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Last active July 9, 2016 04:30
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Modified version of to support non MccApp accounts
function main() {
var config_options = {
'default' : {
metric : 'Conversions', // This metric will be used for determining duds
threshold : 0, // Duds are less than or equal to this threshold
days_ago : 90, // The timeframe of the data to consider, days ago to yesterday
days_in_limbo : 5 // The script will warn you for this many days before deleting something
//MccApp.accounts().executeInParallel('findKeywordsToDelete', 'generateReport', JSON.stringify(config_options))
* Collects the reporting results from all accounts
* and generates a nicely formatted email. If there
* are errors for an account, it includes those
* in the email as well since an error in one account
* won't stop the entire script.
function generateReport(results) {
var NOTIFY = [''];
var total_deleted = 0;
var total_keywords = 0;
// This is some explanation that will go in the body of the email.
var email_html = '<p>This is a summary of the keywords that '+
'are in danger of or have already been deleted. '+
'You can stop the deletion process by removing '+
'the countdown label and applying the "Save" '+
'label to the keyword.</p>';
var htmlTables = [];
var errors = [];
for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
// If there was an error in the account, let's add it to the email
if(results[i].getStatus() != 'OK') {
errors.push(results[i].getCustomerId() + ': ' + results[i].getError());
// Otherwise, we pull out the results and format them as needed.
var object = JSON.parse(results[i].getReturnValue());
if(!object) { continue; }
// Here we are keeping track of the totals to use
// in the subject line later.
total_keywords += object.total_keywords;
total_deleted += object.keywords_deleted;
if(errors) {
email_html += '<p>The following accounts returned an error</p>';
email_html += '<p>'+errors.join('<br/>')+'</p>';
email_html += htmlTables.join('');
email_html += '<p>Generated on: '+
Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(),'MMMM dd, yyyy @ hh:mma z')+
' by the Keyword Cleanup Script.</p>';
// Let's build our subject line as needed
var subject = 'Keyword Cleanup Script';
if(total_deleted) {
subject += ' - ' + total_deleted+' KWs Deleted';
if(total_keywords) {
subject += ' - ' + total_keywords+' Will Be Deleted Soon';
if(errors) {
subject += ' - ' + errors.length +' Account Errors';
// And finally, we send the emails.
for(var i in NOTIFY) {
MailApp.sendEmail(NOTIFY[i], subject, 'See html body.', { htmlBody : email_html });
// This helper function takes a set of results
// and returns nicely formatted HTML for a table.
// You can change the formatting as needed.
function generateHtmlTable(results) {
var retVal = [];
retVal.push('<table border="1" width="50%" style="border-collapse:collapse;">');
retVal.push('<td width="40%">'+results.account_id+'</td><td>'+results.account_name+'</td>');
retVal.push('<td width="40%">Deleted Keywords</td><td>'+results.keywords_deleted+'</td>');
var labels = Object.keys(results.label_stats).sort();
for(var i in labels) {
retVal.push('<td width="40%">'+labels[i]+'</td><td>'+results.label_stats[labels[i]]+'</td>');
return retVal.join('');
* This function returns a summary of the changes
* we made to the account which can then be formatted
* and emailed as needed.
function generateSummaryData(changes_to_make) {
var summaryData = {
// Account information
account_id: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId(),
account_name: AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getName(),
// Keywords we deleted (if any)
keywords_deleted: changes_to_make.kw_to_delete.length,
// Keywords that will soon be deleted (if any)
total_keywords: 0,
// Counts for each label
label_stats : {}
for(var i in changes_to_make.labels_to_add) {
var label_name = changes_to_make.labels_to_add[i].label;
if(!summaryData.label_stats[label_name]) { summaryData.label_stats[label_name] = 0; }
return summaryData;
* This is the function that will run in each account. We
* can leverage all the functions we wrote earlier to make
* this as short as possible.
function findKeywordsToDelete(optionalInput) {
// We are sending over a set of configs from the main
// function. Parse that config, check to see if there is
// an override for this account, or use the default.
var all_configs = JSON.parse(optionalInput);
var cust_id = AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getCustomerId();
//var config_options = (all_configs[cust_id]) ? all_configs[cust_id] : all_configs['default'];
var config_options = all_configs['default'];
// Create our labels
// Find the keywords old enough to be considered and then
// the keywords that we consider duds.
var keywords_old_enough = getKeywordsActiveDaysAgo(config_options.days_ago);
var duds = getDuds(config_options,keywords_old_enough);
// Let's get our object ready to store the changes we need to make
var changes_to_make = {
kw_to_delete: [],
labels_to_delete: [],
labels_to_add: []
while(duds.length > 0) {
// withIds can only handle 10000 records at a time.
// This will chop the duds array into 10000 record chunks.
// If you don't do this, you will get a strange error when you
// try iterating through the list.
var duds_chunk = duds.splice(0,10000);
// Similar to before. If we are running short on time, leave early to
// allow the script to process the changes.
if(AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 120) {
Logger.log('Leaving early!');
// Apply all the changes we made
// Generate some summary data so that we have something
// to collect for the email.
var summaryData = generateSummaryData(changes_to_make);
return JSON.stringify(summaryData)
* This function verifies that the keywords already in limbo
* but are no longer a dud have the labels removed as needed.
function checkForRedemption(duds,changes_to_make) {
// An array works well for selectors, but
// it will be much easier to do lookups here if
// we transform the duds array into a map.
var dudsMap = {};
for(var i in duds) {
dudsMap[[duds[i][0],duds[i][1]].join('-')] = true;
var labelIter = AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH 'Deleting in '").get();
while(labelIter.hasNext()) {
var label =;
var kwIter = label.keywords().get();
while(kwIter.hasNext()) {
var kw =;
var key = [kw.getAdGroup().getId(),kw.getId()].join('-');
if(!dudsMap[key]) {
// The keyword is no longer a dud. Let's remove the label.
// We have to find the label linked to this keyword though since
// we don't want to delete the label from the entire account.
var newLabelIter = kw.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH 'Deleting in '").get();
while(newLabelIter.hasNext()) {
* Given a set of Ids, an object to store updates in, and the
* max number of days a keyword can be in limbo, this function
* iterates through your account and gathers the changes to be
* made. It also contains the logic to ignore keywords with the
* label "Save" on them. All changes are stored in the arrays within
* the object changes_to_make.
function findChangesToMake(duds,changes_to_make,max_days_in_limbo) {
// This is the label applied to "Save" a keyword
var SAVE_LABEL_TEXT = 'Save';
// This is the label format applied to keywords in limbo.
var LABEL_REGEXP = /Deleting in (\d+) days/g;
var kw_iter = AdWordsApp.keywords().withIds(duds).get();
while(kw_iter.hasNext()) {
var kw =;
var labels = kw.labels().withCondition("Name STARTS_WITH 'Deleting in '").get();
var processed_label = false;
while(labels.hasNext()) {
var label =;
var label_text = label.getName();
if(label_text == SAVE_LABEL_TEXT) {
processed_label = true;
} else if(LABEL_REGEXP.test(label_text)) {
// This means the keyword was previously in limbo
processed_label = true;
var match = label_text.match(/\d+/g);
if(match) {
var daysLeft = parseInt(match[0]);
if(daysLeft == 1) {
} else {
changes_to_make.labels_to_add.push({kw:kw,label:'Deleting in '+daysLeft+' days'});
} else {
throw 'Was not able to extract remaining days from label: '+label_text;
if(processed_label) { break; }
if(!processed_label) {
changes_to_make.labels_to_add.push({kw:kw,label:'Deleting in '+max_days_in_limbo+' days'});
if(AdWordsApp.getExecutionInfo().getRemainingTime() < 120) {
Logger.log('Bailing early!');
* This function applies a set of changes provided.
* It utilizes tight loops to take advantage of any
* batch processing behind the scenes.
function applyChanges(changes_to_make) {
for(var i in changes_to_make.kw_to_delete) {
for(var i in changes_to_make.labels_to_delete) {
for(var i in changes_to_make.labels_to_add) {
* Helper function to create the labels in the account
* that will be used to keep track of Keywords in limbo.
function createLabelsIfNeeded(days_in_limbo) {
for(var i = 1; i<=days_in_limbo; i++) {
var label_name = 'Deleting in '+i+' days';
if(!AdWordsApp.labels().withCondition("Name = '"+label_name+"'").get().hasNext()) {
'These entities will be deleted in '+i+
' days. Created by an AdWords Script.');
* Find all the keywords that match a set of criteria. Those keywords
* will be filtered by the set of eligible keywords.
* It returns a list of AdGroup and Keyword Ids to use in a Selector.
function getDuds(options,eligible_keywords) {
var columns = ['CampaignId',
// Let's add the metric we're using to find the duds
var date_range = [
var query_str = [
].join(' ');
var report =;
var rows = report.rows();
var duds = [];
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
var key = [row.CampaignId,row.AdGroupId,row.Id].join('-');
// If the keyword isn't eligible, skip it
if(!eligible_keywords[key]) { continue; }
return duds;
// Helper function to build the AWQL filter
function buildFilterClause(options) {
return [options.metric,'<',options.threshold].join(' ');
* Find all the keywords that were active daysAgo
* Return those Ids in a mapping so we can easily filter other
* queries.
function getKeywordsActiveDaysAgo(daysAgo) {
// This will be a mapping of Ids we will return
var keyword_ids = {};
// We are only concerned with the Ids, so let's
// make this as small as possible.
var columns = ['ExternalCustomerId',
var date_string = dateStringDaysAgo(daysAgo);
// Our date range is going to be a single day
var date_range = [date_string,date_string].join(',');
// A simple AWQL Query to grab active keywords from that day
var query_str = [
].join(' ');
var report =;
var rows = report.rows();
while (rows.hasNext()) {
var row =;
// Our Id will be a combination of Campaign Id, AdGroup Id, and Criteria (Keyword) Id
var key = [row.CampaignId,row.AdGroupId,row.Id].join('-');
keyword_ids[key] = true;
return keyword_ids;
* Helper function to calculate the date daysAgo
* Returns a string such as 20151125
function dateStringDaysAgo(daysAgo) {
var ONE_DAY = (24 * 60 * 60 * 1000);
var today = new Date();
var daysAgo = new Date(today.getTime() - (daysAgo * ONE_DAY));
return Utilities.formatDate(daysAgo, AdWordsApp.currentAccount().getTimeZone(), 'yyyyMMdd');
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