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Last active May 20, 2023 01:30
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OpenSCAD cycloid gear
function epicycloid(t, rmaj, rmin) = [ (rmaj+rmin) * cos(t) - rmin * cos(((rmaj+rmin)/rmin)*t),
(rmaj+rmin) * sin(t) - rmin * sin(((rmaj+rmin)/rmin)*t) ];
function hypocycloid(t, rmaj, rmin) = [ (rmaj-rmin) * cos(t) + rmin * cos(((rmaj-rmin)/rmin)*t),
(rmaj-rmin) * sin(t) - rmin * sin(((rmaj-rmin)/rmin)*t) ];
module CycloidTooth(
rmaj = 30,
rmin = 20,
circ_pitch = 10.0,
rpitch = 30,
addendum = 5,
h = 10) {
circ_thickness = circ_pitch / 2;
final_addendum = max(rmin,addendum);
translate([0,0,h * -0.5])
for ( i = [0:$precision]) {
assign( t1 = i * (90 / $precision),
t2 = (i+1) * (90 / $precision)) {
assign( hyp_xy1 = hypocycloid(t1,rmaj, rmin),
hyp_xy2 = hypocycloid(t2,rmaj, rmin),
epi_xy1 = epicycloid(t1, rmaj, rmin),
epi_xy2 = epicycloid(t2, rmaj, rmin) ) {
hull() {
translate([-rmaj,0,0]) {
translate([0, circ_thickness/2,0]) {
if (hyp_xy2[1] < (circ_thickness / 2.0) )
polygon([hyp_xy1,[rmaj-rmin,hyp_xy1[1]],[rmaj-rmin, hyp_xy2[1]],hyp_xy2]);
mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0,-circ_thickness/2,0])
if (epi_xy2[1] < (circ_thickness / 2.0) )
polygon([epi_xy1,[rmaj-rmin,epi_xy1[1]],[rmaj-rmin,epi_xy2[1]],epi_xy2 ]);
mirror([0,1,0]) {
translate([-rmaj,0,0]) {
translate([0, circ_thickness/2,0]) {
if (hyp_xy2[1] < (circ_thickness / 2.0) )
polygon([hyp_xy1,[rmaj-rmin,hyp_xy1[1]],[rmaj-rmin, hyp_xy2[1]],hyp_xy2]);
mirror([0,1,0]) translate([0,-circ_thickness/2,0])
if (epi_xy2[1] < (circ_thickness / 2.0) )
polygon([epi_xy1,[rmaj-rmin,epi_xy1[1]],[rmaj-rmin,epi_xy2[1]],epi_xy2 ]);
} // hull
} // assign
} // assign t1, t2
} // for
} // module
module CycloidGear(num_teeth, circ_pitch, base_circle_ratio = 6, pinion_circle_ratio = 1, h = 1) {
rpitch = circ_pitch * num_teeth / (2 * 3.14159265);
cylinder(r = rpitch - circ_pitch * pinion_circle_ratio + 1 , h = h, center= true);
for(i = [0:(360 / num_teeth):360] ) {
rotate(a = i, v = [0,0,1])
translate([rpitch,0,0]) CycloidTooth( rmaj = base_circle_ratio * circ_pitch,
rmin = pinion_circle_ratio * circ_pitch,
h = h, circ_pitch = circ_pitch);
$precision = 100;
CycloidGear(num_teeth = 60, circ_pitch = 3, h = 5);
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