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Created February 19, 2019 12:49
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Flattening json data in PostgreSQL
create or replace function create_jsonb_flat_view
(table_name text, regular_columns text, json_column text)
returns text language plpgsql as $$
cols text;
execute format ($ex$
select string_agg(format('%2$s->>%%1$L "%%1$s"', key), ', ')
from (
select distinct key
from %1$s, jsonb_each(%2$s)
order by 1
) s;
$ex$, table_name, json_column)
into cols;
execute format($ex$
drop view if exists %1$s_view;
create view %1$s_view as
select %2$s, %3$s from %1$s
$ex$, table_name, regular_columns, cols);
return cols;
end $$;
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Original post on Medium by Marc Laforet

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