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Created June 27, 2015 14:29
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#include <iostream>
#include <type_traits>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// PACK UTILS (TAG VERSION) =============================
/* find type T in a pack (recursive)
This is used to find a TAG
template<typename T, typename head, typename... tail>
struct type_at
enum { _tmp = (std::is_same<T, typename std::decay<head>::type>::value) ? 0 : type_at<T, tail...>::_pos };
enum { _pos = _tmp == -1 ? -1 : 1 + _tmp };
// find type T in a pack (base)
template<typename T, typename head>
struct type_at<T, head>
enum { _pos = (std::is_same< T, typename std::decay<head>::type>::value ? 1 : -1) };
/* get the value at position pos in a pack
This is used to retrieve a mandatory TAG parameter
template<int pos, int curr>
struct get_at
static_assert(pos >= 0, "Required parameter");
template<typename head, typename... tail>
static decltype(auto) get(head && h, tail && ... t)
return get_at<pos, curr + 1>::get(std::forward<tail>(t)...);
// get the value at position pos in a pack (base)
template<int pos>
struct get_at<pos, pos>
static_assert(pos >= 0, "Required parameter");
template<typename head, typename... tail>
static decltype(auto) get(head && h, tail && ...t)
return std::forward<head>(h);
/* as before, but this supports a default value in case
pos is -1
This is used to get an optional TAG parameter
template<int pos, int curr>
struct get_optional
template<typename T, typename... pack>
static decltype(auto) get(T && def, pack && ... _pack)
return get_at<pos, curr>::get(std::forward<pack>(_pack)...);
template<int curr>
struct get_optional<-1, curr>
template<typename T, typename... pack>
static decltype(auto) get(T && _default, pack && ...)
return std::forward<T>(_default);
// =================================================
// PACK UTILS (PROXY VERSION) ======================
// Proxy containing [tag, value]
template<typename tag, typename type>
struct named_param_t
using _tag = tag;
using _type = type;
template<typename T>
named_param_t(T && value)
: _value(std::forward<T>(value))
type _value;
/* Tagged proxy that allows syntax _name = value
operator=(T&&) returns a named_param_t instance
template<typename tag>
struct named_param_proxy
using _tag = tag;
template<typename T>
decltype(auto) operator=(T && value)
return named_param_t<tag, decltype(value)>{ std::forward<T>(value) };
/* Same as type_at but it's supposed to be used by passing
a pack of named_param_t (_tag is looked for instead of a
plain type). This and type_at should be refactored.
template<typename T, typename head, typename... tail>
struct named_type_at_p
enum { _tmp = (std::is_same<T, typename head::_tag>::value) ? 0 : named_type_at_p<T, tail...>::_pos };
enum { _pos = _tmp == -1 ? -1 : 1 + _tmp };
template<typename T, typename head>
struct named_type_at_p<T, head>
enum { _pos = (std::is_same< T, typename head::_tag>::value ? 1 : -1) };
template<typename T, typename head, typename... tail>
struct named_type_at
enum { _tmp = named_type_at_p<T, head, tail...>::_pos };
enum { _pos = _tmp == 1 ? 0 : (_tmp == -1 ? -1 : _tmp-1) };
/* Same as get_at but it's supposed to be used by passing
a pack of named_param_t (_type is retrieved instead)
This and get_at should be refactored.
template<int pos, int curr>
struct named_get_at
static_assert(pos >= 0, "Required parameter");
template<typename head, typename... tail>
static decltype(auto) get(head && h, tail && ... t)
return named_get_at<pos, curr + 1>::get(std::forward<tail>(t)...);
template<int pos>
struct named_get_at<pos, pos>
static_assert(pos >= 0, "Required parameter");
template<typename head, typename... tail>
static decltype(auto) get(head && h, tail && ...t)
return std::forward<typename head::_type>(h._value);
// Optional version
template<int pos, int curr>
struct named_get_optional
template<typename T, typename... pack>
static decltype(auto) get(T && def, pack && ... _pack)
return named_get_at<pos, curr>::get(std::forward<pack>(_pack)...);
template<int curr>
struct named_get_optional<-1, curr>
template<typename T, typename... pack>
static decltype(auto) get(T && _default, pack && ...)
return std::forward<T>(_default);
// =================================================
#define TAG_OF(name) p_##name
#define REQUIRED_NAME(type) named_get_at< named_type_at<TAG_OF(type), pack...>::_pos, 0>::get(std::forward<pack>(_pack)...)
#define OPTIONAL_NAME(type, _defaultVal) named_get_optional< named_type_at<TAG_OF(type), pack...>::_pos, 0>::get(_defaultVal, std::forward<pack>(_pack)...)
#define REQUIRED_TAG(type) get_at< type_at<TAG_OF(type), pack...>::_pos, 0>::get(std::forward<pack>(_pack)...)
#define OPTIONAL_TAG(type, _defaultVal) get_optional< type_at<TAG_OF(type), pack...>::_pos, 0>::get(_defaultVal, std::forward<pack>(_pack)...)
#define CREATE_TAG(name)\
struct p_##name{}; \
named_param_proxy<p_##name> _##name; \
p_##name __##name;
struct use_tags_t {} use_tags;
struct use_named_t {} use_named;
// FULL EXAMPLE ====================================
// step 1) generate tags you need
// step 2) use tags/proxies in your class
class window
// classic constructor
window( string pTitle, int pH, int pW,
int pPosx, int pPosy, int& pHandle)
: title(move(pTitle)), h(pH), w(pW), posx(pPosx), posy(pPosy), handle(pHandle)
// constructor using proxies (e.g. _title = "title")
template<typename... pack>
window(use_named_t, pack&&... _pack)
: window { REQUIRED_NAME(title), // required
OPTIONAL_NAME(h, 100), // optional
OPTIONAL_NAME(w, 400), // optional
OPTIONAL_NAME(posx, 0), // optional
OPTIONAL_NAME(posy, 0), // optional
REQUIRED_NAME(handle) } // required
// constructor using tags (e.g. __title, "title")
template<typename... pack>
window(use_tags_t, pack&&... _pack)
: window { REQUIRED_TAG(title), // required
OPTIONAL_TAG(h, 100), // optional
OPTIONAL_TAG(w, 400), // optional
OPTIONAL_TAG(posx, 0), // optional
OPTIONAL_TAG(posy, 0), // optional
REQUIRED_TAG(handle) } // required
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const window&);
string title;
int h, w;
int posx, posy;
int& handle;
ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const window& w)
os << "WINDOW: " << w.title << " (" << w.h << "x" << w.w << "), at " <<
w.posx << "," << w.posy << "->" << w.handle;
return os;
int main()
int i=5;
window w {use_tags, __title, "Title", __h, 10, __w, 100, __handle, i};
cout << w << endl;
window w {use_named, _h = 10, _title = "Title", _handle = i, _w = 100};
cout << w << endl;
window w {"Title", 10, 400, 0, 0, i};
cout << w << endl;
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