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Last active December 15, 2015 14:59
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`Tastypie BaseResource to build lists from a queryset` Many to Many relationships in Tastypie Resources require a Manager (9.12 - 9.14), but if you are using a queryset, you can't use the relationship. This base resource allows you to extend your Resources to easily build a pseudo ToMany relationship from your queryset. Special thanks to https:/…
# how the models are related
# track -- generic --> audioclips <-- sample
class SampledTracksManager(models.Manager):
def get_track_samples(self, instance):
# must iterate through list because Audioclip object is unscriptable
audioclip_ids = []
for audioclip in instance.audioclips.all():
# return custom queryset where audioclip_id exists in audioclip_ids built from Track model
return Sample.objects.filter(audioclip_id__in=audioclip_ids)
class Track(models.Model):
objects = SampledTracksManager()
# ... model properties ...
audioclips = generic.GenericRelation('Audioclip', object_id_field="medium_id", content_type_field="medium_type")
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s" % (self.title)
def get_track_samples(self):
return Track.objects.get_track_samples(self)
class ResolverResource(ModelResource):
def get_reverse_kwargs(self, resolver_type, resource_name=None, resource_id=None, detail_uri_name='pk'):
Return a dictionary of named URLs included in Tastypie by default.
These can be found in tastypie.resources.Resource.base_urls. They
are included here as a convenience and a form of documentation.
By using this method we can use reverse URL resolution and
automatically have all of the kwargs needed by
django.core.urlresolvers.reverse to return the URL string.
if resource_name is None:
resource_name = self._meta.resource_name
kwargs = {
'api_dispatch_list': {
'resource_name': resource_name,
'api_name': self.api_name
'api_get_schema': {
'resource_name': resource_name,
'api_name': self.api_name
'api_get_multiple': {
'resource_name': resource_name,
'%s_list' % (detail_uri_name) : resource_id,
'api_name': self.api_name
'api_dispatch_detail': {
'resource_name' : resource_name,
'%s' % (detail_uri_name) : resource_id,
'api_name' : self.api_name
return kwargs[resolver_type]
def get_reverse_uri(self, resolver_type, resource_name=None, resource_id=None):
kwargs = self.get_reverse_kwargs(resolver_type, resource_name, resource_id)
return reverse(resolver_type, kwargs=kwargs)
def get_uri_set(self, ids, resource_name=None):
# TODO build a ; delimited string from ids (EG: 1;2;3) and look up 'api_get_multiple'
def get_uri_list(self, ids, resource_name=None):
uri_list = []
for id in ids:
uri = self.get_reverse_uri('api_dispatch_detail', resource_name, id)
return uri_list
class TrackResource(ResolverResource):
album_id = fields.ToOneField('samped.api.resources.AlbumResource', 'album')
label_id = fields.ToOneField('samped.api.resources.LabelResource', 'label')
artists = fields.ToManyField('samped.api.resources.ArtistResource', 'artists')
# have to build uri list from queryset
# because tastypie m2m expects a Manager, but querysets for custom querys will crash
# track_samples = fields.ToManyField('samped.api.resources.SampleResource', 'get_track_samples')
def dehydrate(self, bundle):
# have to build uri list from queryset
# because tastypie m2m expects a Manager, but querysets for custom querys will crash
sample_ids = Track.objects.get_track_samples(bundle.obj).values_list('id', flat=True)
# sample_ids = [1, 23, 56]['track_samples'] = self.get_uri_list(sample_ids, 'sample')
#['track_samples'] = ['/api/v1/sample/1/', '/api/v1/sample/23/', '/api/v1/sample/56/']
return bundle
class Meta:
queryset = Track.objects.all()
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