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Forked from chrismeller/gist:4748175
Created August 7, 2013 15:01
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server {
# we want to listen on port 80 on all IPs on our system - both IPv4 and IPv6
listen [::]:80;
# our primary server name is the first, aliases simply come after it. you can also include wildcards like *
# where are our site files stored?
root /media/www/public_html/;
# define our access and error logs for this vhost
access_log /media/www/public_html/;
error_log /media/www/public_html/;
# very important, php won't work without this - it sets a bunch of the server
# values that it expects
include fastcgi_params;
# we are very simple - any requests that don't match one of the later location blocks we
# define will be matched by this one
location / {
# for habari, i want to redirect any requests for the admin or login pages
# to the ssl versions, to protect any potential sensitive input
rewrite ^/(admin|auth)(.*) https://$host$request_uri?;
# the magic. this is the equivalent of all those lines you use for mod_rewrite in Apache
# if the request is for "/foo", we'll first try it as a file. then as a directory. and finally
# we'll assume its some sort of "clean" url and hand it to index.php so our CMS can work with it
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php$is_args$args;
# $is_args will be '?' if there is a GET string, or '' if there isn't
# $args is obviously then the GET string, or '' if there isn't one
# remember that PHP-FPM status URL we setup? we want to support it for this
# vhost. so if the request is for /status, hand that back to
# PHP using our named upstream server
location /status {
fastcgi_pass php;
# this is identical, but for the ping URL we setup
location /ping {
fastcgi_pass php;
# and finally, the magic that makes PHP work. if the file being requested ends in ".php"
# it's something that PHP-FPM should process, so hand it to our named upstream server
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass php;
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