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Last active December 17, 2015 05:59
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Save ilyakatz/5562463 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
html5 video

Ubuntu 12.04 on Samsung ChromeBook


  • perform system update
    • if you do it later it will ask for all kind of permissions to override various config files
    • change password for root
      • default password is user

###Fix trackpad sudo apt-get install git cd Downloads git clone chrubuntu_trackpad/ logout and log back in

###Update time zone

###Enable two finger scrolling

  mkdir ~/backup
  sudo cp /var/lib/alsa/asound.state ~/backup

###Fix sound -

###Fix flash

   cd ~/Downloads/ && gunzip flashplayerarm.tar.gz
   mkdir flash_fix && tar -zxf flashplayerarm.tar.gz -C ./flash_fix
   cd flash_fix
   sudo cp /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins
   sudo cp default /etc/chromium-browser

###Make sure that user is not auto logged in - cp /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ~/backup/ -

###Fix brightness buttons

###Restore brightness after reboot

  • Currently, there is a bug where brightness is reset after reboot:

  • Hack around it is to store you favorite value after reboot

        cp /etc/rc.local ~/backup/
        BRIGHTNESS_FILE=`ls /sys/class/backlight/*/brightness`
        echo "echo `cat $BRIGHTNESS_FILE` > $BRIGHTNESS_FILE"
  • Add the output of the above line to /etc/rc.local before return 0:

###Optional installs sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install chromium sudo apt-get install locate sudo updatedb sudo apt-get install pithos ###3G

HTML5 videos

   sudo apt-get install x264

###Fix USB3

   cp /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ~/backup
   add to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

        blacklist uas

###Give yourself a way to go back to chrome

Right click

  • It is not broken, just different. Click on the touchpad with two fingers

###Add ability to hibernate (Note: doesn't seem to work if you physically close the lid)

   sudo install hibernate
   echo SLEEP_MODULE=hibernate >> /etc/pm/config.d/00sleep_module

To hibernate manually

   sudo hibernate

Restart to have "Suspend" option appear in top-right options

Not sure if this is relevant anymore

  • allow to put computer into suspend mode
    • cd /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d

    • cp 10-monitor.conf ~/backup/10-monitor.conf.backup

    • add the following

          Section “Monitor”
            Identifier “Monitor0″
            Option “DPMS” “false”
    • in the Section "Screen", add the following

           Monitor	 “Monitor0″

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nmmmnu commented Sep 6, 2013

Can you explain how one can "steal" the ChromOS display driver for X and use it in Linux?

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sorry @nmmmnu, don't know how to do that

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