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Forked from dpo/formula_options.txt
Last active October 15, 2016 01:32
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options, open issues, closed issuues
32 1 14 trilinos
28/23 22 109 opencv3/opencv
27 7 171 octave
26 0 14 vips
20 2 31 petsc
18 6 49 vtk
18 2 6 dealii
14 0 11 insighttoolkit.rb
13 2 4 rampart
11 4 5 maker
11 0 5 getdp
10 4 22 pcl
10 2 8 mathgl
10 4 52 lammps
10 1 15 hypre
10 3 10 graph-tool
10 4 27 blast
9 - - r
9 10 74 hdf5
9 0 4 dgtal
9 0 5 abinit
8 simpleitk.rb
8 cppad.rb
7 xraylib.rb
7 visp.rb
7 vigra.rb
7 sundials.rb
7 paraview.rb
7 mfem.rb
7 libsbml.rb
7 gmsh.rb
7 emboss.rb
6 suite-sparse.rb
6 slepc.rb
6 shogun.rb
6 root.rb
6 osgearth.rb
6 opencascade.rb
6 libsigrokdecode.rb
6 geant4.rb
6 gdcm.rb
6 elemental.rb
6 dynare.rb
6 cantera.rb
6 alpscore.rb
6 abyss.rb
5 superlu43.rb
5 superlu.rb
5 root6.rb
5 qr_mumps.rb
5 openimageio.rb
5 nip2.rb
5 nest.rb
5 mumps.rb
5 lis.rb
5 hyphy.rb
5 gromacs.rb
5 genometools.rb
5 blis.rb
5 bioformats-cpp.rb
4 zoltan.rb
4 velvet.rb
4 tmv-cpp.rb
4 symphony.rb
4 oce.rb
4 nexusformat.rb
4 netcdf.rb
4 lumpy-sv.rb
4 ipopt.rb
4 igraph.rb
4 flann.rb
4 busco.rb
4 beagle.rb
4 asl.rb
4 amos.rb
3 wcslib.rb
3 superlu_dist.rb
3 sratoolkit.rb
3 scalapack.rb
3 quaff.rb
3 pspp.rb
3 prokka.rb
3 pnapi.rb
3 pcb.rb
3 pastix.rb
3 p4est.rb
3 orthofinder.rb
3 openni2.rb
3 openni.rb
3 oases.rb
3 nlopt.rb
3 mrbayes.rb
3 moose.rb
3 mlpack.rb
3 libgpkg.rb
3 libbi.rb
3 hwloc.rb
3 harry.rb
3 galsim.rb
3 g2o.rb
3 fwdpp.rb
3 freebayes.rb
3 fasttree.rb
3 express.rb
3 enblend-enfuse.rb
3 dlib.rb
3 ceres-solver.rb
3 beetl.rb
3 bcftools.rb
3 astrometry-net.rb
3 arpack.rb
3 adol-c.rb
2 xrmc.rb
2 vislcg3.rb
2 viennarna.rb
2 vcftools.rb
2 trinity.rb
2 superlu_mt.rb
2 scotch.rb
2 sara.rb
2 samtools-0.1.rb
2 sally.rb
2 repeatmasker.rb
2 qrupdate.rb
2 qgis.rb
2 pykep.rb
2 propack.rb
2 parallel-netcdf.rb
2 orocos-kdl.rb
2 openblas.rb
2 openalpr.rb
2 nonpareil.rb
2 nglib.rb
2 newicktools.rb
2 neuron.rb
2 metis.rb
2 metaphlan.rb
2 mbsystem.rb
2 madlib.rb
2 lola.rb
2 lobstr.rb
2 lightstringgraph.rb
2 libpll.rb
2 libmatio.rb
2 kat.rb
2 itensor.rb
2 hmmer.rb
2 gubbins.rb
2 gnudatalanguage.rb
2 gmtk.rb
2 garli.rb
2 gap.rb
2 exabayes.rb
2 einspline.rb
2 colpack.rb
2 cgns.rb
2 cdo.rb
2 bowtie2.rb
2 armadillo.rb
2 apophenia.rb
2 adam.rb
1 ucto.rb
1 tophat.rb
1 tisean.rb
1 tagdust.rb
1 sumo.rb
1 stiff.rb
1 stacks.rb
1 soplex.rb
1 slicot.rb
1 simulate-pcr.rb
1 sextractor.rb
1 scrm.rb
1 scamp.rb
1 sbagen.rb
1 rmblast.rb
1 repeatscout.rb
1 repeatmodeler.rb
1 reapr.rb
1 qualimap.rb
1 primer3.rb
1 pocl.rb
1 plink2.rb
1 plink.rb
1 pbsuite.rb
1 nfft.rb
1 nauty.rb
1 mira.rb
1 minia.rb
1 meme.rb
1 lp_solve.rb
1 libfolia.rb
1 libcerf.rb
1 kmergenie.rb
1 infernal.rb
1 gtsam.rb
1 glpk448.rb
1 glpk.rb
1 fsa.rb
1 fplll.rb
1 fann.rb
1 etsf_io.rb
1 dsdp.rb
1 cube.rb
1 cuba.rb
1 concorde.rb
1 cfitsio.rb
1 cerulean.rb
1 ccfits.rb
1 calculix-ccx.rb
1 bless.rb
1 biopp.rb
1 bbtools.rb
1 augustus.rb
1 atompaw.rb
0 yeppp.rb
0 yass.rb
0 yaha.rb
0 yaggo.rb
0 xylib.rb
0 xmi-msim.rb
0 xmgredit.rb
0 xcdf.rb
0 xbyak.rb
0 wxmaxima.rb
0 wopr.rb
0 wfdb.rb
0 weblogo.rb
0 wcstools.rb
0 wcalc.rb
0 vt.rb
0 vsearch.rb
0 voro++.rb
0 velvetoptimiser.rb
0 veclibfort.rb
0 vcflib.rb
0 vcfanno.rb
0 vcake.rb
0 varscan.rb
0 vague.rb
0 utgb.rb
0 uproc.rb
0 uniqtag.rb
0 unafold.rb
0 ucsc-genome-browser.rb
0 trnascan.rb
0 trimmomatic.rb
0 trimal.rb
0 trimadap.rb
0 triangle.rb
0 trf.rb
0 transtermhp.rb
0 transrate-tools.rb
0 transpose.rb
0 transfig.rb
0 transdecoder.rb
0 trans-abyss.rb
0 topcat.rb
0 timbl.rb
0 ticcutils.rb
0 therion.rb
0 tetgen.rb
0 tbl2asn.rb
0 tasr.rb
0 tabtk.rb
0 t-coffee.rb
0 swrcfit.rb
0 swetest.rb
0 swarm.rb
0 stringtie.rb
0 statismo.rb
0 sspace-longread.rb
0 ssake.rb
0 squeezambler.rb
0 spici.rb
0 spatialite-gis.rb
0 spades.rb
0 spaced.rb
0 sortmerna.rb
0 soapdenovo.rb
0 snpeff.rb
0 snp-sites.rb
0 snoscan.rb
0 snid.rb
0 snap.rb
0 snap-aligner.rb
0 smrtanalysis.rb
0 smalt.rb
0 sllib.rb
0 skewer.rb
0 sisl.rb
0 sigrok-cli.rb
0 sickle.rb
0 shrimp.rb
0 shark.rb
0 sga.rb
0 sfscode.rb
0 sequel.rb
0 seqtk.rb
0 seqdb.rb
0 seqan.rb
0 seq-gen.rb
0 sdsl-lite.rb
0 scotch5.rb
0 scarpa.rb
0 samtools.rb
0 samblaster.rb
0 sambamba.rb
0 salt.rb
0 salmon.rb
0 sais.rb
0 sailfish.rb
0 rstudio-server.rb
0 ropebwt2.rb
0 ropebwt.rb
0 rnammer.rb
0 rna-star.rb
0 rml-mmc.rb
0 recon.rb
0 readsim.rb
0 readseq.rb
0 rcorrector.rb
0 ray.rb
0 raxml.rb
0 rate4site.rb
0 rapsearch2.rb
0 rainbow.rb
0 radx.rb
0 r8s.rb
0 r-gui.rb
0 quorum.rb
0 quip.rb
0 quicktree.rb
0 quest.rb
0 quast.rb
0 quake.rb
0 qsopt_ex.rb
0 qsopt.rb
0 qhull.rb
0 qcl.rb
0 pymol.rb
0 pulseview.rb
0 psmc.rb
0 proverif.rb
0 proteinortho.rb
0 prooftree.rb
0 prodigal.rb
0 prank.rb
0 poretools.rb
0 populations.rb
0 poa.rb
0 plr.rb
0 plasma.rb
0 pilon.rb
0 pilercr.rb
0 piler.rb
0 picard-tools.rb
0 phyutility.rb
0 phyml.rb
0 phylip.rb
0 phlawd.rb
0 phipack.rb
0 perf.rb
0 pear.rb
0 pcap.rb
0 paxtools.rb
0 pathvisio.rb
0 pathd8.rb
0 parsnp.rb
0 parmetis.rb
0 pandaseq.rb
0 paml.rb
0 packmol.rb
0 oswitch.rb
0 openmeeg.rb
0 opengrm-thrax.rb
0 opengrm-ngram.rb
0 openfst.rb
0 openbr.rb
0 ogdraw.rb
0 ococo.rb
0 nxtrim.rb
0 nusmv.rb
0 numdiff.rb
0 novoalign.rb
0 nixio.rb
0 niftilib.rb
0 nextflow.rb
0 newick-utils.rb
0 ncview.rb
0 nco.rb
0 ncl.rb
0 nccmp.rb
0 ncbi-c++-toolkit.rb
0 nanopolish.rb
0 muscle.rb
0 mummer.rb
0 multi-worm-tracker.rb
0 mtl.rb
0 msieve.rb
0 mrfast.rb
0 mpsolve.rb
0 mothur.rb
0 moab.rb
0 mlst.rb
0 mitofy.rb
0 mir-prefer.rb
0 minimap.rb
0 miniasm.rb
0 minced.rb
0 minc.rb
0 mhap.rb
0 mfusg.rb
0 metis4.rb
0 methpipe.rb
0 meraculous.rb
0 megam.rb
0 megahit.rb
0 mcl.rb
0 maxima.rb
0 maude.rb
0 mathomatic.rb
0 masurca.rb
0 mash.rb
0 maq.rb
0 mapsembler2.rb
0 mallet.rb
0 mafft.rb
0 macse.rb
0 lsd.rb
0 lmod.rb
0 lmfit.rb
0 littler.rb
0 links-scaffolder.rb
0 lighter.rb
0 lie.rb
0 libsequence.rb
0 libminc.rb
0 liblbfgs.rb
0 libdivsufsort.rb
0 libctl.rb
0 libccd.rb
0 libbuddy.rb
0 lastz.rb
0 last.rb
0 lapack-manpages.rb
0 kraken.rb
0 kmerstream.rb
0 kmc.rb
0 kmacs.rb
0 kissplice.rb
0 kent-tools.rb
0 kallisto.rb
0 kalign.rb
0 kaiju.rb
0 k8.rb
0 jsbsim.rb
0 joinx.rb
0 jmol.rb
0 jellyfish.rb
0 jellyfish-1.1.rb
0 jblas.rb
0 iva.rb
0 itsol.rb
0 iqtree.rb
0 inter-views.rb
0 igvtools.rb
0 igv.rb
0 idcoefs.rb
0 idba.rb
0 humann2.rb
0 htslib.rb
0 htsbox.rb
0 hotspot.rb
0 hopdm.rb
0 hmmer2.rb
0 hlaminer.rb
0 hisat2.rb
0 hisat.rb
0 healpix.rb
0 harvest-tools.rb
0 h5utils.rb
0 graphlan.rb
0 grabix.rb
0 gmt4.rb
0 gmt.rb
0 gmcloser.rb
0 gmap-gsnap.rb
0 glimmerhmm.rb
0 glimmer3.rb
0 gingr.rb
0 giira.rb
0 ggobi.rb
0 gfan.rb
0 genewise.rb
0 genet.rb
0 geneid.rb
0 geda-gaf.rb
0 gatk.rb
0 gatb.rb
0 galib.rb
0 galfit.rb
0 gaemr.rb
0 freec.rb
0 fqzcomp.rb
0 flux-simulator.rb
0 flint.rb
0 flash.rb
0 field3d.rb
0 fgsl.rb
0 fermikit.rb
0 fermi2.rb
0 fermi.rb
0 fermi-lite.rb
0 fcgene.rb
0 fastx_toolkit.rb
0 fastuniq.rb
0 fastqc.rb
0 fastq-tools.rb
0 fastml.rb
0 fasta.rb
0 exonerate.rb
0 ess.rb
0 ensembl-tools.rb
0 elph.rb
0 edirect.rb
0 edena.rb
0 ea-utils.rb
0 dwgsim.rb
0 dssp.rb
0 dsk.rb
0 ds9.rb
0 dotwrp.rb
0 discovardenovo.rb
0 discovar.rb
0 dida.rb
0 diamond.rb
0 dextractor.rb
0 des.rb
0 delly.rb
0 deeplearning4j-cli.rb
0 dazz_db.rb
0 datamash.rb
0 data-science-toolbox.rb
0 daligner.rb
0 dadadodo.rb
0 cytoscape.rb
0 cvblob.rb
0 cufflinks.rb
0 cryptoverif.rb
0 crlibm.rb
0 crfsuite.rb
0 corset.rb
0 coinmp.rb
0 cmor.rb
0 cminpack.rb
0 cmdstan.rb
0 clustal-w.rb
0 clustal-omega.rb
0 clonehd.rb
0 clonalframeml.rb
0 clinfo.rb
0 clfft.rb
0 clblas.rb
0 clark.rb
0 ckon.rb
0 circos.rb
0 circlator.rb
0 celera-assembler.rb
0 cegma.rb
0 cdsclient.rb
0 cddlib.rb
0 cd-hit.rb
0 cap3.rb
0 canu.rb
0 bwtdisk.rb
0 bwa.rb
0 butterflow.rb
0 breseq.rb
0 bpipe.rb
0 bpel2owfn.rb
0 bowtie.rb
0 boost-compute.rb
0 blaze-lib.rb
0 blat.rb
0 blasr.rb
0 bitseq.rb
0 biopieces.rb
0 biointerchange.rb
0 biocgal.rb
0 biobloomtools.rb
0 bioawk.rb
0 bfc.rb
0 bedtools.rb
0 bedops.rb
0 beast.rb
0 bcalm.rb
0 barrnap.rb
0 bamutil.rb
0 bamtools.rb
0 bamhash.rb
0 bam-readcount.rb
0 bali-phy.rb
0 bact.rb
0 atram.rb
0 atpdec.rb
0 atomic-pseudopotential-engine.rb
0 ate-pairing.rb
0 astral.rb
0 ascii_plots.rb
0 artemis.rb
0 art.rb
0 arrayfire.rb
0 arow++.rb
0 aribas.rb
0 arb.rb
0 aragorn.rb
0 ann.rb
0 andi.rb
0 analysis.rb
0 allpaths-lg.rb
0 alglib.rb
0 alembic.rb
0 afra.rb
0 ace-corrector.rb
0 abyss-explorer.rb
0 abacas.rb
0 a5.rb
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