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Created December 14, 2021 13:37
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useStoryblok hook for Typescript developers. Implements the Declaration Merging and type support.
import StoryblokClient, { StoryData } from 'storyblok-js-client'
import { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
// Addition by Github: imabp:
// The following code implements Declaration merging which helps to fulfill the requirement for useStoryblok hook in a typesafe way.
declare global {
interface Window{
StoryblokBridge: FunctionConstructor
interface Function{
//instantiating the StoryblokClient
const Storyblok = new StoryblokClient({
accessToken: process.env.STORYBLOK_ACCESS_TOKEN,
cache: {
type: 'memory',
clear: 'auto'
export const useStoryblok = (originalStory: StoryData, preview: boolean) => {
const [story, setStory] = useState(originalStory);
const initEventListeners = () =>{
const {StoryblokBridge} = window;
if (typeof StoryblokBridge !== "undefined") {
// initialize the bridge with your token
const storyblokInstance = new StoryblokBridge();
// reload on Next.js page on save or publish event in the Visual Editor
storyblokInstance.on(["change", "published"], () =>
// live update the story on input events
storyblokInstance.on("input", ( event:any) => {
// check if the ids of the event and the passed story match
if (story && event.story.content._uid === story.content._uid) {
// change the story content through the setStory function
storyblokInstance.on("enterEditmode", (event:any) => {
// loading the draft version on initial enter of editor
Storyblok.get(`cdn/stories/${event.storyId}`, {
version: "draft",
.then(({ data }) => {
if (data.story) {
.catch((error) => {
const addBridge = (cb: VoidFunction) => {
const existingScript = document.getElementById('storyblokBridge')
if (!existingScript) {
const script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = "//" = "storyblokBridge"
script.onload = () => {
else {
useEffect(() => {
// only load inside preview mode
if (preview) {
// first load the bridge, then initialize the event listeners
}, [originalStory, preview, setStory]); // runs the effect only once & defines effect dependencies
useEffect(() => {
}, [originalStory]);
return story;
export default Storyblok;
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