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markblundeberg /
Last active February 5, 2021 20:05
BCH floating transactions: SIGHASH_NOINPUT emulation using CHECKDATASIG covenants

BCH floating transactions: SIGHASH_NOINPUT emulation using CHECKDATASIG covenants

A new sighash flag has been proposed (originally for Lightning, now for Eltoo) which redacts information about the spending inputs, most notably their transaction IDs.

This facility is both powerful and dangerous: it means that signatures intended for one transaction can be used on other transactions. It also makes up a very strong increase in the malleability of transactions. SIGHASH_NOINPUT allows for much more flexible off-chain smart contracts than nonmalleable transactions. Note that Eltoo requires SIGHASH_NOINPUT, for instance. It's not clear whether such a dangerous feature will be adopted on BCH any time soon.

In this gist I'm going to explain that CHECKDATASIG covenants let us write smart contracts that emulate SIGHASH_NOINPUT. This capability alone should in principle allow to build Lightning, Eltoo with bilaterally funded smart contracts on BCH (though, with some significant