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Last active September 11, 2015 05:40
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Silly anime watching assistant
import sys, inspect, re
import requests, webbrowser
from BeautifulSoup import BeautifulSoup
USER_AGENT_HEADER = {'User-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; rv:34.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/34.0.1'}
class Anime(object):
baseurl = ''
_total_episodes = -1
_video_cache = {}
def __init__(self, url):
raise NotImplementedError
self.anime_name = ''
self.info_page = ''
self.start_ep = 1
self.current_ep = 1
def get_total_episodes(self):
raise NotImplementedError
if self._total_episodes < 0:
return self._total_episodes
def get_episode(self, episode):
def get_video_link(self, episode):
if episode in self._video_cache:
return self._video_cache[episode]
def pop_episode(self):
if self.reached_end(): return
elif self.current_ep == self.get_total_episodes():
self.current_ep = -1
return self.get_episode(self.get_total_episodes())
self.current_ep += 1
return self.get_episode(self.current_ep-1)
def cache_video_link(self, episode):
self._video_cache[episode] = self.get_video_link(episode)
def reached_end(self):
return self.current_ep == -1
def goto(self, ep):
self.current_ep = int(ep)
class GogoAnime(Anime):
baseurl = ''
def __init__(self, url):
if not url.startswith(self.baseurl):
raise NameError("Wrong class idiot")
print url
if '.tv/category/' in url:
self.anime_name = url.split('/')[-1]
self.start_ep = 1
self.info_page = url
elif '-episode-' in url:
self.anime_name = '-'.join(url.split('/')[-1].split('-')[:-2])
self.start_ep = int(url.split('/')[-1].split('-')[-1])
self.info_page = self.baseurl + 'category/' + self.anime_name
raise AttributeError("What the fuck is up with this: " + url)
self.current_ep = self.start_ep
def get_total_episodes(self):
if self._total_episodes < 0:
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.info_page).text)
eps = data.body.find('ul', attrs={'id':'episode_page'})
self._total_episodes = int(eps()[-1].string.split('-')[-1])
return self._total_episodes
def get_episode(self, episode):
if episode > self.get_total_episodes(): raise IndexError
return self.baseurl + self.anime_name + '-episode-%s' % int(episode)
def get_video_link(self, episode):
super(self.__class__, self).get_video_link(episode)
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.get_episode(episode)).text)
udata = data.body.find('select', attrs={'id':'selectQuality'})
odata = udata.findChildren()[-1]
print 'Using quality ' + odata.string
return str(odata.get('value'))
class AnimeJoy(Anime):
baseurl = ''
def __init__(self, url):
if not url.startswith(self.baseurl):
raise NameError("Wrong class idiot")
surl = url.split('/')
self.anime_name = surl[4]
self.info_page = '/'.join(surl[:5])
self.current_ep = self.start_ep = int(surl[5]) if len(surl) == 6 else 1
def get_total_episodes(self):
if self._total_episodes < 0:
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.info_page).text)
eps = data.body.find('div', attrs={'class':'episodes'})
self._total_episodes = int(eps('a')[0]['href'].split('/')[-1])
return self._total_episodes
def get_episode(self, episode):
if episode > self.get_total_episodes(): raise IndexError
return self.baseurl + self.anime_name + '/%s' % int(episode)
def get_video_link(self, episode):
super(self.__class__, self).get_video_link(episode)
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.get_episode(episode)).text)
odata = data.body.find('source')['src']
return str(odata)
class AnimeShowTv(Anime):
baseurl = ''
_mirror_prioritys = ['MP4UPLOAD HD', 'MP4UPLOAD', 'MP4VIDS', 'AUENGINE', 'RAW']
_mirror_video_reg = {
"file: \s*'(.*?\.mp4)',\s*?label:\s*'720p'",
def __init__(self, url):
if not url.startswith(self.baseurl):
raise NameError("Wrong class idiot")
surl = url.split('/')
durl = surl[3]
if '-episode-' in url:
self.anime_name = durl.split('-episode-')[0]
self.info_page = url.split('-episode-')[0] + '/'
self.anime_name = url.split('/')[3]
self.info_page = url if url.endswith('/') else url + '/'
if '-mirror-' in durl:
self.current_ep = self.start_ep = int(durl.split('-mirror-')[1].strip('/'))
elif '-episode-' in durl:
self.current_ep = self.start_ep = int(durl.split('-episode-')[1].strip('/'))
self.current_ep = self.start_ep = 1
if '-mirror-' in durl:
self._mirror = int(durl.split('-mirror-')[1])
self._mirror = 0
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.get_episode(self.current_ep, self._mirror)).text)
self._mirrortype = str(data.body.find('a', attrs={'class':'mirror-active'}).string)
def get_total_episodes(self):
if self._total_episodes < 0:
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.info_page).text)
eps = data.body.find('table', attrs={'id':'episode-list-entry-tbl'})
self._total_episodes = int(eps('tr')[0].td.a['href'].split('-')[-1].strip('/'))
return self._total_episodes
def get_episode(self, episode, urlmirror=0):
if episode > self.get_total_episodes(): raise IndexError
aurl = self.baseurl + self.anime_name + '-episode-%s' % int(episode)
if urlmirror:
res = requests.head(aurl+'-mirror-'+str(urlmirror)+'/')
aurl += '-mirror-' + str(urlmirror)
else: # This is where I pick the best mirror right?
return aurl + '/'
def get_video_link(self, episode, mirror=-1):
super(self.__class__, self).get_video_link(episode)
if mirror == -1:
mirror = self._mirror
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.get_episode(episode, mirror)).text)
odata = data.body.find('div', attrs={'id':'embbed-video'}).iframe['src']
data2 = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(str(odata), headers=USER_AGENT_HEADER).text)
mirrortype = str(odata).strip('http://').strip('www.').split('.')[0]
return[mirrortype], str(data2.text)).groups()[0]
if not hasattr(self, '_other_mirrors'):
self._other_mirrors = self._get_other_mirrors(mirror)
if mirror in self._other_mirrors: self._other_mirrors.pop(mirror)
if not self._other_mirrors:
raise RuntimeError("No available mirrors")
while self._other_mirrors:
for m in self._other_mirrors:
next_mirror = self._other_mirrors.get(m)
if next_mirror is not None:
print 'Mirror %s (%s) failed, trying mirror %s (%s)' % (mirror, mirrortype, m, next_mirror[0].lower())
d = self.get_video_link(episode, m)
del self._other_mirrors
return d
def _get_other_mirrors(self, mirror):
data = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(self.get_episode(self.current_ep, mirror)).text)
mirs = data.body.findAll('a', attrs={'class':'mirror'})
return {mirs.index(t)+1:(t.string, str(t['href'])) for t in mirs}
def get_class_dict():
classes = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__],
lambda m: inspect.isclass(m) and issubclass(m, Anime) and m != Anime)
return {y.baseurl:y for x,y in classes}
def lazy(url):
cd = get_class_dict()
url = url.replace('http://www.', 'http://')
for path in cd:
if url.startswith(path):
return cd[path]
import time, itertools, webbrowser
import pyperclip
import anime
if __name__ == '__main__':
print 'Supported anime websites:'
for a in anime.get_class_dict():
print ' ' + a
print 'Copy a valid video url to the clipboard and press enter.\n'
s = itertools.cycle('|/-\\|\\-/')
waited = False
while True:
cbtext = pyperclip.paste()
if cbtext and anime.lazy(cbtext):
print 'Valid url: %s\n' % cbtext
if waited: raw_input('Press enter to begin\n')
print '\rWaiting for valid url %s\r' %,
waited = True
CorrectAnime = anime.lazy(cbtext)
a = CorrectAnime(cbtext)
print 'Starting at episode %s/%s' % (a.current_ep, a.get_total_episodes())
for ae in range(a.current_ep, a.get_total_episodes()+1):
print 'Caching next video link...',
print 'Done.\n'
if a.reached_end():
print 'You have reached the end of the available episodes.'
raw_input('Press enter to open episode %s/%s' % (ae + 1, a.get_total_episodes()))
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Rad thnx for this! I just wrote an animejoy py script that allows search and episode selection check it out you might like it

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