint16_t);
void deleteTask(uint8_t);
uint8_t getTaskStatus(uint8_t);
void dispatchTasks(void);
// prototypes of tasks
void Task1(void);
void Task2(void);
// the task list
tcb_t task_list[MAX_TASKS];
// keeps track of number of timer interrupts
uint16_t count = 0;
// scheduler function definitions
// initialises the task list
void initScheduler(void)
for(uint8_t i=0; i<MAX_TASKS; i++)
task_list[i].id = 0;
task_list[i].task = (task_t)0x00;
task_list[i].delay = 0;
task_list[i].period = 0;
task_list[i].status = STOPPED;
// adds a new task to the task list
// scans through the list and
// places the new task data where
// it finds free space
void addTask(uint8_t id, task_t task,
uint16_t period)
uint8_t idx = 0, done = 0x00;
while( idx < MAX_TASKS )
if( task_list[idx].status == STOPPED )
task_list[idx].id = id;
task_list[idx].task = task;
task_list[idx].delay = period;
task_list[idx].period = period;
task_list[idx].status = RUNNABLE;
done = 0x01;
if( done ) break;
// remove task from task list
// note STOPPED is equivalent
// to removing a task
void deleteTask(uint8_t id)
for(uint8_t i=0;i<MAX_TASKS;i++)
if( task_list[i].id == id )
task_list[i].status = STOPPED;
// gets the task status
// returns ERROR if id is invalid
uint8_t getTaskStatus(uint8_t id)
for(uint8_t i=0;i<MAX_TASKS;i++)
if( task_list[i].id == id )
return task_list[i].status;
return ERROR;
// dispatches tasks when they are ready to run
void dispatchTasks(void)
for(uint8_t i=0;i<MAX_TASKS;i++)
// check for a valid task ready to run
if( !task_list[i].delay &&
task_list[i].status == RUNNABLE )
// task is now running
task_list[i].status = RUNNING;
// call the task
// reset the delay
task_list[i].delay =
// task is runnable again
task_list[i].status = RUNNABLE;
// generates a "tick"
// each tick 100ms apart
count ++;
if( count == 392 )
count = 0;
// cycle through available tasks
for(uint8_t i=0;i<MAX_TASKS;i++)
if( task_list[i].status == RUNNABLE )
// Task definitions
void Task1(void)
static uint8_t status = 0x01;
if( status )
PORTD |= _BV(PD0);
PORTD &= ~_BV(PD0);
status = !status;
void Task2(void)
static uint8_t status = 0x01;
if( status )
PORTD |= _BV(PD1);
PORTD &= ~_BV(PD1);
status = !status;
int main(void)
// use 1/8 of system clock frequency
TCCR0 = 0x02;
// inital timer value = 0
TCNT0 = 0;
// enable Timer0 Overflow interrupt
// set PORTD bit0 and bit1 as outputs
DDRD = _BV(PD0)|_BV(PD1);
// set up the task list
// add tasks, id is arbitrary
// task1 runs every 1 second
addTask(1, Task1, 10);
// task2 runs every 4 seconds
addTask(2, Task2, 40);
// enable all interrupts
return 0; // will never reach here
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