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Browsing git commit history with fzf
# my git log
local the_git_log = 'git log --graph --pretty=format:"%C(bold blue)%s%C(auto)%d%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %an, %C(magenta)%ar%Creset at %C(cyan)%ad%n%b" --date=format:"%H:%M" --author-date-order --all'
ggloga --color=always | \
fzf --ansi --no-sort --reverse --tiebreak=index --preview \
'source ~/.alias; f() { set -- $(echo -- "$@" | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7\}"); [ $# -eq 0 ] || git show --color=always $1 ; }; f \
"$(the_git_log | head -$(({n} + 2)) | tail -2)"' \
--bind 'ctrl-j:preview-down,ctrl-k:preview-up,alt-j:preview-page-down,alt-k:preview-page-up,ctrl-m:execute: \
(git log --graph --pretty=format:"%C(bold blue)%s%C(auto)%d%n%C(yellow)%h%Creset %an, %C(magenta)%ar%Creset at %C(cyan)%ad%n%b" --date=format:"%H:%M" --author-date-order --all | head -$(({n} +2)) | tail -2 | grep -o "[a-f0-9]\{7\}" | head -1 |
xargs -I % sh -c "git show --color=always % | less -R") << "FZF-EOF"
FZF-EOF' --preview-window=right:60%
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imambungo commented Mar 24, 2020


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