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Last active August 29, 2015 14:05
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  • Save ilyakava/88bbb193bf57ffe4eac4 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# use the working directory of where-ever you are: WD. Set this yourself
# Ex. for me: WD <- "/Users/artsyinc/Downloads/w4240"
data <- read.csv(paste(WD, "/image_matrix2.csv", sep = ""), header = F)
image.matrix <- matrix(unlist(data), nrow = nrow(data), ncol = ncol(data))
# the matrix is features x trials
# each feature is a pixel in an image, each feature is an image of a person
mean.face.v <- as.vector(apply(image.matrix, 2, mean))
image.m.centered <- t(apply(image.matrix, 1, function(row) { row - mean.face.v }))
X <- t(image.m.centered)
########### some necessary methods to setup for later
ith.eigenface.for.image.v <- function(i, v, e.faces) {
v.centered <- as.vector(v - mean.face.v)
coef <- v.centered %*% as.vector(e.faces[, i])
coef * as.vector(e.faces[, i])
# generate cumsum of projections onto eigenfaces
cumsum.eigenfaces <- function(top.eigenfaces) {
top.eigenfaces.cum <- top.eigenfaces # copy
for (i in seq_along(top.eigenfaces.cum)) {
sum <- mean.face.v
for (j in c(1:i)) {
sum <- sum + top.eigenfaces[[j]]
top.eigenfaces.cum[[i]] <- sum
# plotting a row image
plot.row.v <- function(row.v, str = "") {
m <- matrix(row.v, nrow = 192) # all the images are this size
pix <- pixmapGrey(m)
plot(pix, main = str)
########### prcomp way:
pca <- prcomp(X, center = F)
pca.x.norm <- apply(pca$x, 2, normalize.vector)
########### do it yourself way:
XTX <- t(X) %*% X # missing the 1 / n - 1 for cov matrix b/c we normalize later anyway
eigen <- eigen(XTX)
eigenvectors.XTX.col <- eigen$vectors
# this is equivalent to:
eigenvectors.XTX.col.copy <- -1 * svd(X)$v
principal.component.scores <- apply(eigenvectors.XTX.col, 2, function(c) {
normalize.vector(X %*% matrix(c, ncol = 1))
}) # same as: X %*% t(eigenvectors.XTX.col) but with normalization
##### test either method's principle component scores:
# run one of these lines:
# <- pca.x.norm # tests prcomp way <- principal.component.scores # tests do it yourself way
#### Then run the rest
# goal image - plotted later:
to.reconstruct.file <- paste(WD, "/CroppedYale/yaleB05/yaleB05_P00A+010E+00.pgm", sep="")
to.reconstruct.v <- as.vector(getChannels(read.pnm(to.reconstruct.file)))
top.eigenfaces <- lapply(c(1:24), function(i) { ith.eigenface.for.image.v(i, to.reconstruct.v, })
top.eigenfaces.cum <- cumsum.eigenfaces(top.eigenfaces)
# finally, plotting the evidence
par(mfrow = c(5,5))
for (i in seq_along(top.eigenfaces.cum)) {
plot.row.v(top.eigenfaces.cum[[i]], paste("Sum of", i, "eigenfaces"))
plot.row.v(to.reconstruct.v, "Target Face 1e")
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