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Last active December 19, 2019 09:00
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Storeon vs Effector
import {createStore, createEvent} from 'effector'
const inc = createEvent();
const countStore = createStore(0);
countStore.on(inc, (store, count) => store + count);
import {useStore} from 'effector/react'
export default const Counter = () => {
const count = useStore(countStore)
return <button onClick={inc}>{count}</button>
import createStore from 'storeon'
let increment = store => {
store.on('@init', () => ({ count: 0 }))
store.on('inc', ({ count }) => ({ count: count + 1 }))
export const store = createStore([increment])
import useStoreon from 'storeon/react' // or storeon/preact
export default const Counter = () => {
const { dispatch, count } = useStoreon('count')
return <button onClick={() => dispatch('inc')}>{count}</button>
import StoreContext from 'storeon/react/context'
<StoreContext.Provider value={store}>
<Counter />
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