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Created July 19, 2017 18:38
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set -xe
# the VDSL2 box is
# Hardwareversion: TD-W9980B(DE) v1 00000000
# Firmwareversion: #0.6.0 2.8 v0022.0 Build 140924 Rel.35045n
# cat <device>.settings| ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null root@
# Upgrade build configs
# cd lede
# make menuconfig # twiddle packages and save
# scripts/ > /tmp/out
# diff ../w8970.diffconfig /tmp/out
# <edit ../w8970.diffconfig with any changes
# cd .. && ./
# scp -v -P23 lede/bin/targets/lantiq/xrx200/lede-lantiq-xrx200-TDW8970-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin root@
# ssh -p 23 root@
# echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
# sysupgrade -v /tmp/lede-lantiq-xrx200-TDW8970-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
# trusted <-> easybell henet
# notrust <-> ffvpn
# -
uci import system <<EOF
uci add system system
uci set system.@system[-1]=system
uci set system.@system[-1].hostname='imagiswitch'
uci set system.@system[-1].zonename='UTC'
uci set system.@system[-1].timezone='UTC'
uci set system.@system[-1].conloglevel='8'
uci set system.@system[-1].klogconloglevel='8'
uci set system.@system[-1].cronloglevel='0'
uci set system.@system[-1].log_ip=''
uci set system.@system[-1].log_proto=udp
uci set system.@system[-1].log_remote='1'
uci set system.ntp=timeserver
uci set system.ntp.enabled=1
uci add_list system.ntp.server=''
uci add_list system.ntp.server=''
uci add_list system.ntp.server=''
uci commit system
uci import dropbear <<EOF
uci add dropbear dropbear
uci set dropbear.@dropbear[-1]=dropbear
uci set dropbear.@dropbear[-1].Port='23'
uci set dropbear.@dropbear[-1].PasswordAuth='0'
uci set dropbear.@dropbear[-1].RootPasswordAuth='0'
uci commit dropbear
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
ssh-rsa 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
chmod 0600 /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys
uci import wireless <<EOF
uci set wireless.radio0=wifi-device
uci set wireless.radio0.disabled='0'
uci set wireless.radio0.type='mac80211'
uci set wireless.radio0.path='pci0000:00/0000:00:00.0/0000:01:00.0'
uci set wireless.radio0.log_level='0' # 0=verbose
uci set'DE'
uci set wireless.radio0.txpower='16'
uci set wireless.radio0.antenna_gain='0'
uci set wireless.radio0.htmode='HT20'
uci set wireless.radio0.hwmode='11g'
uci set wireless.radio0.require_mode='n'
uci set wireless.radio0.distance='25'
uci set wireless.radio0.short_gi_20='1'
uci set wireless.radio0.greenfield='0'
uci set'auto'
uci commit wireless
uci add wireless wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1]=wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].disabled='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ifname='dual2'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].device='radio0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].network='trusted'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].mode='ap'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].isolate='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ssid=' dual'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].hidden='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].encryption='psk2'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].key='xxx'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].wpa_group_rekey='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].disassoc_low_ack='1'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].wmm='1'
uci commit wireless.@wifi-iface[-1]
uci add wireless wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1]=wifi-iface
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ifname='freifunk'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].device='radio0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].network='notrust'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].mode='ap'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].encryption='none'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].isolate='1'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].ssid=''
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].hidden='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].wpa_group_rekey='0'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].disassoc_low_ack='1'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].wmm='1'
uci set wireless.@wifi-iface[-1].require_mode='n'
uci commit wireless.@wifi-iface[-1]
uci import network <<EOF
uci set network.globals=globals
uci set network.globals.ula_prefix='2001:xxx:xxx::/48'
uci commit network
# switch: Numbers 2-5 are Ports 1-4 as labeled on the unit, number 1 is the
# Internet (WAN) on the unit, 0 is the internal connection to the router itself.
# Port Switch port
# ---- -----------
# CPU 6 (all vlans are tagged to CPU)
# LAN 1 5 (to bunker - all vlans)
# LAN 2 0 ( - vlan 2) (iLO)
# LAN 3 2 ( - vlan 2) homematic
# LAN 4 4 ( - vlan 3 and 2) (bedroom switch)
uci add network switch
uci set network.@switch[-1]=switch
uci set network.@switch[-1].name='switch0'
uci set network.@switch[-1].reset='1'
uci set network.@switch[-1].enable_vlan='1'
uci commit network.@switch[-1]
uci add network switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1]=switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].device='switch0'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].vlan='2'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].ports='6t 5t 4t 0 2'
uci commit network.@switch_vlan[-1]
uci add network switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1]=switch_vlan
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].device='switch0'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].vlan='3'
uci set network.@switch_vlan[-1].ports='6t 5t 4t'
uci commit network.@switch_vlan[-1]
uci set network.loopback=interface
uci set network.loopback.force_link='1'
uci set network.loopback.ifname='lo'
uci set network.loopback.proto='static'
uci set network.loopback.ipaddr=''
uci set network.loopback.netmask=''
uci set network.trusted=interface
uci set network.trusted.force_link='1'
uci set network.trusted.type='bridge'
uci set network.trusted.igmp_snooping='1'
uci set network.trusted.proto='static'
uci set network.trusted.ipaddr=''
uci set network.trusted.broadcast=''
uci set network.trusted.netmask=''
uci set network.trusted.dns=''
uci set network.trusted.ip6assign='64'
uci set network.trusted.ip6gw='2001:xxx:xxx:xxx::1'
uci add_list network.trusted.ifname='eth0.2'
uci set network.notrust=interface
uci set network.notrust.force_link='1'
uci set network.notrust.type='bridge'
uci set network.notrust.bridge_empty='0'
uci set network.notrust.proto='static'
uci set network.notrust.netmask=''
uci set network.notrust.ipaddr=''
uci set network.notrust.broadcast=''
uci add_list network.notrust.ifname='eth0.3'
uci set network.henet=interface
uci set network.henet.force_link='1'
uci set network.henet.proto=6in4
uci set network.henet.peeraddr=
uci set network.henet.ip6addr='2001:xxx:xxx:b2b::2'
uci set network.henet.ip6prefix='2001:xxx:52xxx52::/48'
uci set network.henet.tunnelid=xxx
uci set network.henet.username=xxx
uci set network.henet.password='xxx'
uci set network.henet.defaultroute='1'
uci set network.dsl=dsl
uci set network.dsl.xfer_mode='ptm'
uci set network.dsl.annex='b'
uci set network.dsl.line_mode='vdsl'
# since the DSL line doesn't reset we need to restart the DSL modem
# when the ppp connection dies. The line retraining *should* terminate
# any zombie sessions for the circuit on the dslam.
if [ ! -d "/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/" ]; then
mkdir /etc/ppp/ip-down.d
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/
logger "running /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/ script"
/etc/init.d/dsl_control stop
rmmod drv_dsl_cpe_api
rmmod ltq_ptm_vr9
rmmod drv_mei_cpe
rmmod drv_ifxos
rmmod pppoe
insmod pppoe
insmod drv_ifxos
insmod drv_mei_cpe
insmod ltq_ptm_vr9
insmod drv_dsl_cpe_api
/etc/init.d/dsl_control start
chmod 755 /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/
# MTU settings are from:
uci set network.dsl_dev=device
uci set'ptm0'
uci set network.dsl_dev.mtu='1508'
uci set network.easybell=interface
uci set network.easybell.proto=pppoe
uci set network.easybell.ifname='ptm0.7'
uci set network.easybell.username='xxx'
uci set network.easybell.password='xxx'
uci set network.easybell.mtu='1500'
uci set network.easybell.peerdns='0'
uci set network.easybell.ipv6='0'
uci set network.easybell.demand='0'
uci set network.easybell.persist='true'
uci set network.easybell.maxfail='0'
uci set network.easybell.holdoff='10'
uci set network.easybell.keepalive='10 5'
uci set network.easybell.pppd_options='lcp-echo-adaptive mtu 1500 debug'
uci set network.ffvpn=interface
uci set network.ffvpn.force_link='1'
uci set network.ffvpn.proto=none
uci set network.ffvpn.ifname=ffvpn
uci set network.ffvpn.delegate='0'
uci set'1'
uci add network rule
uci set network.@rule[-1]=rule
uci set network.@rule[-1].src=''
uci set network.@rule[-1].lookup='100'
uci commit network.@rule[-1]
# due to a bug, these are now in '/etc/openvpn/'
uci add network route
uci set network.@route[-1]=route
uci set network.@route[-1].table=100
uci set network.@route[-1].interface=br-trusted
uci set network.@route[-1].target=
uci set network.@route[-1].netmask=
uci commit network.@route[-1]
uci add network route
uci set network.@route[-1]=route
uci set network.@route[-1].table=100
uci set network.@route[-1].interface=ffvpn
uci set network.@route[-1].target=
uci set network.@route[-1].netmask=
uci commit network.@route[-1]
uci import dhcp <<EOF
uci add dhcp odhcpd
uci set dhcp.@odhcpd[-1]=odhcpd
uci set dhcp.@odhcpd[-1].leasetrigger='/usr/sbin/odhcpd-update'
uci set dhcp.@odhcpd[-1].leasefile='/tmp/odhcpd.leases'
uci set dhcp.@odhcpd[-1].maindhcp='1'
uci commit dhcp.@odhcpd[-1]
uci add dhcp dnsmasq
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1]=dnsmasq
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].domainneeded='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].boguspriv='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].filterwin2k='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].localise_queries='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].rebind_protection='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].rebind_localhost='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].local='/imagilan/'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].domain='imagilan'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].expandhosts='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].nonegcache='0'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].localservice='1'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].logqueries='0'
uci set dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].cachesize='4096'
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].addnhosts='/tmp/odhcpd.leases'
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server=''
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server=''
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server='2a02:200:1:11::100'
uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1].server='2001:470:20::2'
uci commit dhcp.@dnsmasq[-1]
uci set dhcp.trusted=dhcp
uci set dhcp.trusted.interface='trusted'
uci set dhcp.trusted.authoritative='1'
uci set dhcp.trusted.ignore='1'
uci set dhcp.trusted.dhcpv6='server'
uci set dhcp.trusted.dhcpv4='server'
uci set dhcp.trusted.ra='disabled'
uci set dhcp.trusted.ra_management='1'
uci set dhcp.trusted.ra_default='1'
uci set dhcp.trusted.start=100
uci set dhcp.trusted.limit=100
uci set dhcp.trusted.leasetime=60m
uci set dhcp.trusted.dns=
uci set dhcp.trusted.domain=imagilan
uci commit dhcp.trusted
uci set dhcp.notrust=dhcp
uci set dhcp.notrust.interface=notrust
uci set dhcp.notrust.authoritative='1'
uci set dhcp.notrust.ignore='1'
uci set dhcp.notrust.dhcpv4='server'
uci set dhcp.notrust.ignore='1'
uci set dhcp.notrust.start=100
uci set dhcp.notrust.limit=100
uci set dhcp.notrust.leasetime=60m
uci set dhcp.notrust.dns=
uci set dhcp.notrust.domain=notrust
uci commit dhcp.notrust
uci import prometheus-node-exporter-lua<<EOF
uci set prometheus-node-exporter-lua.main=prometheus-node-exporter-lua
uci set prometheus-node-exporter-lua.main.listen_address='::'
uci set prometheus-node-exporter-lua.main.listen_port='9100'
uci commit prometheus-node-exporter-lua
/etc/init.d/prometheus-node-exporter-lua enable || true
uci import openvpn <<EOF
uci set openvpn.ffvpn=openvpn
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.enabled=1
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.client=1
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.nobind=1
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.proto=udp
uci set
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.dev_type=tun
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.persist_key=1
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.keepalive='10 60'
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.comp_lzo=no
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.script_security=2
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.cipher='none'
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.mute_replay_warnings="1"
uci add_list openvpn.ffvpn.remote=' 1194 udp'
uci add_list openvpn.ffvpn.remote=' 1194 udp'
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.ns_cert_type=server
uci set
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.cert=/etc/openvpn/freifunk_client.crt
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.key=/etc/openvpn/freifunk_client.key
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.up='/etc/openvpn/'
uci set openvpn.ffvpn.route_nopull=1
uci commit openvpn.ffvpn
if [ ! -d "/etc/openvpn" ]; then
mkdir /etc/openvpn
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/
set -x
sleep 10
ROUTE_AVALIBLE=$(ip route show table 100 | grep "default via dev ffvpn" | wc -l)
if [ $ROUTE_AVALIBLE -lt 1 ]; then
ip route add default via table 100
ROUTE_AVALIBLE=$(ip route show table 100 | grep " dev br-notrust" | wc -l)
if [ $ROUTE_AVALIBLE -lt 2 ]; then
ip route add dev br-trusted table 100
ip route add dev br-notrust table 100
ROUTE_AVALIBLE=$(ip route show table 100 | grep " dev ffvpn" | wc -l)
if [ $ROUTE_AVALIBLE -lt 1 ]; then
ip route add dev ffvpn table 100
RULE_AVALIBLE=$(ip rule | grep " lookup 100" | wc -l)
if [ $RULE_AVALIBLE -lt 1 ]; then
ip rule add from table 100
RULE_AVALIBLE=$(ip rule | grep " lookup 100" | wc -l)
if [ $RULE_AVALIBLE -lt 1 ]; then
ip rule add from table 100
chmod u+x /etc/openvpn/
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/freifunk-ca.crt
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/freifunk_client.crt
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/freifunk_client.key
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/imagivpn.key
# 2048 bit OpenVPN static key
-----BEGIN OpenVPN Static key V1-----
-----END OpenVPN Static key V1-----
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/openvpn/dh2048.pem
echo "ip route show table 100"
ip route show table 100
echo "ip route show table local"
ip route show table local
echo "all done with writing"
echo "rebooting..."
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