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Last active November 15, 2019 21:06
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import { PoolContract, PoolInstance} from "../types/truffle-contracts/index";
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
const { BN, constants, expectEvent, shouldFail } = require("@openzeppelin/test-helpers");
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-var-requires
const should = require("chai").should();
const Pool = artifacts.require("Pool");
contract("Pool", async ([_, owner, wallet1, wallet2, wallet3, wallet4, wallet5]) => {
let pool: PoolInstance;
before(async () => {
pool = await;
await pool.initialize(owner, {from: owner});
const address = await pool.owner();
await pool.setMetadata("creditPool", "Great Pool", {from: address});
it("should have proper owner", async () => {
const address = await pool.owner();
(await pool.founder()).should.equal(address);
it("should have proper name", async () => {
it("should have proper description", async () => {
(await pool.description()).should.equal("Great Pool");
it("should set new module for given name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
_module: wallet5,
_constant: true,
await pool.set(
from: owner,
await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 1 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === 'Node1' &&
await pool.first() === wallet5 &&
await pool.get(input._name) === wallet5
it("should remove module by name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
await pool.remove(
from: owner,
// console.log(
// await pool.isConstant(input._name),
// (await pool.size()).toNumber(),
// await pool.getName(wallet5),
// await pool.first(),
// await pool.get(input._name)
// );
await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 0 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === '' &&
await pool.first() === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' &&
await pool.get(input._name) === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
contract("Pool [Can`t remove module after update. require() without reason. `revert -- Reason given: .`]", async ([_, owner, wallet1, wallet2, wallet3, wallet4, wallet5]) => {
let pool: PoolInstance;
before(async () => {
pool = await;
await pool.initialize(owner, {from: owner});
const address = await pool.owner();
await pool.setMetadata("creditPool", "Great Pool", {from: address});
it("should set new module for given name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
_module: wallet4,
_constant: false,
await pool.set(
from: owner,
!await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 1 &&
await pool.getName(wallet4) === 'Node1' &&
await pool.first() === wallet4 &&
await pool.get(input._name) === wallet4
it("should replace module for given name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
_module: wallet5,
_constant: true,
await pool.set(
from: owner,
await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 1 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === 'Node1' &&
await pool.first() === wallet5 &&
await pool.get(input._name) === wallet5
it("should remove module by name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
await pool.remove(
from: owner,
await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 0 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === '' &&
await pool.first() === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' &&
await pool.get(input._name) === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
contract("Pool [Can`t remove module if (_constant == false). [revert -- Reason given: is not module name.]", async ([_, owner, wallet1, wallet2, wallet3, wallet4, wallet5]) => {
let pool: PoolInstance;
before(async () => {
pool = await;
await pool.initialize(owner, {from: owner});
const address = await pool.owner();
await pool.setMetadata("creditPool", "Great Pool", {from: address});
it("should set new module for given name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
_module: wallet5,
_constant: false,
await pool.set(
from: owner,
!await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 1 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === 'Node1' &&
await pool.first() === wallet5 &&
await pool.get(input._name) === wallet5
it("should remove module by name", async () => {
const input = {
_name: 'Node1',
await pool.remove(
from: owner,
await pool.isConstant(input._name) &&
(await pool.size()).toNumber() === 0 &&
await pool.getName(wallet5) === '' &&
await pool.first() === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' &&
await pool.get(input._name) === '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
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