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Created February 17, 2023 02:23
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modified oxTrust[Gluu IDP] resource file
common.copyright=Powered by
common.allRightsReserved=Free and open source access management.
common.agreePolicy=By proceeding, you agree with the {0}
common.privacyPolicy=Privacy Policy
common.pleaseReadTheTos=Please read the
common.termsOfService=Terms of Service
common.gluuInc=Gluu, Inc
common.caution=Use subject to MIT LICENSE
home.welcome = Welcome to your Gluu Identity Configuration {0} !
home.freeMemory = Free Memory
home.freeDiskSpace = Free Disk Space
home.systemUptime = System Uptime
home.ipAddress = IP Address
home.authenticationRequests = Authentication Requests
home.action = Action
home.anotherAction = Another action
home.somethingElseHere = Something else here
home.separatedLink = Separated Link
home.loginSuccessful = Login Successful
home.loginFailed = Login Failed
home.lastDaysStatistics = Last 7 days statistics
home.totalWeeklyRequests = Last 7 days requests count
home.totalYearlyRequests = Last 365 days requests count
home.totalSuccessfulLogin = Total Successful Logins
home.totalFailedLogin = Total Failed Logins
topmenu.toggleNavigation = Toggle navigation
topmenu.organization = Organization:
topmenu.profile = Profile
topmenu.logout = Logout = Website
leftmenu.documentation = Documentation
leftmenu.supportForum = Support Forum
leftmenu.gluuIdentityConfiguration = GLUU Identity Configuration
leftmenu.configuration = Configuration
leftmenu.organizationConfiguration = Organization Configuration
leftmenu.jsonConfiguration = JSON Configuration
leftmenu.manageAuthentication = Manage Authentication
leftmenu.manageCustomScripts = Manage Custom Scripts
leftmenu.manageRegistration = Manage Registration
leftmenu.attributes = Attributes
leftmenu.cacheRefresh = Cache refresh
leftmenu.configureLogViewer = Configure log viewer
leftmenu.viewLogFile = View log file
leftmenu.serverStatus = Server Status
leftmenu.certificates = Certificates
leftmenu.openidConnect = OpenID Connect
leftmenu.scopes = Scopes
leftmenu.clients = Clients
leftmenu.sectorIdentifier = Sector Identifier
leftmenu.uma = UMA
leftmenu.resources = Resources
leftmenu.users = Users
leftmenu.manageGroups = Manage Groups
leftmenu.managePeople = Manage People
leftmenu.addPerson = Add person
leftmenu.importPeople = Import People
leftmenu.personal = Personal
leftmenu.profile = Profile
leftmenu.saml = SAML
leftmenu.outbound = Outbound
leftmenu.inbound = Inbound
leftmenu.trustRelationships = Trust Relationships
leftmenu.addRelationships = Add Trust Relationships
leftmenu.idps = IDPs
leftmenu.spPools = SP Pools
leftmenu.spRequestors = SP Requestors
leftmenu.selectors = Selectors
leftmenu.personAuthnCustomScripts = Person Authentication Scripts
leftmenu.otherCustomScripts = Other Custom Scripts
leftmenu.importExportAttribute = Import/Export Attribute LDIF
leftmenu.trustedIdp = Trusted IDP
updateorganization.configuration = Configuration
updateorganization.organizationConfiguration = Organization configuration
updateorganization.changePassword = Change Password
updateorganization.update = Update
updateorganization.cancel = Cancel
organizationForm.systemConfiguration = System Configuration
organizationForm.smtpServerConfiguration = SMTP Server Configuration
organizationForm.oxTrustSettings = OxTrust Settings
organizationForm.oxAuthSettings = oxAuth Settings
organizationForm.selfServicePasswordReset = Self-Service Password Reset
organizationForm.cacheRefresh = Cache Refresh
organizationForm.scimSupport = SCIM Support
organizationForm.passportSupport = Passport Support
organizationForm.dnsServer = DNS Server(s)
organizationForm.maxLogSize = Maximum Log Size (MB)
organizationForm.userCanEditProfile = User Can Edit Own Profile
organizationForm.contactEmail = Contact Email
organizationForm.smtpHost = SMTP Host
organizationForm.fromName = From Name
organizationForm.fromEmailAddress = From Email Address
organizationForm.requiresAuthentication = Requires Authentication
organizationForm.smtpUserName = SMTP User Name
organizationForm.smtpPassword = SMTP Password
organizationForm.requiresSSL = Requires SSL
organizationForm.smtpConnectProtection = SMTP Connect Protection
organizationForm.smtpPort = SMTP Port
organizationForm.keyStore = KeyStore File Path
organizationForm.keyStorePassword = KeyStore Password
organizationForm.keyStoreAlias = KeyStore Alias
organizationForm.signingAlgorithm = Signing Algorithm
organizationForm.testConfiguration = Test Configuration
organizationForm.inum = Inum
organizationForm.buildDate = Build Date
organizationForm.buildNumber = Build Number
organizationForm.organizationName = Organization name
organizationForm.organizationLogo = Organization Logo
organizationForm.ownerGroup = Owner group
organizationForm.managerGroup = Manager group
organizationForm.standaloneServers = Standalone Servers
organizationForm.displayName = Display Name
organizationForm.displayNameEdit = Display Name edit
organizationForm.description = Description
organizationForm.cluster = Cluster
organizationForm.serverip = Server IP
resetPassword.resetPasswordForm = Reset Password Form
resetPassword.securityQuestion = Security Question
resetPassword.securityAnswer = Security Answer
resetPassword.enterNewPassword = Enter new password
resetPassword.confirmNewPassword = Confirm the new password
resetPassword.setPassword = Set password
resetPassword.cancel = Cancel
resetPassword.title = Forgot Password
resetPassword.enterEmail = Enter your email
resetPassword.sendEmail = Send Email
updateConfiguration.configuration = Configuration
updateConfiguration.jsonConfiguration = JSON Configuration
updateConfiguration.oxTrustConfiguration = oxTrust Configuration
updateConfiguration.oxAuthConfiguration = oxAuth Configuration
updateConfiguration.memcachedConfiguration = Cache Provider Configuration
updateConfiguration.storeConfiguration = Store Provider Configuration
updateConfiguration.oxTrustImportConfiguration = oxTrust Import Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveOxTrustConfiguration = Save OxTrust Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveOxAuthConfiguration = Save OxAuth Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveOxTrustImportPersonConfiguration = Save OxTrust Import Person Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveMemCacheConfiguration = Save MemCache Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveStoreConfiguration = Save Store Configuration
updateConfiguration.saveConfiguration = Save Configuration
manageAuthentication.recaptchaSiteKey = Captcha Site Key
manageAuthentication.recaptchaSecretKey = Captcha Secret Key
manageAuthentication.disableCaptcha=Disable Captcha for Password Reminder form
manageAuthentication.manageAuthenticationRecaptcha = Manage Captcha
manageAuthentication.configuration = Configuration
manageAuthentication.changeBindPassword = Change Bind Password
manageAuthentication.manageAuthentication = Manage Authentication
manageAuthentication.manageLDAPAuthentication = Manage LDAP Authentication
manageAuthentication.defaultAuthentication = Default Authentication Method
manageAuthentication.passportAuthenticationMethod = Passport Authentication Method
manageAuthentication.casProtocol = CAS Protocol
manageAuthentication.enabled = Enabled
manageAuthentication.disabled = Disabled
manageAuthentication.updated = Update
manageAuthentication.activate = Activate
manageAuthentication.deactivate = Deactivate
manageAuthentication.cancel = Cancel
manageAuthentication.shibbolethSession = Shibboleth session/CAS storage service type (Server-side only for CAS)
manageAuthentication.authenticationMode = Default acr
manageAuthentication.authenticationLevel = Authentication Level
manageAuthentication.oxTrustAuthenticationMode = oxTrust acr
manageAuthentication.passportSupport = Passport Support
manageAuthentication.addStrategy = Add Strategy
manageAuthentication.baseCASServerURL = Base CAS server URL
manageAuthentication.enableProxyPatterns = Enable Proxy Patterns
manageAuthentication.authorizedProxyPattern = Authorized Proxy Pattern
manageAuthentication.unauthorizedProxyPattern = UnAuthorized Proxy Pattern
manageAuthentication.updateConfigurationFiles = Update configuration files
manageAuthentication.testLDAPConnection = Test LDAP Connection
manageAuthentication.passport.strategy.addProperty = Add new property
manageAuthentication.passport.strategy.deleteStrategy = Delete Strategy
manageAuthentication.passport.strategy.clientIDFieldHint = Enter your client id here
manageAuthentication.passport.strategy.clientSecretFieldHint = Enter your client secret here = Name
ldapConfig.useAnonymousBind = Use Anonymous Bind
ldapConfig.bindDN = Bind DN
ldapConfig.maxConnections = Max connections
ldapConfig.primaryKey = Primary Key
ldapConfig.localPrimaryKey = Local primary key
ldapConfig.level = Level
ldapConfig.server = Server:Port
ldapConfig.baseDN = Base DN
ldapConfig.changeBindPassword = Change Bind Password
ldapConfig.useSSL = Use SSL
ldapConfig.enabled = Enabled
customScript.configuration = Configuration
customScript.manageCustomScripts = Manage Custom scripts
customScript.update = Update
customScript.cancel = Cancel = Name
customScript.samlAcr = SAML acr = Only alphabetic, numeric and underscore characters are allowed in Script Name
customScript.description = Description
customScript.programmingLanguage = Programming Language
customScript.level = Level
customScript.locationType = Location Type
customScript.usageType = Usage type
customScript.customProperty = Custom property (key/value)
customScript.addCustomScriptConfiguration = Add custom script configuration
customScript.script = Script
customScript.scriptPath = Script Path
customScript.enabled = Enabled
customScript.priority = Priority
customScript.newscript = New Script
asimba.saml = SAML
asimba.asimba = Asimba
asimba.selector = Selector
asimba.selectors = Selectors
asimba.addSelector = Add Selector
asimba.add = Add
asimba.update = Update
asimba.delete = Delete
asimba.cancel = Cancel
asimba.idp = IDP
asimba.idps = IDPs
asimba.addIdp = Add IDP
asimba.spPool = SP Pool
asimba.spPools = SP Pools
asimba.poolID = Pool ID
asimba.addSPPool = Add SP Pool
asimba.sp = SP
asimba.spRequestor = SP Requestor
asimba.spRequestors = SP Requestors
asimba.addSPRequestor = Add SP Requestor = Search
asimba.noSearchResult = No Search Result Found = ID
asimba.friendlyName = Friendly Name
asimba.enabled = Enabled
asimba.preAuthorizationProfile = Pre Authorization Profile ID
asimba.postAuthorizationProfileID = Post Authorization Profile ID
asimba.attributeReleasePolicyID = Attribute Release Policy ID
asimba.authenticationProfileIDs = Authentication Profile IDs
asimba.itShouldBeTheEntityID = It should be the entityID (URL) of remote IDP/ADFS. Example:
asimba.theEntityID = The entity ID of the organization
asimba.anythingReadable = Anything human readable
asimba.metadataURL = Metadata URL
asimba.configureTheURL = Configure the URL where the metadata is retrieved from (preferably a https URL).
asimba.theURLOfTheMetadata = The URL of the metadata or empty if none
asimba.metadataTimeout = Metadata Timeout
asimba.theTimeoutToBeUsedInConnection = The timeout to be used in connecting the the URL metadata or -1 when default must be used
asimba.metadataFile = Metadata File
asimba.provideLocationOfMetadata = Provide the absolute location of metadata file.
asimba.theLocationOfMetadata = The location of the metadata file or empty if none
asimba.trustCertificateFile = Trust Certificate File
asimba.upload = Upload
asimba.nameIDFormat = NameIDFormat
asimba.theNameIDFormat = The NameIDFormat to be set in the NameIDPolicy or empty if resolved from metadata
asimba.indicatesWhetherTheACS = Indicates whether the ACS location in the AuthnRequest must be an Index. TRUE if ACS should be set as AssertionConsumerServiceIndex. TRUE if ACS should be set as AssertionConsumerServiceIndex (default). FALSE - AssertionConsumerServiceURL and ProtocolBinding must be set.
asimba.acsIndex = ACS Index
asimba.indicatesWhatTheValueOfScoping = Indicates what the value of Scoping in the AuthnRequest must be. TRUE if Scoping element must be send
asimba.sendScopingInTheAuthRequest = Send Scoping in the AuthnRequest
asimba.indicatesWhatTheValueOfNameIDPolicy = Indicates what the value of NameIDPolicy in the AuthnRequest must be. TRUE if NameIDPolicy element must be send
asimba.sendNameIDPolicy = Send NameIDPolicy
asimba.enableAllowCreateValue = Indicates what the value of NameIDPolicy in the AuthnRequest must be. Enable AllowCreate value
asimba.allowCreate = AllowCreate
asimba.avoidSubjectConfirmationsIndicates = Avoid Subject Confirmations. Indicates whether avoid including SubjectConfirmation in an AuthnRequest to this IDP; used for compatibility with Microsoft ADFS
asimba.avoidSubjectConfirmations = Avoid Subject Confirmations
asimba.disableSSOForIDPIndicates = Disable SSO For IDP. Indicates whether SSO should be disabled when authentication is performed by this IDP
asimba.disableSSOForIDP = Disable SSO For IDP
asimba.selectParentSPPool = Select parent SP Pool
asimba.addCertificateFile = Add Certificate File = Properties
asimba.additionalProperties = Additional properties
asimba.configureWhetherSigningIsRequired = Configure whether signing is required for this requestor. When set to true, incoming requests without a signature will be rejected.
asimba.signing = Signing
asimba.example = Example:
asimba.theRequestorID = The Requestor ID (URL) of this SAML2 requestor. This is the same as the SAML2 EntityID
asimba.theSPRequestorFriendly = The SP Requestor friendly name
asimba.selectSPRequestor = Select SP Requestor
asimba.selectIDP = Select IDP
asimba.theSelectorRuleFriendlyName = The selector rule friendly name
asimba.theIdOfTheSPPoolExample = The id of the SP Pool. Example: requestorpool.1
asimba.theIdOfTheSPPool = The id of the SP Pool
asimba.theSPPoolFriendlyName = The SP Pool friendly name
asimba.preAuthorizedProfileIDLabel = PreAuthorizationProfileID
asimba.preAuthorizedProfileID = Pre-authorization profile id. See asimba.xml
asimba.attributeReleasePolicyIDLabel = AttributeReleasePolicyID
asimba.setsWhetherTheIDP = Sets whether the IdP should force the user to reauthenticate.
asimba.forcedAuthenticate = Forced Authenticate
attribute.importExports = Import/Export Attributes
attribute.export = Export Attribute
attribute.import = Import Attribute
attribute.exportText = Export
attribute.attributes = Attributes
attribute.registerAttribute = Register Attribute
attribute.registerAttributes = Register Attributes
attribute.register = Register
attribute.cancel = Cancel
attribute.configuration = Configuration
attribute.showOnlyActiveAttributes = Show only Active Attributes
attribute.showAllAttributes = Show All Attributes
attribute.attributeInventory = Attribute Inventory
attribute.updateAttribute = Update Attribute
attribute.noAttributesFound = No Attributes Found
attribute.displayName = Display Name = Name
attribute.origin = Origin
attribute.description = Description
attribute.status = Status
attribute.editAttribute = Edit Attribute
attribute.editAttributes = Edit Attributes
attribute.update = Update
attribute.delete = Delete
attribute.samlURI = SAML1 URI
attribute.saml2URI = SAML2 URI
attribute.type = Type
attribute.editType = Edit Type
attribute.viewType = View Type
attribute.usageType = Usage Type
attribute.multivalued = Multivalued
attribute.oxAuthClaimName = oxAuth claim name
attribute.scimAttribute = SCIM Attribute
attribute.enableCustomValidation = Enable custom validation for this attribute
attribute.validationRegExp = Validation RegExp
attribute.enableTooltip = Enable tooltip for this attribute
attribute.tooltipText = Tooltip Text
attribute.minimumLength = Minimum Length
attribute.maximumLength = Maximum Length
attribute.regexPattern = Regex Pattern
nameId.enabled = Enabled
nameId.sourceAttribute = Source Attribute = Name
nameId.nameIdType = NameId Type
nameId.addNameIdConfiguration = Add NameId configuration
nameId.update = Update
nameId.cancel = Cancel
client.openIDConnect = OpenID Connect
client.addClient = Add Client
client.add = Add
client.cancel = Cancel
client.loginRedirectURI = Login Redirect URI
client.logoutRedirectURI = Logout Redirect URI
client.selectLogoutRedirectURI = Select Logout Redirect URI
client.addResponseType = Add Response Type
client.addGrantType = Add Grant Type
client.selectContact = Select Contact
client.contactEmailAddress = Contact Email Address
client.selectDefaultAcrValue = Select Default Acr Value
client.defaultAcrValue = Default Acr Value
client.selectRequestURI = Select Request URI
client.selectAuthorizedOrigin = Select Authorized JavaScript Origin
client.requestURI = Request URI
client.authorizedOrigin = Authorized JavaScript Origin
client.logoutURI = Logout URI
client.updateClient = Update Client
client.update = Update
client.changeClientSecret = Change Client Secret
client.delete = Delete
client.selectLoginRedirectURI = Select Login Redirect URI
client.clients = Clients = Search
client.searchResults = Search Results
client.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
client.displayName = Display Name
client.inum = iNum
client.applicationType = Application type
client.claimRedirect = Claim Redirect Uri
client.scopes = Scopes
configuration.configuration = Configuration
configuration.casProtocol = CAS Protocol
configuration.certificates = Certificates = Search
configuration.internalGluuCertificates = Internal Gluu Certificates
configuration.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
configuration.alias = Alias
configuration.issuer = Issuer
configuration.algorithm = Algorithm
configuration.notBefore = Valid From
configuration.notAfter = Expires
configuration.trustStoreCertificates = TrustStore Certificates
configuration.withObsoleteWarningOnly = With 'obsolete' warning only
configuration.manageAuthentication.failToPrepareUpdate = Failed to prepare for system authentication settings configuration update
configuration.manageAuthentication.updateSucceed = System authentication settings successfully updated
configuration.manageAuthentication.updateFailed = Person authentication configuration not updated
configuration.manageAuthentication.ldap.testSucceed = LDAP Connection Test succeeded!
configuration.manageAuthentication.ldap.testFailed = Failed to connect to LDAP server
group.users = Users
group.manageGroups = Manage Groups
group.addGroup = Add Group = Search
group.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
group.displayName = Display Name
group.description = Description
group.update = Update
group.delete = Delete
group.cancel = Cancel
group.clients = Clients
group.organization = Organization
group.type = Type
group.members = Members
logViewer.configuration = Configuration
logViewer.viewLogFile = View Log File
logViewer.allowedLogFiles = Allowed Log Files
logViewer.tailOfLogFile = Tail of Log File
logViewer.displayLastLinesCount = Display last lines count
logViewer.configureLogViewer = Configure Log Viewer
logViewer.allowedLogTemplates = Allowed log templates
logViewer.logTemplate = Add log template
logViewer.update = Update
logViewer.cancel = Cancel
organization.configuration = Configuration
organization.cacheRefresh = Cache Refresh
organization.manageRegistration = Manage Registration
organization.disableCaptcha = Disable Captcha for registration form
organization.configureRegistrationAttributes = Configure Registration Form Attributes
organization.attributesFilter = Attributes Filter
organization.enterAtLeastTwoCharacters = Enter at least two characters to search for attributes
organization.attributes = Attributes
organization.update = Update
organization.cancel = Cancel
organization.selectAttribute = Select Attribute
organization.fileToImport = File to import
organization.remove = Remove
organization.requestInProgress = Request in progress, please wait...
organization.changeBackend = Change Backend
organization.bindPassword = Bind Password
organization.customerBackend = Customer Backend Key/Attributes
organization.sourceBackend = Source Backend LDAP Servers
organization.inumLDAPServer = Inum DB server
organization.lastRun = Last run
organization.updatesAtTheLastRun = Updates at the last run
organization.problemsAtTheLastRun = Problems at the last run
organization.refreshMethod = Refresh Method
organization.sourceAttributeToDesitnation = Change attribute name from source to destination:
organization.pollingInterval = Polling interval (minutes)
organization.serverIPAddress = Server IP Address
organization.snapshotFolder = Snapshot Folder
organization.snapshotCount = Snapshots count
organization.keepExternalPersons = Keep external persons
organization.loadSourceData = Load source data with limited search
organization.searchSizeLimit = Search size limit
organization.keyAttribute = Key attribute
organization.objectClass = Object class
organization.sourceAttribute = Source Attribute
organization.customLDAPFilter = Custom LDAP filter
organization.addSourceLDAPServer = Add source LDAP server
organization.defaultInumServer = Default Inum Server
organization.validateScript = Validate script
organization.prepareUpdateFailed = Failed to prepare for organization configuration update
organization.UpdateFailed = Failed to update organization
organization.UpdateSucceed = Organization configuration updated successfully
passport.title = Passport
passport.providers = Providers
passport.basic.configuration = Basic configuration
passport.idpInitiated = IDP-Initiated Flows Config
passport.addNewProvider = Add New Provider
passport.deleteProvider = Delete
passport.detailsProvider = Details = Provider ID
passport.provider.form.callbackUrl= Callback URL
passport.provider.form.displayName = Display Name
passport.provider.form.strategyId = Passport.js strategy
passport.provider.form.type = Type
passport.provider.form.mapping = Mapping
passport.provider.form.logoPath = Logo path
passport.provider.form.enable = Is Enabled ?
passport.provider.form.requestForEmail = Request For Email ?
passport.provider.form.enableEmailLinkage = Email linking ?
passport.provider.form.passportAuthnParams = Authenticate Params
passport.provider.form.options = Providers Options
passport.basicconfig.form.serverURI = Server URI
passport.basicconfig.form.serverPort = Server Port
passport.basicconfig.form.postProfileEndpoint = POST profile data to
passport.basicconfig.form.spTLSCert = Passport SP Decryption Cert
passport.basicconfig.form.spTLSKey = Passport SP Decryption Private Key
passport.basicconfig.logging.form.level = Log Level
passport.basicconfig.logging.form.consoleLogOnly = Console Log Only ? = Is Enabled ? = Host = UserName = Password = Port
passport.basic.config.logging.title = Logging Settings = Message Queue Settings
passport.idpinitiated.oidc.title = OpenID Connect Client
passport.idpinitiated.authParams.title = List of OpenID Connect authorization request params
passport.idpinitiated.oidc.passport.authorizationEndpoint = Authorization EndPoint
passport.idpinitiated.oidc.passport.clientId = Client ID
passport.idpinitiated.oidc.passport.acrValues = ACR Values
passport.idpinitiated.authParams.provider = Provider
passport.idpinitiated.authParams.redirectUri = Redirect URI
passport.idpinitiated.authParams.responseType = Response Type(s)
passport.idpinitiated.authParams.scope = Scope(s)
person.add = Add
person.updateUser = Update User
person.cancel = Cancel
person.importPeople = Import People
person.configuration = Configuration
person.changePassword = Change Password
person.update = Update
person.delete = Delete
person.changePersonPassword = Change Person Password
person.users = Users
person.addUser = Add User
person.addUpdateUser = Add/Update User
person.addAttributesToPerson = Add attributes to person entry
person.clickToEnter = Click to enter
person.pleaseEnter = Please enter
person.password = Password
person.confirmPassword = Confirm Password
person.fileToImport = File to import
person.remove = Remove
person.requestInProgress = Request in progress, please wait...
person.validation = Validation
person.import = Import
person.managePeople = Manage People
person.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
person.displayName = Display Name
person.addPerson = Add Person
person.uid = UID = Email
person.status = Status Field is Required.
person.authenticationmethods=Authentication Methods
person.passwordreset.title = Forgot password
person.passwordreset.sendEmail = Send Email
person.passwordreset.provideValidEmail = Please provide a valid email address
person.passwordreset.enterEmail = Enter your email
person.passwordreset.letterNotSent = Password reset email was not sent.
person.passwordreset.emailLetterSent = We have sent a letter with password reset instructions to the specified email.
person.passwordreset.notActivate = Sorry, the Password Reminder functionality is not enabled. The password recovery e-mail has not been sent. Please contact the administrator.
person.passwordreset.catch.checkInputAndCaptcha = Please check your input and CAPTCHA answer.
profile.changeConfigurationPassword = Change Configuration Password
profile.profile = Profile
profile.myProfile = My {0} Profile
profile.configureListing = Configure Listing
profile.remove = Remove
profile.imapDataDetails = IMAP DATA Details
profile.imapHost = IMAP Host
profile.imapUsername = IMAP Username
profile.imapPort = IMAP Port
profile.imapPasswordEncrypted = IMAP password encrypted String
profile.imapPasswordCipher = IMAP password cipher
profile.imapPasswordMode = IMAP password Mode
profile.customAttributes = Custom Attributes
profile.changePassword = Change Password
profile.configureWhitePage = Configure White Pages Listing Options
profile.clickOnAttributeName = Click on attribute name to strike out white pages release permission. Please note that you can not strike out Name = Photo = Name = E-Mail = Phone
profile.cancel = Cancel
profile.requestInProgress = Request in progress please wait...... = Search
applicationInventory.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
applicationInventory.displayName = Display Name = Id
applicationInventory.platforms = Platforms = Search
deviceInventory.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
deviceInventory.application = Application
deviceInventory.type = Type
deviceInventory.userId = User Id
deviceInventory.os = OS
deviceInventory.device = Device
deviceInventory.deviceUUID = Device UUID
deviceInventory.approvedAt = Approved At
deviceInventory.approvedFrom = Approved From
scope.openIDConnect = OpenID Connect
scope.updateScope = Update Scope
scope.update = Update
scope.delete = Delete
scope.cancel = Cancel
scope.addClaim = Add Claim
scope.scopes = Scopes
scope.addScope = Add Scope
scope.searchResults = Search Results
scope.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
scope.displayName = Display Name
scope.inum = iNum
scope.description = Description
scope.default = Allow for dynamic registration
scope.add = Add
scope.scopeType = Scope Type
scope.defaultScope = Allow for dynamic registration = Claims
scope.dynamicScopeScripts = Dynamic Scope Scripts
scope.addDynamicScopeScript = Add Dynamic Scope Script
scope.addDynamicScripts = Add Dynamic Scripts
scope.showConfigurationEndpoint = Show in configuration endpoint
scope.oxid = id
sectoridentifier.add = Add
sectorIdentifier.cancel = Cancel
sectorIdentifier.selectLoginRedirectURI = Select Login Redirect URI
sectorIdentifier.loginRedirectURI = Login Redirect URI
sectorIdentifier.openIDConnect = OpenID Connect
sectorIdentifier.manageSectorIdentifiers = Manage Sector Identifiers
sectorIdentifier.addSectorIdentifiers = Add Sector Identifier = Search
sectorIdentifier.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found
sectorIdentifier.update = Update
sectorIdentifier.delete = Delete = Id
sectorIdentifier.url = Url
sectorIdentifier.redirectLoginURIs = Redirect Login URIs
sectorIdentifier.clients = Clients
sectorIdentifier.addLoginUri = Add Login URI
sectorIdentifier.addClient = Add Client
configurationStatus.configuration = Configuration
configurationStatus.serverStatus = Server Status
configurationStatus.hostName = Host name
configurationStatus.ipAddress = IP address
configurationStatus.systemUptime = System uptime
configurationStatus.lastUpdate = Last update
configurationStatus.pollingInterval = Polling interval
configurationStatus.personCount = Person count
configurationStatus.groupCount = Group count
configurationStatus.freeMemory = Free memory
configurationStatus.freeDiskSpace = Free disk space
trustmanager.saml = SAML
trustmanager.updateTrustRelationship = Update Trust Relationship
trustmanager.trustRelationships = Trust Relationships
trustmanager.update = Update
trustmanager.generateSPMetadata = Generate SP Metadata
trustmanager.addRelationship = Add Relationship = Search
trustmanager.searchResults = Search Results
trustmanager.noTrsutRelationshipsFound = No Trust Relationships Found = Display Name
trustmanager.description = Description
trustmanager.attributesPublished = Attributes Published
trustmanager.relationshipType = Relationship type
trustmanager.validationStatus = Validation Status
trustmanager.status = Status
trustmanager.addTrustRelationship = Add Trust Relationship
trustmanager.add = Add
trustmanager.cancel = Cancel
trustmanager.thisProfileConfiguration = This profile configuration enables and configures the SAML 2 SSO profile.
trustmanager.saml2SSOProfileHelp = SAML 2 SSO Profile Help
trustmanager.saml2SSOProfileConfiguration = SAML 2 SSO Profile Configuration
trustmanager.includeAttributeStatement = includeAttributeStatement:
trustmanager.assertionLifetime = assertionLifetime
trustmanager.signResponses = signResponses
trustmanager.never = never
trustmanager.conditional = conditional
trustmanager.always = always
trustmanager.signAssertions = signAssertions
trustmanager.signRequests = signRequests
trustmanager.encryptAssertions = encryptAssertions
trustmanager.encryptNameIds = encryptNameIds
trustmanager.saml2ArtifactResolutionHelp = SAML 2 Artifact Resolution Profile Help
trustmanager.saml2ArtifactResolutionProfileConfiguration = SAML 2 Artifact Resolution Profile Configuration
trustmanager.assertionProxyCount = assertionProxyCount:
trustmanager.saml2AttributeQueryProfileHelp = SAML 2 Attribute Query Profile Help
trustmanager.thisProfileConfigurationEnablesAndConfigures = This profile configuration enables and configures the SAML 2 Attribute Query profile.
trustmanager.saml2AttributeQueryProfileConfiguration = SAML 2 Attribute Query Profile Configuration
trustmanager.signatureKey = Signature Key
trustmanager.shibbolethSSOProfileConfiguration = Shibboleth SSO Profile Configuration
trustmanager.shibbolethSSOProfileHelp = Shibboleth SSO Profile Help
trustmanager.thisProfileConfigurationEnables = This profile configuration enables and configures the Shibboleth SSO profile. This is the profile used by Shibboleth 1.X allowing an SP to solicit an authentication response from the IdP.
trustmanager.saml1ArtifactResolutionProfile = SAML 1 Artifact Resolution Profile Configuration
trustmanager.thisProfileConfigurationEnablesAndConfiguresSAML1 = This profile configuration enables and configures the SAML 1 artifact resolution profile.
trustmanager.saml1ArtifactResolutionProfileHelp = SAML 1 Artifact Resolution Profile Help
trustmanager.saml1AttributeQueryProfileHelp = SAML 1 Attribute Query Profile Help
trustmanager.saml1AttributeQueryProfileConfiguration = SAML 1 Attribute Query Profile Configuration
trustmanager.thisProfileConfigurationEnablesSAML1 = This profile configuration enables and configures the SAML 1 Attribute Query profile.
trustmanager.theMetadataFilterValidate = This metadata filter validates incoming metadata against the SAML metadata schema. Enter <i>classpath locations for additional XML Schema files</i> to use during validation.<br /> <i>Example:</i><b>/schema/foo.xsd</b>
trustmanager.validationFilterHelp = Validation Filter help
trustmanager.validationFilterConfiguration = Validation Filter configuration
trustmanager.addedExtensionSchemas = Added ExtensionSchemas:
trustmanager.enterNewExtensionSchema = Enter new ExtensionSchema:
trustmanager.clickToEnterExtensionSchema = click to enter ExtensionSchema
trustmanager.thisMetadataFilterValidate = This metadata filter validates the signature on the root element of the incoming metadata if the metadata is signed.<br /><b>requireSignedMetadata</b> - a boolean flag that requires that incoming metadata be signed <b>(default value: false)</b><br /><b>Validation Certificate</b> - a certificate to use for signature validation.
trustmanager.signatureValidationFilterHelp = SignatureValidation Filter help
trustmanager.signatureValidationFilterConfiguration = SignatureValidation Filter configuration
trustmanager.validationCertificate = Validation Certificate
trustmanager.thisMetadataFilterRequiresThePresence = This metadata filter requires the presence of the validUntil attribute on the root of the retrieved metadata. It may optionally ensure that the value of this attribute is not more than a given amount of time in the future. This ensures that old metadata, which may contain entities which have been removed/revoked, is not used.<br /> <b>maxValidityInterval</b> - the interval, in seconds, from now within which the validUntil date must fall. A value of zero indicates no upper limit. <b>Default value: 0</b>
trustmanager.requiredValidUntilFilter = RequiredValidUntil Filter configuration
trustmanager.enterMaxValidatyInternal = Enternal maxValidityInterval
trustmanager.metadataFilesCanGrowQuiteLarge = Metadata files can grow quite large, especially when they contain the embedded key necessary for XML encryption support. However, only the SP information is usually needed by the IdP, this means that all the IdP metadata being kept around is just taking up memory. This metadata filter removes entity roles, and optional who entity and entities descriptors, that are not needed by the IdP. It is based on a white list because the types of roles that may appear within metadata is not bounded.<br /> <b>removeRolelessEntityDescriptors</b> - a boolean flag that indicates that, after role filtering, an EntityDescriptor element should be removed from metadata if it does not contain any roles <b>(default value: true)</b> <br /> <b>removeEmptyEntitiesDescriptors</b> - indicates that, after role and EntityDescriptor filtering, an EntitiesDescriptor element should be removed from metadata if it does not contain any EntityDescriptor or EntitiesDescriptor <b>(default value: true)</b>
trustmanager.entityRoleWhiteListFilterHelp = EntityRoleWhiteList Filter help
trustmanager.entityRoleWhiteListFilterConfiguration = EntityRoleWhiteList Filter configuration
trustmanager.removeRolelessEntityDescriptors = removeRolelessEntityDescriptors:
trustmanager.removeEmptyEntitiesDescriptors = removeEmptyEntitiesDescriptors:
trustmanager.retainedRolesWhiteList = RetainedRoles white list:
trustmanager.enterNewRetainedRole = Enter new RetainedRole:
trustmanager.back = Back
trustmanager.policesAndOperatingProcedures = Polices and Operating Procedures of the Federation
trustmanager.samlURIFor = SAML URI for
trustmanager.trustAgreement = Trust Relationship
trustmanager.displayName = Display Name
trustmanager.entityType = Entity Type
trustmanager.metadataLocation = Metadata Location
trustmanager.federationName = Federation Name
trustmanager.youHaveNoFederation = You have no Federation to choose from.
trustmanager.entityID = Entity ID
trustmanager.spMetadataFile = Sp Metadata File
trustmanager.spMetadataURL = Sp Metadata URL
trustmanager.spLogoutURL = SP Logout URL (optional)
trustmanager.configureRelyingParty = Configure Relying Party
trustmanager.enableInCommon = Enable InCommon R&amp;S
trustmanager.released = Released
trustmanager.samlURIForThisAttribute = SAML URI for this attribute:
trustmanager.configureMetadataFilter = Configure Metadata Filter
trustmanager.metadataValidationLog = Metadata Validation Log.
trustmanager.associatedContacts = Associated contacts
trustmanager.clickHereToConfigure = Click here to configure individual members of this federation.
trustmanager.newContact = New Contact = Name
trustmanager.title = Title
trustmanager.telephoneNumber = Telephone Number
trustmanager.mail = Mail
trustmanager.addNewContact = Add new contact
trustmanager.metadataFiltersConfiguration = Metadata Filters configuration
trustmanager.availableFilter = Available Filter = Save
trustmanager.relyingPartyConfiguration = Relying Party Configuration
trustmanager.availableProfileConfigurations = Available Profile Configurations
trustmanager.selectedProfileConfigurations = Selected Profile Configurations
trustmanager.selectEntityID = Select entityID of this Trust Relationship
trustmanager.filter = Filter
trustmanager.selectWhichMembers = Select which members of this federation you would like configure individually
trustmanager.availableFederationMembers = Available federation members
trustmanager.membersSelectedForIndividualsConfiguration = Members selected for individuals configuration
uma.uma = UMA
uma.scopes = Scopes
uma.searchKey = Search Key: = Search
uma.addScopeDescription = Add Scope
uma.noSearchResultFound = No Search Result Found = Name
uma.type = Type
uma.referenceUrl = Reference Url (used for resource set registration)
uma.action = Action = Download = Link
uma.resourcesAndScopes = Resources and scopes
uma.addResourceSet = Add Resource Set = Id
uma.iconURI = Icon URI
uma.resource = Resource
uma.scope = Scope
uma.clients = Clients
uma.updateScope = Update Scope
uma.displayName = Display Name
uma.icon = Icon
uma.remove = Remove
uma.url = Url
uma.authorizationPolicy = Authorization Policy
uma.addAuthorizationPolicy = Add Authorization Policy
uma.resources = Resources
uma.updateResources = Update Resource
uma.resourceSet = Resource Set
uma.addScope = Add Scope
uma.addResource = Add Resource
uma.addClient = Add Client
uma.cancel = Cancel
uma.creationTime = Creation Time
whitePages.whitePages = White Pages
whitePages.view = view = Photo = Name = E-Mail
whitePages.phoneNumber = Phone Number = Phone = Name
env.value = Value
error.oops = Oops
error.wrong = Something wrong happened.
error.conversation.wrong = The form was removed after 30 minutes of inactivity
error.returnToTheApplication = Return to the application using the button below.
error.return = Return
error.errorEncountered = Error Encountered
error.unexpectedError = An unexpected error has occurred at {0}.
feedback.samlErrorHappened = SAML error happened
feedback.youWereRedirectedToThisPage = You were redirected to this page because of error during access to the federated resource. Please file an issue about this in out Jira or write a message to our support.
feedback.informationWeWouldLikeToKnow = Information we would like to know:
feedback.whatSite = What site were you trying to access?
feedback.whatIsYourName = What is your username?
feedback.atWhatTime = At what time did this error happen?
feedback.additionalInfo = Any additional information you consider relevant.
feedback.supportEmail = support email:
feedback.returnToTheApplication = Return to the application using below button.
feedback.return = Return
finishLogout.loggedOut = Logged Out
finishLogout.signIn = Sign in Again
login.rememberMe = Remember Me
login.forgotPassword = Forgot Password
login.login = Login
logout.loggedOut = Logged Out
logout.thankYou = Thank you for using
register.signUp = Sign up
register.toCreateAnAccount = To create an account, please enter your details below.
register.alreadyHaveAnAccount =Already have an account?
register.login = Login
register.password = Password
register.repeatPassword = Repeat password
register.passwordsDontMatch = Passwords don't match = Email
register.pleaseEnterYourEmailAddress = Please Enter Your Email address.
register.register = Register
register.cancel = Cancel
registration.confirm = Your registration process is completed. You can login now. Please contact the site admin if you experience issues.
resetPasswordSuccess.pleaseCheckYourEmail = Check your email for a link to reset your password.
resetPasswordSuccess.thankYou = Thank you for using
cert.keyUpload = Key upload
cert.selectPrivateKey = Select a new private key.
cert.pleaseNote = Please note that the certificate generated from this key must be provided as well.
cert.certificateUpload = Certificate upload
cert.selectNewCertificate = Select a new certificate.
cert.pleaseNoteCertificate = Please note that the certificate uploaded here must either be generated from the CSR obtained here or key must be uploaded as well.
cert.back = Back
cert.certificateDetails = Certificate details
cert.validUntil = Valid Until:
cert.validAfter = Valid After:
cert.commonName = Common Name: = City:
cert.state = State: = Country:
cert.organization = Organization:
cert.issuer = Issuer:
cert.useJrePublicCerts = Use JRE public certs
cert.certificateManagement = Certificate Management
cert.manageServerSSLCertificates = Manage server SSL certificates
cert.applicationDontHavePermission = Application don't have permissions to load/update certificates. Contact administrator to resolve this issue. = Name
cert.operations = Operations
cert.certInfo = Cert Info
cert.uploadCert = Upload Cert
cert.enabled = Enabled
cert.addPublicCertificates = Add public certificates
cert.theKeyMatchesCertificate = The Key matches the Certificate
cert.theKeyDoesNotMatchCertificate = The Key does not match the Certificate
cert.certificatesWereNotFound = Certificates were not found. Please inform Gluu support about this.
cert.generateCSR = Generate CSR
cert.uploadKey = Upload Key
clientForm.inum = Client ID Standard settings Advanced settings = Token Encryption/Signing settings Custom Scripts
clientForm.clientName = Client Name
clientForm.clientDescription = Client Description
clientForm.clientSecret = Client Secret
clientForm.applicationType = Application Type
clientForm.preAuthorization = Pre-Authorization
clientForm.persistClientAuthorization = Persist Client Authorizations
clientForm.allowSpontaneousScope = Allow Spontaneous Scope
clientForm.logoURI = Logo URI
clientForm.clientUri = Client URI
clientForm.policyUri = Policy URI
clientForm.termsOfServiceURI = Terms of Service URI
clientForm.jwksURI = Client JWKS URI
clientForm.jwks = Client JWKS
clientForm.sectorIdentifierURI = Sector Identifier URI
clientForm.subjectType = Subject Type
clientForm.idTokenSubjectType = Id_Token Subject Type
clientForm.idTokenTokenBindingCnf = ID Token Binding Confirmation Method
clientForm.rptAsJwt = RPT as JWT
clientForm.accessTokenAsJwt = Access Token as JWT
clientForm.accessTokenSigningAlg = Access Token signing algorithm
clientForm.jWSAlgorithmForSigning = JWS alg Algorithm for signing the ID Token
clientForm.jweAlgorithmForEncrypting = JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting the ID Token
clientForm.jweEncAlgorithmForEncrypting = JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting the ID Token
clientForm.jwsAlgAlgorithm = JWS alg Algorithm for signing the UserInfo Responses
clientForm.jweAlgAlgorithm = JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses
clientForm.jweEncAlgorithm = JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting the UserInfo Responses
clientForm.jwsAlgAlgorithmForSigningRequestObjects = JWS alg Algorithm for signing Request Objects
clientForm.jweAlgAlgorithmforEncryptingRequestObjects = JWE alg Algorithm for encrypting Request Objects
clientForm.jweEncAlgorithmForEncryptingRequestObjects = JWE enc Algorithm for encrypting Request Objects
clientForm.authenticationMethod = Authentication method for the Token Endpoint
clientForm.jwsAlgAlgorithmForAuthentication = JWS alg Algorithm for Authentication method to Token Endpoint
clientForm.cibaAuthenticationRequestSigningAlg = CIBA Authentication Request Signing Algorithm
clientForm.defaultMaximumAuthenticationAge = Default Maximum Authentication Age
clientForm.accessTokenLifetime = Access Token Lifetime
clientForm.softwareId = Software Identifier
clientForm.softwareVersion = Software Version
clientForm.softwareStatement = Software Statement
clientForm.cibaTokenDeliveryMode = CIBA Token Delivery Mode
clientForm.cibaClientNotificationEndpoint = CIBA Client Notification Endpoint
clientForm.cibaUserCodeParameter = CIBA User Code Parameter
clientForm.requireAuthTime = Add Auth Time to id_token
clientForm.redirectLoginURIs = Redirect Login URIs
clientForm.redirectLogoutURIs = Post Logout Redirect URI
clientForm.scopes = Scopes = Individually Requested Claims
clientForm.responseTypes = Response Types
clientForm.grantTypes = Grant Types
clientForm.postAuthnScripts = Post Authn Scripts
clientForm.consentGatheringScripts = Consent Gathering Scripts
clientForm.spontaneousScopeScripts = Spontaneous Scope Scripts
clientForm.introspectionScripts = Introspection Scripts
clientForm.rptClaimsScripts = RPT Claims Scripts
clientForm.updateTokenScripts = Update Token Scripts
clientForm.add = Add
clientForm.contacts = Contacts
clientForm.defaultRequestedAuthenticationContextClass = Default requested Authentication Context Class Reference (ACR) values
clientForm.initiateLoginURI = Initiate Login URI
clientForm.defaultPromptLogin = Default prompt=login
clientForm.requestURI = Request URIs
clientForm.authorizedOrigin = Authorized JavaScript Origins
clientForm.frontChannelLogoutURI = Front Channel Logout URI
clientForm.backChannelLogoutURI = Back Channel Logout URI
clientForm.logoutSessionRequired = Logout Session Required
clientForm.frontchannellogoutSessionRequired = Front Channel Logout Session Required
clientForm.includeClaimsInIdTokenTooltip = LegacyIdTokenClaims should be set to true in order to enable this field.
clientForm.includeClaimsInIdToken = Include Claims In Id Token
clientForm.oxRefreshTokenLifetime = Refresh Token Lifetime
clientForm.oxRefreshTokenLifetimeLabel = click to enter refresh token liftime (value in seconds)
clientForm.expirationDate = Client Expiration Date
clientForm.addLoginReiderctURI = Add Login Redirect URI
clientForm.postLogoutRedirectURI = Post Logout Redirect URI
clientForm.addScope = Add Scope
clientForm.addClaim = Add Claim
clientForm.addResponseType = Add Response Type
clientForm.addGrantType = Add Grant Type
clientForm.addContact = Add Contact
clientForm.addDefaultACRvalue = Add Default ACR value
clientForm.addRequestURI = Add Request URI
clientForm.addAuthorizedOrigin = Add Authorized JavaScript Origin
clientForm.addFrontchannelLogoutURI = Add Frontchannel Logout URI
clientForm.addClaimRedirectURI = Add Claim Redirect URIs
clientForm.claimRedirectURI = Claim Redirect URIs
clientForm.oxdId = oxd Id
clientForm.disabled = Disabled
clientForm.runIntrospectionScriptBeforeAccessTokenAsJwtCreationAndIncludeClaims = Run Introspection Script before JWT access token creation
clientForm.defaultAcrValue = Default ACR value
clientForm.tlsSubjectDn = TLS Subject DN
clientForm.keepClientAuthorizationAfterExpiration = Keep Expired?
clientForm.AccessTokenAdditionalAudience = Access Token Additional Audiences
clientForm.AdditionalAudience = Additional Audiences
clientForm.addAdditionalAudiences = Add Additional Audiences
clientForm.redirectRegex = Redirect Regex
clientForm.rptModificationScript = RPT Modification Script
clientForm.associatedClient = Associated Clients
federation.federationName = Federation Name
federation.policiesAndOperatingProcedures = Pocicies and Operating Procedures of the Federation
federation.iAcceptPoliciesAndOperatingProcedures = I accept Policies and Operating Procedures
federation.trustAgreement = Trust Agreement
federation.associatedContacts = Associated contacts
federation.organizationName = Organization Name
federation.description = Description
federation.metadataType = Metadata Type
federation.spMetadataURL = Sp Metadata URL
federation.delete = Delete
federation.cancel = Cancel
federation.addFederation = Add Federation
federation.noTrustRelationshipsFound = No Trust Relationships Found = Community
federation.relationshipType = Relathinship type
federation.status = Status
layout.register = Register
layout.configuration = Configuration
layout.organizationConfiguration = Organization Configuration
layout.jsonConfiguration = JSON Configuratoin
layout.manageAuthentication = Manage Authentication
layout.manageCustomScripts = Manage Custom Scripts
layout.manageRegistration = Manage Registration
layout.attributes = Attributes
layout.cacheRefresh = Cache refresh
layout.configureLogViewer = Configure log viewer
layout.viewLogFile = View log file
layout.serverStatus = Server Status
layout.saml = SAML
layout.trustRelationships = Trust Relationships
layout.openIDConnect = OpenID Connect
layout.scopes = Scopes
layout.resources = Resources
layout.clients = Clients
layout.uma = UMA
layout.oxPush = oxPush
layout.oxPushApplications = oxPush Applications
layout.oxPushDevices = oxPush Devices
layout.users = Users
layout.manageGroups = Manage Groups
layout.managePeople = Manage People
layout.addPerson = Add person
layout.importPeople = Import People
layout.personal = Personal
layout.profile = Profile
layout.whitePages = White Pages
layout.logout = Logout
mail.verify.message.subject = SMTP Server Configuration Verification
mail.verify.message.plain.body = SMTP Server Configuration Verification Successful.
mail.verify.message.html.body = SMTP Server Configuration Verification Successful.
mail.reset.found.message.subject = Password reset was requested at #{['organizationName']} identity server
mail.reset.found.message.plain.body = <p style="text-align: center;">Hello <b><span style="color:#337ab7;">#{['givenName']}</span></b>,<br></br><br></br></p><p style="text-align: center;">We received a request to reset your password.<br></br>If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this message.<br></br> You may click the button below to choose your new password.<br></br><a href='#{['resetLink']}'> <button style="border-radius:5px; background:#337ab7; color:white; border:none;padding:10px;margin-top:15px;">Agree to reset my password</button></a></p><p style="color:red;text-align: center; font-size:1.1em;">This link will expire in <span style="color:#337ab7;">#{['expirationTime']}</span>.</p>
mail.reset.found.message.html.body = <p style="text-align: center;">Hello <b><span style="color:#337ab7;">#{['givenName']}</span></b>,<br></br><br></br></p><p style="text-align: center;">We received a request to reset your password.<br></br>If you did not make this request, you can safely ignore this message.<br></br> You may click the button below to choose your new password.<br></br><a href='#{['resetLink']}'> <button style="border-radius:5px; background:#337ab7; color:white; border:none;padding:10px;margin-top:15px;">Agree to reset my password</button></a></p><p style="color:red;text-align: center; font-size:1.1em;">This link will expire in <span style="color:#337ab7;">#{['expirationTime']}</span>.</p>
mail.reset.not_found.message.subject = Password reset was requested at #{['organizationName']} identity server
mail.reset.not_found.message.plain.body = You (or someone else) entered this email when trying to change the password of #{['organizationName']} identity server account.\n\nHowever this email address is not on our database of registered users and therefore the attempted password change has failed.\n\nIf you are a #{['organizationName']} identity server user and were expecting this email, please try again using the email address you gave when registering your account.\n\nIf you are not #{['organizationName']} identity server user, please ignore this email.\n\nKind regards,\nSupport Team
mail.reset.not_found.message.html.body = You (or someone else) entered this email when trying to change the password of #{['organizationName']} identity server account.\n\nHowever this email address is not on our database of registered users and therefore the attempted password change has failed.\n\nIf you are a #{['organizationName']} identity server user and were expecting this email, please try again using the email address you gave when registering your account.\n\nIf you are not #{['organizationName']} identity server user, please ignore this email.\n\nKind regards,\nSupport Team = Attributes with Privacy level 5 are released in a Trust Relationaship = \nAttribute name: #{['attributeName']} Display name: #{['attributeDisplayName']} Attribute value: #{['attributeValue']} = \nAttribute name: #{['attributeName']} Display name: #{['attributeDisplayName']} Attribute value: #{['attributeValue']} = Trust RelationShip name: #{['trustRelationshipName']} (inum: #{['trustRelationshipInum']}) \n\n = Trust RelationShip name: #{['trustRelationshipName']} (inum: #{['trustRelationshipInum']}) \n\n
testOperationForm.userName = User Name
testOperationForm.password = Password
testOperationForm.baseURL = Base URL
password.validation.invalid = Password does not meet security requirements. Please try again
trustedIdp.remoteIDPName = Remote IDP Name
trustedIdp.remoteIDPHost = Remote IDP Host
trustedIdp.signingCertificates = Signing Certificates
trustedIdp.selectedSingleSignOnService.binding = Selected SingleSignOnService Binding
trustedIdp.selectedSingleSignOnService.location = Selected SingleSignOnService Location
trustedIdp.binding = Binding
trustedIdp.location = Location
trustedIdp.singleSignOnService = Single SignOn Service
trustedIdp.manageTrustedIDP = Manage Trusted IDP
trustedIdp.TrustedIDP = Trusted IDP
trustedIdp.singleSignOnServices = Add Single SignOn Services
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